
post easter edition

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Wonder how white race realists reconcile their ethnic nationalism with the demonstrated superiority of chinks and japs on IQ tests


thank god the idiot parade shut up about abortion

chinks are white

caesar is too but Aurelius' writing was very helpful to me. I read "meditations" probably around once a year

honestly 99% of being a leader, Mayor, pm whatever is just deciding where money goes

Have you actually changed as a result of it though?


i hurt myself today
to see if i still feel


yes, definitely. I would recommend reading it if you get a chance

I like and respect Asians though

>posting on /brit/ at 1am

evidently not

Ahh yes very nice

should use this as an advert for bio oil

i will be posting on Sup Forums alot less now that my pass has expired.

>replying to a 54 minite post
leafs everyone

not the same pattern lad
plus it's not like neo nazis have a monopoly on blue white green

he's an ugly twerp of a man is ¯.


very nice video, thank you mate x

Meditations is a pretty basic intro to Stoicism and Roman philosophy
the Enchiridion and On the Shortness of Life are both solid next steps


Went asleep at just before 7 because I've had a fever and was feeling tired and had all these odd dreams.

I dreamt that Reece, the normie deano who gets posted on here sometimes, was a vegetable after being in a car accident and his girlfriend was posting on Instagram about turning his life support machine off.

Then I was dreaming about buying pizzas in Tesco and I was really nervous about the pizza not fitting in my oven because it was huge.

I've never seen a black man with a beard who wasn't also a terrorist.


Why do people call Le Pen a Nazi? Name literally one fascist policy she has suggested


2000 years from now when the great american empire falls what books/writings will people point at to best describe american philosophy?

I've never seen a black man with a beard


Personal Freedom, liberty, self defense etc

"A Modern And Progressive Burger Company"

it's the same with all politicians who are not progressive far left liberals

people call farage a nazi when he has never said one vaguely racist thing

his policies wouldn't even be seen as that right wing 20 years ago


just want him back


So lonely...

rasheeds hate blair


Real answer?
Moby Dick

ayn rand would probably unironically be there, as well as several other influential libertarians. That will be america's primary ideological legacy

I dreamed twice or thrice over the last week that I was within a hair's breadth of getting a good girlfriend, 1 was 15 years of age and said "hot" because I was calling to sit with her in her bedroom.

john rawls


he literally created al qaeda and let all their smelly families into the country

still can't believe this was done unironically

Infinite Jest



>I was really nervous about the pizza not fitting in my oven because it was huge
laughing at the mental image of this

Rasheeds hated Saddam.
They bring up Saddam to guilt trip whitey because whitey is stupid.

What the fuck does a Paki have to do with Iraq?
Fuck all yet they love bringing it up to exploit more white guilt.

Saddam was a secular dictator - a rasheed's worst nightmare.

Blair increased paki immigration?

progressive is a buzzword that means nothing

left wing nut jobs are sending us into the dark age of culture

ah yes, liberalism



yes massively

I used to live on a nice street when he got elected in 1997 that was 100% white and miles away from the asian ghetto in my town

By the time I moved in 2005 at least 60% of my street was asians and it was full of litter and it was a horrible place to live

blair is 100% responsible for this

*ephebophile* and legal in France.

I took a creative nonfiction course with David Wallace at Ponoma back in '94. We weren't allowed to show anyone our essays outside of the class for some reason. He seemed naturally intelligent, didnt need to look at any notes or textbooks or prepare for any lectures, he just knew his stuff and was super casual.

I saw him talking to a girl on campus one day. He uncharacteristically wore a Fila sweatsuit, the kind that looks like it's made from the same material as parachutes, and trainer sneakers with a matching bandana. That was his pussy hunt outfit apparently. Several times a week, same outfit, I'd see him hitting on women in it. I once saw him wearing it while carrying an identical outfit from the dry cleaners, he had like 4 sets of same Fila sweatsuit.

I asked him about it in class and he said we aren't allowed to discuss anything unrelated to class while inside class, the same way we can't show anyone outside of class our essays. A student called out "but Dostoevsky isn't in this class and last week you talked about replicating his black tea obsession to test its affects on your own writing". Wallace stared blankly at the student with dead eyes for 30 seconds in dead silence then said "you just got knocked down a full letter grade. Any other smart asses? Didn't think so." and pushed up his glasses with his index finger.

I remember telling myself this guy will either be super successful or kill himself.

If there were ever another civil war in the US what do you reckon your cunt would do about it


made a bad post so I left for a half an hour what have I missed

nothing like last time ha ha

got 750 mg of dxm now
going to do a quarter tonight with some dabs

take 400mg you pussy or you won't feel shit

sparta was so cool lads
wish it was still about

Just seen the time. Best be off now. Night all.

just want stimulant and slight disassociative effects for now
going to do a quarter now, quarter on friday night, and save the rest for a proper trip

umm sweetie

Stack it with 700mg of Benadryl or you're a runt

you won't even get that you just won't cough for a few hours

If only she were just a tiny bit prettier

*tucks you in*

had a full conversation with my brother on dph one time and later in the day he said it never happened

I have an irrational fear of people spitting in my food/drinks while I'm not looking

I saw little grey men and a spectral tiger on 800mg of it

i heard dxm is great even at sub disassociative doses
this would be a 2nd plateau dose for me

just spat in some leaf's drink


Feel really suicidal and start crying at night hahah

what's wrong lad?

me too

he's suicidal

my name jeff

DAILY REMINDER that Brits call pulp "juicy bits" and french toast "eggy bread"

Mum forgot to send me a good night text, she doesn't love me


>check calorie count for the day
>12 000 and climbing

So fucking hard eating three times a day honestly, can hardly ever get it done


you shouldn't be eating 3 times a day like a pig
you get too much insulin in your blood and build a resistance to it which make you get fat easier.

Watching supersonic lads

Went in thinking Liam was the cunt and Noel was cool, now think the opposite.


what bland food are you eating?

Need, NEED a Jewish gf

Doesn't matter what it tastes like I don't enjoy eating

we love you lad


Richmond sausages and oats, sandwiches from Morrisons and ready meals from Sainsbury's

kendrick is god

convinced the master diet is lunch and dinner with no memefast

depressing thread

need a soundtrack for the industrial revolution