Sup Forums

Sup Forums........
I'm conflicted...
My heart is torn into two desperate pieces right now...
on one side I have my ex girlfriend,
>solid 8/10
>crazy as fuck
>used to get into physical fights with me
>had babies with her she aborted without me knowing
(fucks my head up)
>constantly trys to rekindle what we had
>i am almost always falling for it
>i love her but my family and everyone, my friends EVERYONE hates her.
The other side
>a girl who is crazy, but crazy for me.
>always asks how im doing
>always make sure im happy
>always laughs at my stupid jokes
The problem is im not very sexually attracted to her. She is a bit fat. The sex is great when im (((drunk)))
>i have a problem being seen in public with a fat girl because i dont know.

tl;dr hot ex vs new fatty
Sup Forums WHAT DO.

Other urls found in this thread:

im bassicly dating them both at the same time right now but its too much,- i am conflicted and i dont really have male friends to consult because i only befriend girls (for the soul purpose of fucking/dating)

Stop being such a fucking cucklord and just fuck both of them. Be thankful you have women that even want to be around you and just have fun, do whatever your heart tells you. Life's to short to sweat the small bullshit like women.

Your input is appreciated. You failed to realize what I said though, I love both- I can't do that to them I am not a person who wants to fuck everything in side, I did that enough, I want one or the other and im asking Sup Forums for the imput.

Didn't really read, haha just noticed two girls are wanting you. After a reread, I'd say go with the chubby. Weight can be changed, personality rarely can. She aborted your kid, and if I'm being completely honest if she's an 8/10 and is crazy as fuck, it might have been a one night stand or other fwb's baby or thought there was a chance it could be someones other then yours. Either way, she didn't consult you about it. Go with the girl who actually seems to give a fuck about you.

thank you so much

can i ask your age?

The ex sounds fun, but getting an abortion behind your back shows a complete lack of respect. Ok to fuck her, not ok for a relationship.

Fat chicks disgust me, so I have no advice on that situation.

Maybe just keep fucking both until someone better comes along.

>st keep fucking both until someone b
honestly user that was my go to plan but hearing ((reading)) it from someone else goes along way.

OP shameless self bump ;_;

shamefull self bump

Just having the scent of pussy on you attracts more pussy. Also you'll be more relaxed when meeting new chicks and therefore less likely to sperg out.

t. fatass

meeting/being with girls has never been a problem for me its just my heart is so conflicted im such a romantic pussy...

thank you user i appreciate you

Drop both of them, this situation is bad for your mental health and one of them is going to end up killing the other. Also, lack of attraction really fucks up relationships in the long haul, so you really are on a lose/lose fence here.

just keep fucking both until someone better comes along.

OP this is the answer you seek. Fatty will stay fat and shes only being nice to you because shes fat and no one else will give her the time of day.

Fuck the crazy ex and the desperate fat chick till some slim 8/10 level headed girl comes out.

8/10 level headed girls don't just come along

I appreciate the fuck out of you guys, your imput is in consideration. I don't really know how to explain how much I truly dearly take this to heart, Love you user.

np man

I mean, everyones scaling will be different. Should I have said 6/10?

Personally my girl is really a 6/10 objectively but theres just certain features of her face that I appreciate more than others.

To you OP, I was almost in the same situation but the crazy ex was more just stalking me but she was always an option to go back to. For a while I dated the fatty but I wasnt really physically attracted to her. She just gave this general sane emotional safety net but the sex and everything else was HORRIBLE. Was in that shit for 2 years and I regret it. She was pushy about marriage and kids and I dont want any of that shit. She wanted to trap me because she was only gaining more weight despite her efforts to work out.

Now I got a QT 10/10 ( in my eyes anyway) slim as fuck girl thats not super crazy. Life couldnt be better. You just really gotta put in the effort to better yourself, dstance yourself from the fatty, and look in the right places for girls into the same hobbies as you.

To add onto my shit advice

With fatty I also got more lethargic and lazy. She wasnt putting in her fair share of work and wasnt really clean either so I was stupid and got complacent with being lazy myself. Normally the thought " if shes gonna be lazy fatass then I wont do shit either". Her weight wasnt attractive and it affected our sex after a while. Sure the first couple times that shit rocked but after she got used to it all she cared less and didnt put in as much effort to clean and take care of herself. Her fat pussy stank so fucking bad so she'd get pissy when I wouldnt go down on her.

As much as people say otherwise, physical attraction is severely important. Relationships do not last on personality alone. Oh and dont be a retard like me and fall for that "opposites attract" bullshit. I listened to that drivel for years and it does not make for a good relationship.