Bad at FPS

>bad at FPS
>bad at MOBA
>bad at Fighting Games
>bad at brawlers
>bad at even pokemon
>can't enjoy games because I get shit on in every game

>can't even enjoy single-player games because of cringy fan bases.

>Can't enjoy anything
>Develop a sarcastic personality
>Take up an antagonistic personality
>only truly feel happy when someone is else upset

>too weak to find outside hobbies

Should I just KMS or is there something else I can fin joy in?

Become a politician, try to ban videogames, seems fit

Watch anime or random shows/movies on Netflix. Read books. Find a nerdy interest like coding or writing or some shit. Work out oright go on walks/hikes. I'm too lazy to list more random shit for you

Find a work, win money, be happy, have a boy

Get deep into anime, you'll fit right in.

Welcome to Sup Forums, my friend.

This isn't a how to be autistic thread

You could be a curator of odd fetishes; you would keep terabytes of weird porn, with links to the original sources, so that you can be both a help to society and a massive troll on the SFW boards.

Are you sure?

get good at irl things
video games are made as poorly as possible now adays. it's an autism test to see who's pathetic enough to stay inside playing worthless shit, rather than doing something decent like playing a sport.

this op

You might have an antagonistic personality
>but are you any good at it?
If your no good at it, that should tell you something

Weed, dude. Seriously. It's the only thing that saved me from being straight-up suicidal. If I ever have to straight-up never smoke weed again, that'll be the day that suicide calls once again.

And single-player games or games that are strictly co-op or PVE. Left 4 Dead was great but Evolve sucks my fat boy

Play Fallout NV/4/3 (in that order) and spec toward VATS, then you don't need to be good at first person shooters to have fun

Git gud.
I suck at games too, 0 natural talent. Climbed from silver to Diamond in Overwatch just from practice.
Watch Youtube videos, guides, adjust your dpi. Theres a lot of optimisation that can help ur playstyle

Git gud scrub

I don't see Card / RTS games in there. You might be a god at Hearthstone / StarCraft and not even know it.

Yeah, right now's a great time to get into Hearthstone. New expansion in the next 3 weeks, so you'll have a chance even with scrub-tier cards

get into corn bread, iz fun game.

I get shit on in every game too. My SR is

>finding joy in things or activities
i gave up on that when i was 14, life has never been better

If you have $15-$20 and transportation:

Got to Wal-Mart (or Ace or Home Depot)
Get some wood while you're at HD
Get a $2-$4 dollar saw (yes, there are ones that cheap. Just bought one 2 days ago)
Get some nails and a hammer

Now, just saw shit and nail it back together as you want. Alternatively, glue.
Nails are faster though.

I'm going to make a cheap shit shelf for my old PS2 games that fits them exactly.

Now you have the tools, it's only the cost of wood (and maybe nails if you want different sizes) to make some cheap shit contraption.

>but I'm too weak
Then just drop the head of your e-dick on the nail, I'm sure that will suffice

buy a motorcycle