Chinese guy here, AMA

chinese guy here, AMA.

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Cock size, asap user

5.5 length 5.5 circ

Favorite American meal, fresh from the independence and freedom in the soul of every patriotic American on our fresh, saturated soil of liberty.

i love southern food, country fried steak, mashed potatoes, sweet corn. thanksgiving food is a close second.

What do you think about gommunism? :DDD

are the government massacring the xinjiang

i think its a beautiful idea but does not take into account human incentives. communist governments however usually use the ideology as a tool to strongarm the population into accepting tyranny for the "Greater good"

Are you from China or just Chinese?

probably, who gives a shit.

i am from china but do not currently reside there.

I just wanna say that I appreciate China's rich history and culture.

Ching ching ching ni hao kai Lin

thank you friend! china welcomes you.

Get out of here ur commie piece of shit

is that mm or inches, user?

France was better

if you live in the west, you're a commie piece of shit too, as well as a cuck, just by virtue of how many deadbeats you're feeding.


ni jue de riben ren ze me yiang?

Is the pollution in China as bad as I've heard?

>chinese guy here, AMA.

why da fuk you cunts always squinting?

they get a pass for ww2 in my book for animu, nintendo, sony, honda, etc.

It is in most big cities. Not OP but can confirm.

it's especially problematic in industrial areas and urban centers, water pollution is a problem too. they're slowly getting it together though, not that it'll matter in the long run.

How can you see?

same reason why your women flock to BBC. genetics.

ni wan yingxiong lianmeng?


What do most Chinese think of usa?

How do you feel about Taiwan?

mostly positively, they appreciate (and unfortunately plagiarize) american innovation and ingenuity. they generally welcome americans, the older ones still think america saved us by dropping those bombs.

What race do most Chinese guys think are hottest? Which race do you think is hottest?

wei se me? zhong guo ren shi tebie xihuan de

i hear the best place to live is chengdu, culture and lifestyle and attractive women and food.
how common is prostitution in your culture? (korean and japanese level? blowjob bars and coffee girls)
who do chinese blame for their problems (koreans blame japanese and vietnamese blame chinese)


i think they're okay, my dad really doesnt like taiwanese people. i support the idea of taiwan independence as a political entity separate from the PRC, but it feels like a korea type division because it's the same race of people (han) and similar and overlapping cultures.

Chinese people find white people super attractive. Billboards and street ads are plastered with white models.

most chinese guys as far as i can tell still just love chinese women the most. we don't think much of white women. i myself really like hispanic women.

ive never been to chengdu so i can't say, but i generally find that city life in china to be much better than city life in america (but american suburban life tops all)

prostitution iin china is extremely common, look up a town named dongguan, the entire town's revenue comes from prostitution. on every block there will be ads for "massages". there's also these underground phonebooks people distribute. it's not hard or expensive to get laid by a cute girl at all.

chinese people blame themselves for all their problems. i mean theyre still sore about ww2 and japan, and the wars after that, but just look up how many people died in all the civil wars that took place in china. chinese people historically have always never gotten along with each other.

it's definitely not beijing, i can tell you that

prostitution is illegal. it's common but it tries to be hidden. usually in massage parlors

japanese and kmt

four words : 玩物丧志

OP - are you really chinese? how is your english this fucking good?

i grew up in the states.

So far you sound like a robot, op
What do you feel about marijuana and cocaine?

i love marijuana, it really evens out my anxiety. i smoke almost errday. i don't like cocaine, it hurts my nosie.

make sexy michael jordan?


so i used to sleep with this chinese girl that was a dancer, wannabe actress (she had a few small parts in some Chinese kung fu movies), and was the daughter of some Chinese politician.

My question. What's with those weird noises Chinese women make during sex?

i dont know, have you slept with more than one chinese woman to make that generalization?

Haha, chairman Mao.
>I get it

Yes, one other. She was also a dancer. Maybe it's a ballet thing?

Fucking weird, it almost sounds like a baby crying.

maybe theyre trying to imitate the actresses in japanese porn

How do you feel about the fact that white guys have an easier time dating your women than you do? How does it feel to be the most common and least desirable race?



i don't think that's it.

>How do you feel about the fact that white guys have an easier time dating your women than you do?

you never seem to pick the pretty ones though

>How does it feel to be the most common and least desirable race?

good, it makes blending in a lot easier, allows me to get away with shit dindus can only dream about.

was it off putting? because i dont think ive experienced that.

How come every Chinese person I've met can play complicated piano pieces note for note from memory with no error, but can't seem to write any of their own tunes?

to be fair, most white people can't do either one

unfortunately originality is not a valued trait in chinese culture, conformity and obedience is valued.

would you let me fuck your asian gf with my big white dick?

i saw on the news that you guys are shooting blanks

idk i guess we'll just have to use your gf as an experiment

it will be a demonstration of the western notion of empiricism

with shitskin hordes overrunning your countries, it seems like you dont have much of a choice.

shitskin? oh you mean like chinese people?

>it will be a demonstration of the western notion of empiricism

this doesnt have any merit because your countries are literally under muslim invasion

im pretty sure there are more muslims in china than there are in the US friendo

because theyre right fucking there, you have an entire ocean separating you from the mudslimes, whats your excuse?

uh we're a western democracy

haha, okay

Dude! I lived China for 3 years. This is SO fucking common!!

how does china real about north Korea aka best korea

overall mixed. during the cultural revolution, china essentially had zero cultural output except maoism. culture had to be imported from soviet union and north korea, because they were the only countries with a compatible ideology. as a result, a lot of the older chinese people feel quite attached to north korea because they grew up watching north korean films (many of which are of the propaganda flavor but overall quite good) and listening to north korean music. younger chinese people generally support south korea because theyre currently enjoying south korea's cultural export.

politically china is unlikely to support north korea in waging any real wars, it's not even a realistic threat. north korea can huff and puff all it wants but without chinese support, north korea would collapse within weeks.

this is one of those movies i was talking about. every person in china of the baby boomer generation has seen this film

The age gape thing is quite interesting