Dump all the petite girls you all

Dump all the petite girls you all.

Other urls found in this thread:


I live in the US - I don't know any petite girls, they're all fat fucking hambeasts.

more a reflection of you being a loser than US. There are millions of gyms here, dumbass.

you both are fucking gay idiots.

Yeah, because I can personally force those women I know to attend gyms.
You're a retarded fuck. Don't reproduce, the world doesn't need more stupid people.

So, you are saying you only know fat girls?
Thanks for proving my point that you are a pathetic loser.

How does that make me loser by them being fat?
Where I moved to for work, the only ones around me are fat fucking hambeasts who do that to themselves. I am not friends with them, I don't date them, and I certainly don't fuck them.
So, how again am I the loser?
Your stupid is showing again, Cletus.

Interest in either of these two?


The right looks like Quaggmire.

>only knows fat "hambeasts"

Because someone who wasn't a loser would get out and meet some decent girls. Draw your own conclusion about the kind of person you are from that.

So, yep, um oh boy, I must really be stupid.
I think your mom is calling you for breakfast.

Monitoring thread...

I'm too busy working, because I have a job.
Perhaps you could find some places that hire retarded folk, like for cleaning tables, and you could learn what working for a living is like. Companies like hiring drooling potatoes like you, makes them look like they care about helping the less fortunate.
Toddle along now, Mommy's little windowlicker should be in bed.

So, no interest then?

Doesn't mean the picture has to be petite, faggot.

They look like dykes. Unless you have their nudes, not really.

I have both of their nudes you cock lord.


you are the king of autist sperglords

Says the dirt eating drool factory.

I doubt that, you're not dykish enough for the rug munchers.


>mfw this faggot lives in an area with a large population of obese women
>mfw he generalizes the entire country to his are
>mfw he tells someone they're stupid and not to reproduce

area* not reposting niggers



All Americans are fat bro.

Ice just stream already. Cx

Ive seen the jeremy kyle show. I know how big the average brit is.

the left one


Yeah. And the English have bad teeth. That is why you never go ass to mouth, then make out.

Has anyone told you you're stupid before?

Stop using mommy's pet name for you, stupid.

You get angry pretty easy. Anybody told you you have an anger problem?


Not angry, stupid. But someone is acting like they need a diaper change, thems all cwanky.

>6 KB, 259x194

>be American
>be 6'2
>be 175lbs.
>mfw I'm not fat and I live in Texas where we deep fry everything.

What a shit thread. You should all feel bad.

That's the left leg, fatass. Stand all the way on the scale.

I live in Texas. None around here.


I have no regrats, nah what I'm sayin'.

Itt: fatties arguing







my petite gf










Oh my, more?



i need context. and more of her.






ugly af






who is this?






Come dump your girls in here faggots

Lol....riiiiight....you would cum in your pants just riding around any major city in the US...

Go to the fucking gym, or are u just fucking retarded?












>elementary school insults
No wonder you're such a failure.

No mate I only inject

The fuck you talkin' 'bout? Maybe "dirt-eating" could use a little work, but "drool factory" is alright. An insult doesn't have to be more profane to be "more mature"

Great pussy and asshole but a horrible face

she's perfect. moar?