Does anyone have a deep hatred for Indians?

Does anyone have a deep hatred for Indians?

Indian hate thread.

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Literally shit skin.

Low literacy
Sub par on everything they do, workmanship etc.
Monetary dealings with them are painful - they think they're hustlers, negotiate price on everything they buy.

The only more shit tier scums on earth are only allahu Snackbars and niggers


They're the most socially retarded people in earth

Fucking hell, agree on all of this

I just fucking hate them all for some reason, I think its because I had an Indian chem teacher, the shit skin and accent made me hate Indians so bad.

I hate them just as much as i hate blacks


Cockroaches of the uk

Sadly not just UK mate. Oz is infested too.


street shitters


I feel doubly bad for you bro, you have the petrol drinking fountain swimmers too


They refuse English when in America


people need to watch this. This is how thing go down in india.

Designated shitting streets. Designated shitting fields. India.

dunno why you're mad man, some of the best time's i've had were with my 'tribe' of indian bros

drink, drugs, bitches, pork and good music have all been shared with my crew of tamil tigers

Tamils are Sri Lankan's not Indians you faggot

You forgot designated raping streets

They're the worst. Fucking rapists, all of them. look up the stories of western women who visit that shitstain of a country.

What's wrong with hating faggots?

Hope these shit skins stay the fuck in India.

Then why is... Tamil Nadu the southernmost part of India where many people speak Tamil, smart guy?

I too really hate that overpopulated shithole. Fucking filthy gangrapists

It's like why Bradford in the uk has Urdu as its local languge

OP is a faggot.

they're indian you fucking ingrate

damn that was dumb dude, anyways, carry on faggot, I can tell you're operating on a lower frequency

Always remember, white boi.
India poverty is your guilt.

I am fucking an indian women, she has nice tits.

hi yes babbe shw me ur vagine

why do they keep harassing our women

super power when?

Can't stand these subhuman fucks. They either become doctors who don't speak any English and fuck you over it they become IT and try to sell you low quality shit. Also they stink like sweat and spices. The brits should have killed them all when they took over the country.

I'm from Indian, born in the UK

>tfw I'm non-stereotypical Indian and all these poo-in-loo cunts make me look bad

Raping, smelly, stupid line cutters. I fucking hate each and every one of them. Literally shittiest race on the planet, even below (sand)niggers.

You can't even speak English properly you dumb street shitter

Does she shit in odd places?

Like the footpath

'from Indian'


Are you waterproofed against education?

"I'm from Indian" Shitskin fuck

LOL bunch of pakis in this thread hating on Indians for no reason

im indian from America, sue me fragile idiots

Indians are subhuman.
Whenever I pull off the interstate for gas, if I see a filthy Indian behind the counter, I'll just pull away and go to the next gas station.
How the fuck can these street shitters buy gas stations??
You can't even get a coffee from them. Cheapest cups, lids don't work, flies on all their food, restrooms stink so badly of piss you can't even use them. No TP even if you did. These are literally the scum of the earth.

>im indian from America

Cherokee or Navaho?

I can guarantee half these faggots are paki

Yeah I'd take it easy with the suing there buddy you're fucking Indian not a Jew

small dick white boys and paki boys cant accept the fact that india is rising and were going to fucking take over all your shit in a couple decades

low iq monkey cumskins


They take just as much money from us as kikes

I speak of a Sheffield accent you dirty cock block

I have a hatred for them because I find them creepy and disgusting. Not to mention having a kid with them would literally turn them half sandnigger

this triggers the white man

u mad we taking all ur anglo and blonde bitches haha

>speak of an accent.
Anons point proven again, you filthy illiterate.

Yeah but nowhere near as proficient in court

>bitch lasagna
Holy fuck my sides

indians are some of the most educated people in the west

dont u know? Asians have the highest iqs and make the most money in the west


>silver spoon indian kid lands gold digger

Hold the presses


just because they never stop calling my phone about car warranty scams. Most crime saturated country in the world.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Sure you are, you filthy spice monkey.
Try focus on indoor plumbing before you "take us over" will you?

>Asians have the highest iq


they are shitniggers


The moment you people stop worshipping toilets and learn to use them, we can open up this discussion again

indian girls are hot

>Indian thread
>posts niggers

You're just jealous he got to meat Eminem.

>implying there is any part of India where rape doesn't happen

t. Pakistani

Am asian. Can confirm i dont shit in the street.

all anglo countries will be majority indian soon

ITT: Trump supporters

Your hatred is sad, poor white guys

My magic second amendment 8 ball says not.

lol indians will always be friends and allies for anglos

fuck off paki boy

Never hated india people until i meet some at work. They are arrogant, dirty, retardet and you can't use a toilet after then. They even manage to piss on the ceiling.

Your people breed like rats.

Disgusting, smelly, vile creatures who women are lazier than niggers

I'm white, you dumb nigger. And there's no way I'd want a filthy Indian as a friend. Why would I want to be friends with something that would come round my house, shit on the carpet, and try rape my wife?
I've a dog that doesn't even shit on the carpet. You're less housebroken than dogs!!

whos uglier? indian or black women?

Hey Fucker, its you again with your hate Indians thread and that shit again
Paki here, remember me? also picture attached

Hey do you hate Pakis too?
also the Indian thing is your own doing

Fuck of nigger, I am alpine. Grew up in the mountains and ate knödel for decades

Your just as bad as Indians.

fragile jew boys are mad that India is rising


india over took UK economy and will overtake america soon

stay mad ahahhahaa

coming in with legendary indian posts



India is still in poverty, overpopulating, and they worship fucking cows. Nothing to be jealous about. I also like eating big, juicy, hamburgers.


How come?
we are fair, Aryan, more sophisticated, we dont shite in the streets, we have our own toilets etc. etc.

or do you generally hate people of other races?

Indians are as shit as sandniggers. Treat women like shit, shitty religion and can't build up their country but bragging to be superior. Remember when they shoot up those satellites and claimed to be the number one space travel nation? Fucking idiots.

Don't know about OP, but I definitely hate you filthy fuckers just as much. You think you're different, but you're not. You're just northern Indians that got infected with Islam on top of the other bacteria you're infested with. You're the exact same sub-race of humanity, who somehow now believe you're different.
The fucking irony!

I work with a lot of Injans courtesy of our stupid IT outsourcing policy. First point is not all Indians are bad. It's just that there's about 700 million of them in the office, so finding the good ones is hard. Second point, they all smell like curry, always, because they're always eating curry always. By mid afternoon it's BO and curry. I'm kinda desensitized to it, but chicks in the office definitely do not dig. Third point, the Indians that are "onshore" are getting screwed epically by their companies. They get sent overseas, and are not provided with the necessary means to be self sufficient. This means they have to share apartments, can't afford to live a normal local lifestyle, and therefore work and hang out together 24/7. Fourth point: All employees that work for the big IT outsourcers; Tata, HCL, InfoSys, TechM etc, are Indian. Because they're all indoctrinated to the class culture and any non-Indian would tell them to fuck right off with a salary offer of $20 a day. But you really do have to wonder how that works. 99.8% of your employee base is Indian and you're an "international" company? Fuck that shit. That's just a modern day Dickensian sweat shop.

>petrol drinking fountain swimmers


The only way to piss off an indian is laugh at thier inability to find a quality fast bowler.

Little short pencil dick faggots cant bowl for shit. Cannon fodder

>>Can play cricket: No

nice one

women? and who says grab them by the pussy you moron?

Dude, internet tough guy aside if this much hate is really going through your veins, thats not good for you. Seriously. too much racism. get out of your basement once in a while.

Also before hating brown people shouldn't Southerners bible belters be more worried about man dingos blacking your women? It even makes me feel bad and sad for white women. Epic beauty destroyed like that. And I am not talking about the porn. Real white girls are now more into blacking themselves than ever before because of such shit porn.