Any alcoholics here?

Any alcoholics here?

I tried to stop drinking for a week. Everything seemed to be fine until I relapsed after a week. Now, my anxiety is through the fucking roof and it's non-stop panic attacks and it's difficult to function in society.

I had energy and I felt great after a week of not drinking but once I started drinking again, it's far worse than it's ever been for me. I have to be drunk to even feel normal now.

Has anyone ever gone through this or gotten over it?

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Go through a detox and then immediately find something to fill your time. The less time you have to drink and to think about drinking the better.

I did this and eventually forgot about wanting to drink at all. I have no cravings whatsoever.

You just don't want to end up like me. I have 2 DUIs and multiple misdemeanors related to drinking and it fucked my life up.

Good luck.

i drink an almost impossible amount and i am nowhere near this level. hope you sort it out, user. weed might help you if it's indica.

Just start smoking weed when u feel restless etc will get alot better for the moment

I'm curious. What's an impossible amount?

The owner of the local bar here drinks from sunrise to sundown. Hard liquor. He's been doing this since his early 20s and is now in his 60s. Somehow, he's still alive and functioning. He's Irish if that helps.


Meh. I've learnt I'd rather die of cirrhosis all yellow and all than quit the drink

Look into supplementing Niacin (b3). There are documented uses of it working against alcoholism.

You really need to curb anxiety for it to be effective so focus on your GUT health and take some MAGNESIUM.

yeah that's what i do as well but i go through at least a liter of liquor a night as well.

Hey user,

Kinda had that same thing a few years back. But i´m not a full blown alcholic. I abused Alcohol fpr like months, when i sperated from my girldfriedn. Had a really nice thread here and alot of supportive people.

Haven´t been drinking ever since, expect three shots of vodka in russia. :D

Right now i kinda wann try some again, but only in the right setting. Like a party every few month, when everything is right to have a good time.

What helped me ist to realise that abusing alchol will destroy my life. I picked up Yoga and Meditation and picked some goals i want to achive.

Since then i got my black belt in Judo, became a yoga teacher and soon have my degree in geosciene.

Dude i know the feels. But realise that a lot of it is biochemical addiction and the rest ist your mindset. After you stop drinking the urge will supside and you have to focus on different things.

Maybe do Tony Robbins - Personal Power II. Threre are torrents out there ;)

Hope you get better soon!

Pic related, my post two years ago. Used the same picture ;)

started drinking about a year ago due to depression

now cant stop either

You're a good man user

stop buying it...

i'm Irish also so maybe that really is a thing

I had non-stop anxiety attacks yesterday. It's where your chest starts feeling funny and then your heat beats like it's trying to jump out of your chest. I walked around, went outside and did everything I could to calm it down, including laying in bed. Nothing worked. Your mind can fuck you up. Your brain is a powerful tool, even if there's nothing wrong with you.

Weak willed faggots "hurr durrr my anxiety"

Nope you're just a fat useless piece of shit looking for excuses to make people feel sorry for your dumb ass

Sorry Mr. Edgelord. Anxiety is very real. It's a living nightmare and you'd ever experienced it, you wouldn't be trashing people with it.

I wouldn't say i'm an alcoholic. I've just relied on it to maintain regular conversation since I was 14.


I smoked weed a few times since stopping alcohol. But it doesn´t do much for me any more. I don´t like the feeling of no beeing in control.

Recently i started with Psiolcyben Truffels, which you can strangly order from Holland in Europe.

There is some good research at Johns Hopkins University using Psilocybin in therapeutic setting for quitting smoking. Also i heard lot´s of good anectotal evidence about it. People complety change and adress their problems after taking them. And you can´t get addicted because your body builds up a tolerance.

I´ve taken two microdosis and it´s a nice meditative like feeling. I want to take a higher one once I finished my thesis and have a free head.

Might be a little bit out there, but worth a shot.

I struggle too. I have found exercise and hobbies are the best defense. When I'm not drinking I'm get really anxious. The exercise burns some of it, the hobbies help at night when the anxiety is worst. But my life is chaos right now and it's not always realistic to get the time for myself.

Raging alcoholic here. But functional. Married with kids, well paying job. But I drink 5 cases of beer a week.

Keep drinking then if you believe it helps you to have regular conversations with people.

So help me understand it. I know this girl who says hugging her for extended periods (30+ seconds) helps calm her anxiety down. What are the best odds to convert this girl into a casual fuckbuddy, user? If hugs can help her anxiety, then surely casual sex can too?

Thread backround song.

u didnt drink for a week. Just do that again. U know u can. Any less drinking is good for u, bitch

Coffee, drink ass loads of coffee

>So help me understand it

Imagine that your chest feels like it's sinking to the floor. Then, your heart starts beating out of your chest and your mind starts thinking you're going to have a heart attack. Every time your body feels any kind of sensation or movement, your mind automatically races to the worst thing possible. You start feeling sensations and it's hard to look people in the eye or even walk.

I genuinely do feel bad for people with severe anxiety because it's crippling.

Anxiety isn't real you're a pussy faggot retard who keeps convincing himself you're gonna drop dead out of nowhere for whatever apparent reason so you raise your own blood pressure and it perpetuates itself lmfao

The only thing I would suggest is I guess playing piano. I've been an alcoholic since the age of 14. My first and only DUI I blew barely under the felony level with a .23 and I was pulled over for expired tags rather than swerving. The judge noted that this was only doable for the most functional of alcoholics and that 99% of other people wouldn't be able to move their legs at that level, let alone walk or drive normally.

I played the system and ended up with only 2 months of piss tests and anti alcohol classes. I legitimately didn't drink the entire 2 months and the only thing that kept my mind off of it was messing around on this old grand piano at my parent's house. Watching youtube tutorials was enough to learn the basics and how to play most of my favorite songs. It ended up feeling like pressing button combos like in video games, but instead of shoryukens you were dishing out music.

Maybe this will help you, probably it wont. Just wanted to throw it out there since it helped me cope with not drinking for 2 months.

>I tried to stop drinking for a week.
There is no try.

under-rated post

>Anxiety isn't real
Underage b&

How much do you have to drink to be considered an alcoholic?

it doesn't work that way. an alcoholic is someone addicted to drinking alcohol. it doesn't have to do with how much you drink.

It's not how much you drink. Everyone's different. It's when you're dependent on alcohol to function.

I drink whatever I have available. Usually either a fifth of hard alcohol or a case of beer every day.

An alcoholic just means you're dependent on alcohol, so I guess if you need those 1-3 beers just to go to work/school/deal with life every day, then you'd be an alcoholic.

I drank probably 2 beers before class each day going for my engineering degree.

Dude I am have an anxiety attack right now. A minor one. Is this a thing from quitting?

Death is a thing from quitting. If your body has an actual dependence on alcohol from drinking so much regularly, you don't want to quit cold turkey. Ween off of it.

Chances are, you are probably just having a panic attack from overthinking things bothering you at the moment.

No one knows why they happen. Some people get them for no reason, even though they're not anxious people. Exercise is what helped me. Start rubbing your head or doing some situps.

I have been trying to quit. I have done it fairly slowly.

I am trying to quit and I have been searching to see if other people get massive anxiety when trying to quit.

I have been doing some exercises.

More than likely this and panic attacks aren't something I would wish on anyone.

>Heart starts pounding like a heart attack
>Your legs feel weak
>Your hand start shaking
>Your mind starts racing

Panic/Anxiety attacks are fucking horrid.

Does it count if we're on the slippery slope?

Sparing the verbose explanation of what are really just first-world problems, I turn to drinking more and more lately to solve more and more of those vast empty hours. I love drinking; I love booze, I love the sting of alcohol, I love the way whiskey burns as it goes down, I love the robust taste, I love the bitter sensation. And, of course, gettin' smashed is fuckin' righteous and I'm a twink boi, so I tank off of a fraction of what it takes anyone I know to get even past tipsy.

I'm 'stopping' myself and it's 'working' so far. But I'm headed into school and I just know I'm gonna hit the bottle more. The problem is I catch on pretty quick, so it's not falling behind I worry about-- it's that I'll be in school, surrounded by stressed students who could be anywhere ten years my junior, all surely down to get crunk on booze.

I'm not sure if this qualifies for this thread, but it sure feels like I'm staring down the tunnel here. Booze doesn't get any worse, is the problem.

Palms are sweaty
Knees weak, arms are heavy
Vomit on my sweater already
Mom’s spaghetti

So trying to quit can trigger massive anxiety attacks?

I also think you and I could jive.

Alcoholic here

Last november I had to spend 5 days in the hospital for detox, the anxiety is very real and they attach heart monitors to you to make sure your not freaking out. Their called Delirium Tremens

that is why they use benzodiazepines to take people off who have been heavy users

yes it can. but so can drinking. alcohol can be a trigger for anxiety attacks. if you want to quit drinking, don't be afraid of the anxiety. it's temporary. i am saying this as a sufferer of anxiety attacks. you can make it through.

Pitty Party Greentext

> Be me, 25
> Started new job and hated it. Made friends that drink
> Drank more
> Mrs left me
> Turbo-Alcoholic
> 2 pints every day for lunch at work, most times without food
> Each evening getting shitfaced in bars and pubs
> Spending £700 a month on alcohol
> Continues for years
> Fast forward Me, 27
> Lost my job, my house and move back in with parents just after my 27th birthday.
> No savings, 10K+ in debt
> Current mrs batshit crazy
> Doing menial odd-jobs to meet debt & rent payments
> Sell everything I own of any value where possible
> FML.jpg
> Drinking a bottle of wine a night, plus beer
> I get a bit better and start drinking less while trying to find a proper job
> Bitch goes full autist and I crack
> Dump that bitch
> Go turbo boozer
> Want to an hero
> Have total
> Fucking
> Meltdown.

From that point I stopped drinking anywhere near as much. I knew that if I were to let suicidal thoughts control me, that would be it, so I made a deal with myself. Drinking on Friday's and Saturdays only, and ONLY if I meet my personal targets. It gave me something to focus on and distract me from aimless drinking.

Now I've got a great job earning more than ever. I still love getting shitfaced and the buzz you get from getting totally annihilated, but its on my terms now. I tell myself when I can or can not drink and it seems to work. For example, I really want a drink on a weekday afternoon (I work from home) but I make a deal with myself, "user, if you manage to leave drinking until the end of the day, or even all week, then you can go and get shitfaced on Friday night". For the most part, it works. There are still the odd shitty days here and there where I fall off the boat, but I draw a line under it and try to be better the next day.

> Alcohol is an escape mechanism
> Replace it with something that you enjoy, other than drinking
> Don't beat yourself up about it, you'll just end up in a negative spiral

ironically benzos make me want to drink

>be me
>6 hospital detoxes
>spent most this year in rehab

A big reason people drink erryday is they aren't connected to any type of community. This is why shit like AA works for many folks.

I went to 100s of aa/na meetings in rehab. I got a sense of belonging , but at the same time AA is super gay.

I get my void of belonging filled now by joining fansites for TV and vidya and I hook up with random sluts on tindr now.
Also saving for a racing drone to join a local club here.

And my anxiety disorder is medicated.

I still drink , but not until blackout . Usually only when I'm watching a movie

best post

Thanks man. I could not imagine having to deal with this for the rest of my life. Shit is seriously fucked up.

admiting it is the first step to stopping so NOPE none here i see you are trying to trick us OP but alcoholics are not even real i can stop when i choose to i just never choosen to ever stop feels to good man

i know what you're feeling. drinking can cause anxiety so don't think of it as solving that. good luck user.

Just don't beat yourself up if u relapse. Just don't buy any more. Remember if u quit for a while you can't handle what u used to drink. A lot of people die on relapse binges so be aware...

Better choice would be to seek medical help detoxing. You don't want to die from a withdrawal seizure.

Right so I am at a point where drinking can cause anxiety and not drinking can cause anxiety. Well since I'm fucked either way might as well stick with it. Thanks user.

It's gonna be fuckin hilarious when you experience it. I hope it's 100X worse than anyone else has ever experienced. Karma.

that's the spirit

>Alcohol is a drug that reduces the amount of messages sent between neurons .
>long term use can cause your neurons to overcompensate by increasing the amount of messages, even when you're sober. This is what causes the anxiety (and tremors).

Anxiety is objectively measurable.

I've gone to websites about alcohol withdrawals and some of them do mention anxiety. I just wanted confirmation from other drinkers that it is a very present side effect of quitting and not just something that has a chance to happen because it's on a medical list.

i haven't found this to be the case. i am not an alcoholic but i drink heavily and regularly. i suffer from anxiety. i have never had an anxiety attack from stopping drinking. but it is possible.

I appreciate your honesty and input. I have had some friends that can get blasted for a while then stop and be completely fine. Which is why I was worried the anxiety was coming from somewhere else.

Start slow user

Ton of coffee

Have a beer at lunch and grab a six on the way home.

Drink a metric fuck ton of water.

I learned spanish and fagged on video games to balance free time

Try to avoid your lunch beer for a week
Try to just drink 5 beers a night for a week
Try to just drink 4 beers a night for a week
Try to just drink 3 beers a night for a week

Now chill you're normal and fine and you won't get anxiety when you can't get a drink a day or two

Quitters never win.