My conversation with my dad a few minutes ago

My conversation with my dad a few minutes ago

>user we spoke to your grandparents and they said they want you to come to Guangzhou (a city in China) to live with them so they can make your normal again, what do you think?
>I'm not sure, I'll think about it
>well it doesn't seem like you're getting better, if you're going to be at home most of the time, you might as well try out living. You can go with your grands to buy a computer once you're.
>okay I'll think about it and let you know

Looks like my family can't take it anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:


vr0 we feel you join our discord and spend more time inside chatting shit

>so they can make your normal again
What's the deal, is going to live with your grandparents like the Chinese version of gay camp?

Look at it this way OP.

your parents brought you to America to have a life that's exciting, new, and filled with endless possibilities that China doesn't have.

And it sounds like you waste your youth indoors playing vidya or something along those lines.

Your parents busted their asses off so you could accomplish great things. Go fucking do that.

They just want you to get that spark in your soul that they got back in Guangzhou

I'd honestly hate it if my son stayed at home all day.

Alright you lil aspiring Goku-san, let me break it down to you for you can retake the control of the whole situation and assert supreme control and dominance over your tyrants
>burst into kamikaze mode
>scotch tape your eye lobes wide for maximum anger effect display
>liek pic related
>start screaming gibberish bullshit with an emotional build up
>as you get higher in intensity of display, start flinging feces left and right
>autistic screech with the force of a thousand suns
>threaten to take down the world with the might of Giyagas
>finish up with a death stare just like pic related and don't even move anymore and stand still until both your parents spiral into nothingness
>so as if nothing happened
>continue shitposting on Sup Forums forever

no its just a polite way of disowning someone

so. Guangzhou - you speak canto?

ITT; OP is such a fag his parents wants to send him to labor camps in china

Yes but my parent gave birth to me in Australia

Go back to China you filthy fucking gook

Do whatever did

Ay, we both speak the lowkey useless chinese.

Well why aren't you normal now? What's actually wrong wth you? Just an awkward guy?

i dont understand how this gets posted daily and sometimes up to 100 people reply unironically it must just be one samefagging retard replying over and over right? but even then no ones that pathetic

Sorry nigga we don't all fucking come here everyday you cuck.

>traditionalism meets the internet


You're pretty much fucked. The problem is that emotional health was never really a concern for traditions; traditions specifically tend to be catered away from the terribly human elements of... well, humans.

All I can suggest is independently seeking help and having them vouch for you as needing to stay.

Going to China, m8, you're gonna see Nicky the Noose in days. You're one of us. You're soft, squishy.

China is fucking terrifying. Also full of like, a vast majority of the world's pollution.

Lol what are you doing that's making your parents feel disgraced?

You not a doctor yet ? You disappointment for family.

What's wrong , depressed ?

Lets just say im your typical r9ker. I live at home and have no job nor am i in education. A neet essentially

Perhaps. But mostly because i stay at home and never go outside. House hermit / neet.

olololololo buncho penises

how old r u mate?

Fuck off nisem

What ever shit hole you live in the US, it can't be better the n Guangzhou