G'morning user

g'morning user.
i hope u slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

can't listen to rush when you're dead

she is going to lose her glasses.

don't want to listen to them while alive either. No band makes me change the radio faster than Rush.

nice trips.
whats ur favorite band?

Why won't you?

Because my dad is still alive.
I'm out the week after he's gone.

nice dubs.
no reason to do so.
glad you care for ur dad.
don't u think he would want you to carry on after he's gone.


>Good job
>Nice house
>Great girlfriend
>Amazing daughter
>Sipping 35 year old Lagavulin as I type
Seriously, why would I even consider it?

Can't stop time. Maybe time will catch up on you?

I'm not really scared of time. Let's take shit as it comes.

post daughter

She's six months old. Also, no.

Because I'm not done laughing at society and how stupid people are.

sounds like a good life and no reason to do so.
nice dubs.
congrats on the kid.
you know some idiot is going to say, post her anyway.
nice dubs. yes society is dumb at times.


Because I'm going to kill myself tomorrow, luckily that's a relative term so tomorrow never comes.

>Maybe I should kill myself because I don't think anyone will know / like my reference

bcz I only use my rope for tying up bitches before I fuck them hardcore

thats great user.
i hope you and they enjoy it.

i have to work today

I made it through yesterday.

That's a good point. I'm going to put on 2112 and whack off.

That is some Tiger Mom shit right there!

what do you do?
congrats. was yesterday tough?
rush helps you wack off ?
i get it.

Wait...Ling Ling, y you know take it in all three holes? You razy! You so so razy!!!

Yesterday was one of tge toughest days in my life. I slept until noon for the third day in a row, was plauged by suicidal ideation, but managed to do everything I wanted to do, including fix my bedroom door that my wife almost kicked down, go for a run, do a lot of chores, and my wife even brought me tendies. I'm still here. Until I'm not.

You misspelled that word.

Long term (5+ years) girlfriend broke up with me recently, thought about ending it a bit at first. Decided to man up and try to see how well I can do in the single market.
Thought I needed her, but I've come to realize I don't at all.

Suicide is for pussies.

i hope you stay alive.
thanks for the correction.
carry on bro.

i hate life

why bro?