Hey guys I'm giving my best fonzi impersonation

Hey guys I'm giving my best fonzi impersonation
And having to baby sit this Saturday
What are you doing this weekend anons??

no millennial knows what a fonzi impersonation is.

outta here grandpa

I'm 40 sooooo

Do you think only millennials are on this site?

That's adorable

Are you gonna touch his little pee pee?

No because she gas a vagina and I'm not a Pedo

Hey what's up Lindsay?
Nice tits

Nice tits. Now put a finger in your ass and clench your sphincter

Im not op and if it is her she needs to start taking her clothes off even though I have hundreds of her nudes

Fuck all y'all

Stop trying to shame me

Don't be ashamed of those curves
I know a lot of men in Halifax gave enjoyed them
How much you charging these days??

What shame? You look great for 40

Here is my Fonzie impression:

Mrs. C, let's see those T-I-T-S or you will have to G-T-F-O, ehhhhhhhhhhh!


I've heard great reviews on her

Mrs. G technically

Wow, I can almost see your asshole. Almost. Way to tease a middle-aged married man. I'm sure you did it on purpose. Oh shit...here comes my wife! Act cool.

She looks good. OP...you look good!

Are you a boy or a girl?

Can you link to those reviews? I need to live vicariously through younger unmarried dick.

Who cares? An ass is an ass.

Just first hand accounts
She's a woman
I know
She didn't post it

>Who cares?
anybody who wants to further their lineage? are you retarded or just in highschool?

OP, if that is your real nane, do the people who hired you to babysit knw that you are on Sup Forums when you do it? I mean, I'm a degenerate, too, but...c'mon!

Fuck you people
I wanted a normal decent thread not shaming me foir sex or my body

Yeah I have nudes like every other woman in the world
Fuck you

Do they know she's a ho?
Her real name is Lindsay g

I know...but I WANT TO BELIEVE! Does ahe do anal? Please tell me she does. Lie to me, if necessary. Wait, if these pics were posted without her consent, then lie to me and tell me she's into it. Trying to stay away from viewing tits and ass that weren't meant for me on the serious.

Oh she takes it in the ass
Notorious for taking more than one guy home at a time

That's no way to talk about a woman who shows you her tits and vulva and almost her asshole. You take that back!

Uh huh

Shut up. Have you ever taken black cock?

You bet she doors just look at her

Would love to use you bitch

Fuck you

Try again

Nudes of the others??

Lindsay graham again?