Am i cute?

Am i cute?





pick one

You look like a mop

disgusting nigger. go back to africa


No, you're a nigger

Shave that thing off your face and you'll be aces

Me in Holland

Kill yourself disgusting nigger


Hey Crabman.

You don't know this guy stop dude.

damn your bitch is ugly


No you're a dirty nigger
But I'd still bend you over and shove it in your ass you bitch

It's from a show I like a little. The shoes name is "My Name Is Earl."

bad news, you're a nigger

Im not a nigger. Im german

be white not better.

i am asian. fuck white people


Fuck off, I don't have to know him to see he's a hideous nigger.

Ok, you're a german nigger.

You don't know him

Look cuntnugget I don't have to know him to SEE that he's ugly as fuck.

but you're racist ewwww

If white people don't take care of their own, who's going to?

antifa don't care about your white privilege

would shoot you

antifa can suck my dick and the muzzle of my rifle.

stfu edge lord you wont do shit but bark lil doggy

called the zoo keeper, he will come pick you up in 5


My rifle does the barking

Nothing worse than a nigger with haircut. Today's social media has brought there self esteem to high making them think they look good

ur probably just some jealous fat ass who has never had pussy before. I bet you die a little inside every time you see this dude post a picture while he's leading a free and successful life compared to you.

fuck off and kill yourself. the world would be a better place with one fat ass mouth less to feed.

what about white people

what is under her left eye? nigger starting to grow there?

>white people

the nose is giving her away, jew trying to be white and failing as a hippy.. lol

If done correctly, they just look like stereotypical vikings to me. This one isn't done correctly.

dumb ass nigga

stop your kkk shit you a old ass

Wiggers are just as bad as niggers

wow... great come back

>implying he knows what is behind his computer screen

>Am i cute?

No, you're a nigger and you're up to no good. GTFO of the US and go back to fucking Africa.

*smacks lips*
Hey hey hey
*pulls up shorts*
*flares nostrils*
And don't you forget it Whitey

They're worse.


I want to hold her down and shear her like a sheep.

Even if Egyptians were black. Do niggers think that it makes up for how shot of a continent Africa is now

Upon further reflection I must agree with you sir

You look better than most of the guys posting in this thread.


I don't think your cute enough to be a house nigger. But I think you would make a good looking field nigger.