Post is absolutely NSFW

Post is absolutely NSFW.
Do not watch unless you don't mind extreme sadism and gore (I mean this is Sup Forums after all but still, didn't see too much like it on here).
Some fag posted this video earlier today. It's some of the most disgusting shit I've ever seen.
He didn't reply when I asked him, I just want to know if it's from a gore movie like Guinea Pig or real.

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So, does anyone know where this is from?

That is your father being himiliated.

Not sure if this is from mexican cartels or a brazilian jail.


If that's disgusting to you then you should leave Sup Forums

my sides

Guess you're right. Will migrate to /hc/ and Sup Forums, maybe Sup Forums for the lols.

I'm on mobile and can't view this for some reason can u explain what's going on

>that guy is still moving

I can't fathom why people would actually do this to other people. Kill, sure. But this? WTF.

it's the classic "mexican cartel" gore, nothing new

Must feel crazy being conscious and having that done to you


its real, iirc, its a mexican gang, torturing an opposite drug selling member or some shit.

the full video is pretty graphic, hes screaming, gargling, they cut him to shreds with a blunt stanley knife.

been here for a number of years, but this is one of the most graphic things i remember seeing

That's what I meant. Didn't see much like this, even on Sup Forums.

probably gang/cartel related, they like to do this to "send a message"


its real and its in mexico. It is on bestgore

They should send a message to those gangs by dropping some military grade bombs on all of their assets (hopefully with them still inside and minimal innocents)

I guess for the dudes that did it, do they have any feelings? None? Weird....seems like that would mess with your head....

the dude bites the knife when they are cutting his tongue and inside his mouth was just over the top.....

I wonder why they didn't torture him more by his guts/ass/groin? I mean if your gonna be an evil monster, why not go alls he way??

was he ok?

I think he dieded.

>minimal innocents
Would you get a look at this fag.

Seriously, the best thing of this video is Funky Town playing in the background. It's just so unfitting.

The whole video with sound (and Lipps Inc - Funkytown) for anyone interested:

I mean, I've seen the cartel chainsaw beheading, but at least it *seems* like they put them on narcotics or something.