You jelly Sup Forums?

you jelly Sup Forums?

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are those shit patties cus they look awful

thank you for making me not appreciate my life even more

enjoy diabetes faggot


End of the month, meaning that i'm penniless, and i got lowkey munchies, so yes.

Instead of forming ground beef into a patty shape and then putting it on the grill, you just take a ball of ground beef and smash it into the grill with your spatula. This creates a unique crust and a rough patty shape that is fucking delicious.


No but your arteries jellyml. Go vegan nigger

I'm not jealous. I'd rather shy away as it would ruin my past week of diet&workout

yes. Have a nice feast user


Looks good.

Watches at 0$ ?

Yeah I'm sure you need to watch your girly figure, user.


Big Mac

Extra Big Mac Sauce

It's pretty good.

This user knows whats up.
Life has been miserable recently. Junk food has been my only retreat. And I'm not even fat

>Be me
>Work at a fast food chain
>Literally no hygiene present
>we have a clock that count's down between the times we should wash hands
>Everyone turns that shit off
>sick people working in the kitchen since they can't afford to lose hours
>touch all ingredients with bare hands, only the meat is handled with small metal grabbers
>People touch the meat anyway because it's faster
>have a bad cough one day
>still go to work
>shitload of orders, no break
>cough all over my hands
>some snot present
>nobody saw me
>Just wipe it on my shirt
>Proceed to serve food

After working in various fast food places, i must say, i would never eat their food again.

Man, where I work this shit would not fly. That sounds disgusting.

Which country do you work in? I'm in Canada. We have to wear gloves and shit.

Not as jelly as your arteries nigger.

You do realise that shit is mass amounts of shit.

The meat is MRM, from sinew, muscle and marrow, because it is from a cow it is considered "100% beef", and the rest is all additives and preservatives.

It isn't even decent cheap food.

"But it tastes great user"

Anything tastes good with piles of MSG.

Oh fuck I thought the exact same thing and posted it.

A little bit. But I just had some wings and a coffee drink. So I'm good.

enjoy your gout attack

yeah i'm in canada as well and the dairy queen i worked at was just as bad as his story
our manager would have us make 5 of the normal burgers and set them aside to microwave when someone ordered them. she was always so fucking concerned with how long things took to do she'd throw quality out the window. everyone else knew the filipino imports were the reason things were slow, and they needed to be trained better or replaced, both of which would cost money.
I got in her face and told her as long as i was in the kitchen running things on my shifts, we would not be microwaving a single goddamn thing and orders would take as long as the quality of the workers required. Since we were working primarily with lazy, social rejects in high school and 40 year old flip immigrants, things took a little extra time.

Honestly it was probably a 15 minute tirade against her when it was all said and done, i covered a lot of ground, especially when it came to hiring cheap labor and expecting top-notch results. I was offered an assistant manager job a month later and I laughed in their face saying I wouldn't become the middleman between management and everyone else if they paid me fucking double.
I'm not proud of being one of the only indispensable employees at a fucking fast food joint, but I certainly loved how it allowed me to be as honest and blunt as i wanted. too many fucking employers will just ignore criticism and potentially fire those who provide it, and wonder "gee why isn't this store getting good reviews/performing well?"

this world is sick


Sasebo burgers, made from definite 100% beef not MRM shit, proper thick bacon, fresh clean made aeoli, freshly prepared veg, home made ketchup/relish.

Better than shite OP is trying to eat and thinks is great.

Fatass, keep eating yourself to death.

Wait, do they just cut the arteries and take out layers of fat off their sides and stitch it up, just like that?

Sorry user but you are talking shite, Dairy Queens are a franchise, and the place you "worked" if you did at all was one, owned by one person who paid Dairy Queen to use their products.

So getting in the face of the manager/owner wouldn't have got you an assistant manager's job.

So why talk utter shite?

>shit cheese
>fake cream
>too much beef

where is this from

>t. angry vegan eating soy droplets

Hey at least OP is EATING unlike you veganfag

I am jealous of your early death.


I got in the manager's face and she presumably told the owner who offered me the position later on down the road. maybe the two incidents were unrelated, who knows.

Who the fuck are you, again? Unless you answer "John Gainor", you're just being a confrontational faggot for no reason.

I ain't vegan you fucking retard.
>Calling another user a vegan just because he insulted op's big ass meal

You're ignorant. Probably a fatass as well. Kys faggot

if you eat that much in one sitting im not jelly at all. enjoy your health problems.

>Sorry user but you are talking shite, Dairy Queens are a franchise, and the place you "worked" if you did at all was one, owned by one person who paid Dairy Queen to use their products.
Nice fucking english, mohamed.
>So getting in the face of the manager/owner wouldn't have got you an assistant manager's job.
explain what part of your first sentence allows you to make this conclusion

>You're ignorant. Probably a fatass as well. Kys faggot
at least me and OP have ass unlike you vegehippie. Fuck your diet you vitaminloser

Of that? Fuck no!

How fucking fat are you?

The burgers look like legit good smashed patty shit: A

The fries look bad covered in congealed nacho cheese sauce: C-

The shake is just unnecessary you're not 5 anymore fatass drink some water or beer with your food.

Haha get triggered like the fag you are HAHAHA

Check out this wanky yank with the assumptions. And the poor English.

>Doesn't understand what a franchise is
>Doesn't understand that a franchise is not owned by Dairy Queen, but by the owner of the building who has purchased the yearly right to use their products and imagery.

Now go sit down kiddo, your racism and ignorance is showing.

Also not Muslim. Be Salty.

the salt in this thread is giving me sodium poisoning, not op but i can't believe how many people in this bread are genuinely butthurt because they wish they had what i presume is two four by fours, animal fries, and a shake

>if you eat that much in one sitting im not jelly at all. enjoy your health problems.

Ideally, if you want lean gains you gotta consume all your calories in a 4 hour window. I eat more than OP in one sitting all the time and I'm cut the fuck up.

what i don't understand is how any of that prevents the owners and management from picking an assistant manager to hire. That's all I'm struggling with and that's all i asked you to explain in my last post, which had perfectly acceptable english in it, thank you very much.
You're doing nothing but calling me a liar and "supporting" that claim by calling me other names.

also you replied to the wrong post if you intended on carrying on the conversation with me, I replied to you first, that one is some other user who appears to agree with me that you haven't made it clear what the fuck part of my story makes me a liar

Because they won't hire a manager, they will be the manager. The idea is to keep costs down low with staff that profits are at maximum.

It is extremely rare, and I mean extremely rare for a Franchise owner to have a manager hired.

Nope was replying to the guy who replied to me. I knew it was someone else.

Have fun OP

Some one doesn't know about the maillard reaction.

Just ordered this.


So you're doing nothing but lashing out and being confrontational based on your own assumptions. I can give you the exact situation, it's not that fucking "rare", either:
>guy owns multiple different restaurants and properties
>this includes a joeys only/dairy queen
>all of these businesses require managers and most of his residential properties have building managers as well
>dairy queen is doing shitty, noticeably so
>they approach an employee with high availability and high seniority to take an assistant manager job (instead of looking at the actual problems and fixing them, designate someone else to be the person the problems are reported to, which is why I declined)

Why would you only reply to the other user, and not myself? Is it because you know you didn't have a leg to stand on and you're just being a cunt for *NO* reason whatsoever?

There's shit like this in US? This is so unfair...

So much assumptions, you are still a fucking liar.


You're right, I made the stupid mistake of assuming you were worth my time and I was lying to myself when I said that you'd be able to respond in a civil fashion

A little, but I could do without the slop on my fries.

Why, what does fast food look like where you're at?

lets see those tits/bigboy

I would be if I wasn't full right now

tits or gtfo bitch


i've been having pregnant tier cravings for burgers and shakes for the past 10 years

i bet your fatass can suck that burger through a straw

that sucks. the dq in my town is awesome. every time i get food there the burgers are near perfect recreations of the promo pictures. any time we'd get cakes made they'd let us use whatever profanity we wanted on them too it was great.

home made ketchup is way to much work for little gain. store bought is just fine imo.

How many times a day do you take a shit?

7 why?


>Bag on the remote
