ITT your DPI and mouse

ITT your DPI and mouse


mouse is pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

g402 - 800

Same mouse as op, 750 dpi

Same mouse but 9.000 DPI. 6000 if I play overwatch

Watches at 0$ ?

??? how the fuck nigga
even so
why the fuck nigga

i have 2, 3200dpi ziwie fk2 for gaming, 4000dpi mx master for work

probably has OS mouse settings completely messed up

1000 DPI

Razer deathadder elite, set to 2000 atm


for windows settings 6/11 is usually the way to go and then just change your DPI accordingly

Never by Razer. The worse mice on the planet. Fucking things are fragile as fuck and their support is boarder line fraudulent.

G900 at 3000 DPI
when on my main triple monitor setup
and 2500 on my laptop with a G700s

Yeah, thats the fidget spinner of mouses, i literally cannot take you seriously wit that shitty xxXultrahighDPIlaservampirelord1080Xxx "gaming professional mouse"
Are you some kind of autistic gay?
Logitech m100 master race reporting in you retards.

the one thing i can't stand about this mouse is the fucking scroll wheel, it wiggles around ever so slightly when you move it and sometimes it just, like, skips. you feel me?

X-750, 1600DPI

Same mouse, 1000 DPI ans 1.37 sens in CSGO

Deathadder 800 dpi

Mionix NAOS 7000
6000 dpi

can approve

to be honest not a fan of this mouse. The additional buttons are placed kinda weird and not very ergonomic. The scroll wheel is cancer and the thumb rest i cant stand.

1800 dpi reporting in. Have a friend that's insanely good at shooters and he uses 500..nuts

Got it free with the laptop, dunno which DPI

That mouse looks really crappy and uncomfortable.

i mean its kinda true, sensor is good enough for most games, you dont get the configuration but then again, when you have it you usually dont use it that much. shit like macros or dpi switch

Logitech pro, 1000dpi 1000hz

had one, they look like shit yeah but surprisingly comfy

definitely comfier than they look

haha this was a nice mouse before i switched, the middle button broke
it currently resides in my razer de elite case together with 2.5 grams of weed

Are we going to ignore this? Now this is a get thread.

its pretty comfy if you have the fingertip style grip but the build quality is a bit underwhelming, but not too bad either.

Razer Naga 2013 - 1800 DPI

Orion Black 3900 (China shit from 2009) works well as hell and hasn't ever given me a problem, dpi is 4200, Which when on the highest setting, didn't even get detected by windows until 8 rolled around

250 polling rate

I was about to replace mine and figured out there was a bunch of hair and shit binding up the scroll wheel. Try cleaning it.

will do

Deathadder 3.5g infrared sensor edition


Got it on sale brand new w/ warranty for 20$ best decision ever made. It's slightly too long for my smaller hands, the new 2017 edition is slightly shorter and fits my hand better but cant complain for 20$.


Jesus thats low

Yeah, i used to run about 1700 DPI.

But alot of pros use 400DPI for gaming because its more precise and i decided to give it a try.

it stuck with me for some reason it just feels better at 400DPI to me now ofc with mouse acceleration permanently disabled.

400 for cs
800 for other shooters
1600 for everything else

I miss my my mx518

>thread derail

who uses cloth mousepads? or plastic? size etc.

I use some cheap Dechanic cloth mousepad 18x18 from amazon. It's washable.

Only issue is I have hyper hydrosis my hands sweat all the time non stop and it causes cloth mousepads to get less "precise" with time.

Rival 300
400 dpi
6/11 windows

Corsair Scimitar @3000 dpi

same mouse 800 dpi

400 dpi
6/11 windows
zowie ec2-a

>pic related

I use an MM800 RBG mouse pad

Theres a reason ALL CS/overwatch pros use 400-800dpi. High DPI makes the mouse scan the mousepads surface mlrw frequent. Which results in jitter. Meanwhile low DPI makes more of a smooth line because it dosent register all jitter(like dust and sht).

DPI should always be low and your sense should never be more then a 360 turn from the left to right of your mousepad movement. I prefer about 200degrees

600 dpi

ITT: niggers who think DPI means anything when it comes to gaming

I have the same. Luv it

Same mouse, 12000 DPI.

I assume thats hard plastic?

how do you like it

razer abyssus v2

1000 dpi

16000 DPI for 4K monitor.

nice keeb m8

I think 2000 DPI? I just adjust the in-game sensitivity since I like having a really sensitive mouse on the desktop.

If you have more then 800dpi you are retarded.

I forgot the pic like a dumbass.

It doesn't it's all prefrence of course.

Again, preference.

It is. I like it a good bit, the plastic has a nice texture to it and the mouse floats right over it.

1080 plebs itt, gtfo poorfags

Same mouse as op, 2400.

Corsair M65

800DPI, 6/11

No joke, used to be at 3000DPI for a while until I realized how shitty that was and went for 800DPI.

The best part was that I actually got better at CSGO, and then was able to place very well, high Masters peak, once Overwatch competitive came out

Having a huge mousepad also helped in not sliding it off the rather small one I used to have.

No its not preference. DPI and sense is different things. High dpi will give you jitter. If you prefer ur pointer going uncontrolled all over the place youre a retard. Look at dpi charts from any pro player fps game. Always 400-800dpi


I like cloth because I like the resistance of them but my sweaty hands literally destroy them.

the sweat sticks in there and causes my mouse to not be as smooth etc.


800 (sensor native, can go up to 4000 but native DPI> upscaled DPI)
Logitech G400s
couldn't live without LUA scripts on my mouse now so Logitech #1
Logitech is superior to all other peripheral manufacturers.

Razer Ouroboros 8200 DPI 4G laser mouse

The first and only wireless mouse that actually works

Not everyone is a pro player.

I have friends that play wow and like having a high DPI just so they can spin around really fast.

and ofc the control of it isn't as precise but people adapt to it.

not everyones trying to be the best or pro dont be so simple minded.

its adjustable for a reason, to allow each user to define to what they want and feel comfortable with.

Forgot image.





Okay so you prefer adapting to uncontrolled random movements and sucking ass. Dident you read what you replied to?
>You can still have high sens and spin >around like a retard with low DPI.

And how the fuck are u gonna adapt to RANDOM movement

any logitech mouse is better than every "top of the line" meme LED mouse

g502 - 2400, 12k with ingame sens scaled down if I feel like it

G600, 2350

Best fucking mouse. Gonna buy another one soon cause after like 4 years (?) it has started to double click.


Logitech G9x/DPI is irrelevant.

No reason to be pin-point accurate in WoW, so your friend doesn't really matter.

If you like having a floating cursor rather than a jittery one, then go for it, but jittery will always have better accuracy

And if you don't want to improve in your games, no one is stopping you, only your ignorance when it comes to this subject

The reason why you can adjust to a high dpi is to trick retards like you into thinking the more dpi the better

This guy is right

400DPI and 16000DPI are the same thing, use whichever one, you won't see a difference!

Razer chroma
16000 dpi

G602 @ 2500 dpi

ignore the gat, only pic I had handy at the sec

anyone who uses razer is fucking retarded

they're the beats by dre of mice

Well said. This guy is like "but everyone dont wanna improve, maybye i prefer sucking ass". Well why did he even buy a fucking gamer mouse then with adjustable dpi

Uh, you adapt to the way the mouse moves on the screen in comparison to you phsyically move it..?

and what's wrong with being bad? or having uncontrolled movements?

not every game requires pinpoint accuracy with a mouse.

Having a high DPI in wow allows you to look around faster, you can jump - spin really fast and move to a different spot or direction by confusing your opponent, looking around faster allows you to look at your surrounding areas and get out of sticky world pvp scenarios.

i understand for shooters having a lower DPI is better its not arguable. im proposing that just because you have high DPI doesnt mean you're absolute trash in every single game out there. that's single/simple minded.

Zowie EC-2A


> You've never used one.

800 dpi Logitech mx1000
Mouse is 11+ years old, still have to turn mouse sensitivity down in most games ...

> you make retarded assumptions

Is it a laser? Optical mice seem to have a problem tracking when moving really fast.

No you fucking retard. Its a big fucking difference, and yes its important for fps games. Low dpi and low sense is superior

You retards have no twatting idea how DPI works, do you?
DPI settings on a mouse are just a meme.
Find what sensor your mouse has, find the native DPI for that sensor, use the native DPI, configure your games around the native DPI.

The whole super high DPI thing is just a meme so companies can slap a big number and some flashing RGB lights on their products and sell them to autburgers. And for shitty youtubers to convince you that using 16000 DPI is a good idea ever. Dumbasses believing 16000 DPI is a good idea keeps actual pros ahead of the curve

dont you mean laser have tracking problems? all zowie mice are optical

2000 DPI runescape clicking device

Btw i use 400DPI.

I'm not denying that 400DPI is superior in shooters, first person pinpoint accuracy.

What am I ignorant about? i'm literally stating facts. DPI is a preference that's all except the one exception which i stated above.

we both know shooters aren't the only games out there.

You're really not following here i never said higher DPI was better.

>Low dpi and low sense is superior
So therefore it's irrelevant if you have 5000 or 15000

Most "gaming" mice come with adjustable DPI BTW.

most mice do now adays.

and what's wrong with just playing games to have fun?

once you go trackball you never go back.
fuck your over 9000dpi and 10+ button mouses