Be honest Sup Forums, does this picture scare you?

Be honest Sup Forums, does this picture scare you?

Not at all.

If someone is able to sneak up on me and end my life then they would win and I lose.

Guns and masks are erotic


no, why would it?

Why would it?
It's just a picture, it can't hurt me.
If I met this guy in real life, I wouldn't really fear him unless his body language told me he meant business.

It's literally a faggot ass nigger trying to look cool. Kys

Also that is some shit trigger discipline.

it looks cute

Maybe if that was a real gun.

Whoa, looks like we have a specialist. Please, tell me more about how your enemies crumble on the mere sight of your majestic knowledge about the body and it's language

Looks like there might be a black guy in there

The mask is so badly sculpted that it doesn't scares at all.

Op is a faggot.


Who pissed in your beer?
I've had people threaten me with weapons before, most of the time you can see if they're actually going to do it.
They tend to be more scared of the outcome than you are in most cases.

That's a lighter, isn't it?

is that gun even real? it looks poorly made.

Nope. Pictures don't scare me because I'm not stupid or autistic.

Pic is fear.

Lol holds a bb gun. Poor trigger discipline but it's a BB gun. Would kill this guy.

fake gun, track jacket, shittiest mask ever 100% Slav shit


how do you know he's a nigger you fucking racist white

>Kettle, kettle!
>You're black!
>So are you pot.
How do you know they are white?

I never said he was a white you fucking twinkie

Child + funny mask + bb gun


That pic is good content for shitposting

not as much as this pic

Fuck you shooting out of that thing mate. .22 ?

>Masonnigger child rape mask

Checked. I thought the same thing at first

>I never said he was a white you fucking twinkie
>how do you know he's a nigger you fucking racist white.
>racist white.