Drugs thread

drugs thread

im on oxy rn for the first time in 2 months, what are u on Sup Forums? drug stories also

What does it feel like?

It be cool if you died you junkie loser

just got an adderall prescription and im going crazy with it. oxy is fun but its hard to obtain around here

nice! use onions, opana is better tho i get that normally but i only had like $10 leftover so i got an oxy. and i havent done addy in a few months either, cant wait to do it again. i lost a bunch of weight last time i binged it so i stopped. ill be more respionsible with it tho.


bliss. obliterates pain,depression, and anxiety.

Did some E at uni when I was younger
really want some adderall or something now just for the focus boost and shit
>I'll greentext some shit experiences if people want

Im on mostly pharmaceuticals prescribed for insomnia but also smoking some weed

enjoy my dude

never done mdma, i will once i can get some actual pure mdma. addy is fucking amazing, nothing like gaming and fapping all day tbh. gonna reup my script soon, maybe u should just get some dnm meth tbh. $30 a gram for great quality it's insane

Dont want meth. Kinda wanna come off the hard shit and just prescipt stuff.
>doing my masters at uni and daddys already agreed to bankroll my phd

Yea meth really isnt that far from adderal chemically. You ever have Vyvanse? That's the only alternative to ritalin i can get but my doc doesn't know anything about it so he won't prescribe

Not that it's a drug, but Im a little high on some cannabis right now

weed is shit. I cant really smoke and it tastes awful

Anyone who says cannabis is just a plant is either lying or an idiot. Sure it's natural but so is morphine and pretty much every major drug class.

DL;DR Cannabis is a plant that contains many drugs, just like the opium poppy

get one

addy rules but my doctor gave me XR caps and i want IR what should i say? i cant sleep?

meth isnt harder than addy really, i mean it is a little but like, you can use anything responsibly or irresponsibly. but you do you. i prefer vyvanse or dexedrine over addy and maybe even meth anyway, it's smoother. more mental less physical high. love the fuck outta that shit.

Im on caffeine brah

i prefer vyvanse to addy. check out r/drugs or r/stims and make a post if you have questions. it takes about 2 hours to fully kick in (vs addy which is like 30 mins) and lasts like 12 hours total (addy is like 4). it's a less physically energetic high, so a bit calmer, less jittery, i prefer it to addy by a decent bit.

yeah people are autistic

The methyl group makes a huge difference, actually.

who cares? take the xr dude, just get a mortar and pestle and crush that shit up and mix it with some water and voila, you have IR addy with XR if you need it. personally i'd try for dex or vyvanse but that's just me.

and yeah maybe say it lasts a bit too long and if there's anything similar that doesn't last as long

not as big as you think. it's a notable difference but it's not like, insane or anything. just hits a bit stronger and a bit more euphoric. pure d-meth tends to have less side effects than even pure d-amp

fuck yeah share


the bottle says to put it on apple sauce kek
can we get some addy stories?
i watch rick and morty on adderall and it gets so extremely intense

i hate tv on amphetamine tbh. too boring for me. i love tv on opioids weed and alcohol tho

i LOVE video games and blaring music on amphetamine tho. i need shit that gets my brain moving on amp

and the time i lost my virginity i couldnt get it up for like 20 minutes cause of adderall and rum, fucking sucked

I'm on oxy right now too. Feels good man

But I have a script so I'm long past the days of spending time trying to find it

>be 19
>me and friend got some pills to take before we go out
>my friend bought some gloves off amazon where the fingers flash different colours
>we put them on and try them out
>start drinking
>agree these will look sick when we high
>drop pills just before we go in club
>get searched, get off scot free
>wondering round the club and waiting for the come up
>hits me and my friend like a tank
>he's dribbling in the corner
>im showing everyone my amazing gloves
>this one girl is laughing at me and dancing with me
>shes kinda cute but kinda fat
>shes also welsh
>she starts grinding on me
>dick is like 2 inch cos pills
>she pulls me close
>we are kissing and stuff
>puts her hands down my jeans
>gives a wtf face
>I tell her im gay and laugh
>she fucks off
>her friends ask whats up with her
>I tell them im gay
>they can't stop laughing at both of us
>I find my friend cos its near closing and I wanna get out before lights on and the bouncers see discs in my eyes

i got good connects it's all good, waiting on some opana tho i should have it in a couple days. wayyy better than oxy imo, honestly don't even think it's comparable. but oxy is nice w/e. opana just so much more euphoric and a better body high imo. i also get more headaches on oxy if i take a lot

wait why did you tell her you're gay

and i always loved how dilated or constricted pupils look, especially constricted when im on opioids. my eyes are blue and they just look fucking sick when im high tbh with pupils that look like pins lol

cover for why my dick wasn't hard. I figured she'd take it in her stride but I guess she was really embarrassed.

Everyone has the preferred opiate.
Mines definitely OC. Nothing makes me feel better outside of natural opiates like poppy straw tea

ive only ever done opana oxy and hydro. really wanna try morphine but i dont IV so it;s hard to justify buying that over opana when opana is, for how much more potent it is relative to oxy or morphine, way more cost efficient.

>drug stories also

stopped reading right there

Hypothetically, how would one go about getting some oxy if one did not have a prescription?

Hypothetically, of course.

If I didn't have a script for oxy I would definitely be doing a different opiate. The price for 20mg roxy like you have in the first picture were going for as much as 30$ here in San Francisco. And I understand it's similar pricing throughout the US.

But now I pay less than that for an entire prescription of 100 20mg pills.

As for morphine, you definitely don't have to IV it to get high off it. MS Contin (Morphine Sulphate) pills excellent and one the best pills in the opiate family.


You either go to the shadiest, most run down part of the city where people are selling it.

Or you find someone else who is willing to do that for you and buy it from them at a slight mark up

Either way it's pretty fucked.

It used to be easy to find someone to buy a whole script-worth from at most college parties but the whole opposite epidemic has really put a hold on that so people have to go to extremes to get it now. It's a lot more costly and isn't really worth risk most of the time.

This isn't really proof that cracking down on opiates is effective, in fact all it's doing is turning people who would normally settle for OC or other pills onto harder opiates like heroin and fentanyl

yeah i know but the bioavailability sucks relative to other opioids if you're not plugging or IV. plus the vast majority of people say oxymorphone is the holy grail of opiates anyway so it's w/e. and it's a 15mg roxy for $15 which is normal for me if i dont know the person and only buying 1. opana is like 8x more potent than oxy if u snort it tho since it's 10% oral bioavailability and 2x as strong as oxy, but 40% if you snort it. shit's so powerful, i puked my fucking guts out snorting 3mg the first time i did it. shit's insane, felt like 20-25mg of oxy oral and i normally take 10-15 with no tolerance

no, you use your fucking brain and buy shit like you're supposed to in 2017 instead of cold copping like a fucking autist

oh and how do u have a script? and how much a month? and is there a reason you haven't tried switching to dilaudid or opana or something?

oops meant to send last msg to you

Is there something similar to oxy that's easier to get then?

I took a chance by telling my doc I had been taking opiates for years and wanted script, basically saying that I would continue using them regardless but would rather not end up in jail.

He wrote me a script and things have been working fine so it's continued on like that for the last several years.

I should note that I'm a functional opiate user. I'm currently going for my PhD at a great school so it seemed pretty clear that I wasn't going to change my lifestyle but whatever I had been doing was working.

I follow simple rules to make sure I don't have to go through withdrawals and it's pretty easy to manage my use.

Before I got script I had experimented with nearly every opiate out there, even had a period about ten years ago where I used heroin and would mess around with morphine via intramuscular injection but that's all in the past.
So yeah I definitely have used opana and dilaudid for extended periods of time. I used to sell them in order to pay my way through school so I always had a lot on me. But in reality, I just never found them as enjoyable. I stopped snorting/smoking/injecting stuff a long time ago when I realized that taking things normally felt the best to me and lasted much longer.

I've gone back and tried other opiates from time to time since I had switched to oxy and they just aren't the same for me. I do enjoy more subtle opiates though (codeine, hydrocodone, etc.) and will drink large amounts of white grapefruit juice when I take them to make them stronger but obviously oxy is still going to preferred

Honestly, in my area any opiate with equianalgesic strength on par with oxy is becoming increasingly harder to get and more and more expensive when you do happen to find it, which is why in glad to not have to bother with it anymore.

I think hydrocodone is still pretty easy to get but it's pretty unenjoyable for most people.

This is why fentanyl and heroin usage is becoming so common. There still easy to find, cheap, and will get higher than anything else. Nothing good comes out of messing around with them though. It's better to enjoy oxy and other pills every once in a while when you can find them then risk getting addicted heroin or fentanyl.

The safest way for 90% of people who use opiates is to use them once a blue moon anyhow. It seems like more people are prone to addiction than not when it comes to opoids

Yeah definitely. It's been well over a year for me though and I would like to do it every now and then

What's the matter? You getting sick of seeing your dried up dopesick mother selling herself in the motel across the street for her next hit? Lmao
I hope you get cancer, get hooked on fentanyl then die slowly right after you finish wifhdrawing

DL;DR this kids an underage faggot

Smoking meth day #9

Cannabis contains only cannabinoids. It doesnt contain anything that will kill you until Monsanto fucks with it and they alredy are because of moronic gullible slaves like you. Kill yourself

Your hat needs more tinfoil, you fucking retard. I bet you think vaccines are what made you autistic too.