Rape is now LEGAL !

Rape is now LEGAL !

Post a pic of your first victim.

Other urls found in this thread:



Nique ta mère, putain.

I don't have a pic of ur mom

nice try fbi

time machine included right?

Comment tu me parles toi ????


Still your mom. Please post a photo so I can cum on her.

also fantasy machine right?


what kind of photoshopping is this?!

is that David reimer


At the same time.

And even though I'm a veteran, because I'm not a Reich-Wing Nutjob, I'm sure they'll protest. So shut them both up, I'll cover both their faces in Ol' Glory & tell myself I'm doing it for my country.

This made me laugh

My french nurse right now.

Found these pics when she was into porn;

that makes me mad and uncomfortable


My aunt

this faggots aunt

Nice !



Nice! More details please.




I don't have a picture of you though op.
Please provide it so I know who to punish for legalizing shit like this.



I would go visit her house the day after rape becomes legal and as soon as she opens the door (my uncle will be at work) I would grab her by her shirt rip it off, push her to the ground, tear my pants off, and fucking ram my cock into her throat so that I can proceed to skull fuck her until I get bored and decide to fuck her pussy raw

how would u rape my cousin?

I'm not doing wwyd's , I was just providing more details on how I would rape my aunt

Without consent

Raped this whore a few years back when she was getting out of the hotel shower. At least I think i did. I was already naked and took her by surprise. She didn't freak out when she saw me, but she didn't give me consent either. Felt good man!

assrape, throatfuck? force her to strip for u in front of her family?

OP should be hung for this thread.

She just ain't hot.


fuck off frencholes. i hope they bomb paris again

she's too cute to not rape

i mean ugh


Kek wills it

nice dubs
you have to rape her now, you know the rules



damn, guess i will.

Can't post a pic of her but my first victim would be my office mate.

God she's so hot. I wish I was tapping that regularly.

"I like you, and I want you. We can do this the easy way or the HARD way... your choice!

I'm a gentleman, so after I'm done, I would leave her a Rape gift basket. It would have a Plan B pill, a douche, hand sanitizer, and the number to a mediocre psychiatrist..

Lizzie Velasquez



Nothing beats taking the puzzi on the bathroom floor with the shower running. Nuthin! The nut you bust is ENDLESS.

>no sources
Yeah, sure, I'll buy that...

really surprised no one has posted Cameron Dove

Quick Google search away

Audio recording of her laughing about getting the accused rapist off and that she knew he was lying

Do you know her?




Yeah, it's fucked up and it's pretty sick that she's laughing about it but the problem there is clearly how the crimelab handled the evidence. They fucked up.
She was doing her job as fucked up as it was.

Distant relative. It was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I wound up secretly boning her a few more times since. She's even married. She did stuff with me she doesn't do with him.

fucking francais a marde va te faire exploser par des musulmans

...in fact, it's a possibility the baby she has might me mine!


Every single muslim, that way they would all go to the muslim version of hell.



That pic looks fake



Nice! Did she report you or tell anyone?


It's a doll


Looks like someones gonna cash her ousside.
How bout that...

i'd like to cash her asshole inside out.

how bow da

I haven't taken anyone by force yet. I'm starting to feel like it's my only option in order to sire any offspring of my own. I've got a target in mind, it's just a matter of obtaining cloroform and knowing when she'll be alone.

>I haven't taken anyone by force yet. I'm starting to feel like it's my only option in order to sire any offspring of my own. I've got a target in mind, it's just a matter of obtaining cloroform and knowing when she'll be alone.

Mhm. What state do you happen to live in?




Donatella Versace


I likely don't have one.

you are dark, Sup Forumsro

I mounted a chick with Down's syndrome once when I worked in a care facility. She noticed my boner one day while I was changing her sheets, pulled down her pants and asked me to fuck her. Technically not raep, but morally questionable.

Would not raep them with your dick. Would use ten-foot pole.

Please let this be real life

Pic of her face

Chloroform doesn't work like it does in movies. You're far more likely to kill your victim by accidental overdose than actually managing the correct dose and successfully complete the rape.



Fuck off Christopher-Cuck. Just let it happen.


I wasn't aware of that. I'm not trying to injure or kill the subject. I just need a way to subdue her as fast as possible so as not to draw any unwanted attention. I intend to enjoy her body to the fullest for as long as possible.

oh ha HA.

No matter how you do it, there will *always* be a risk. Threatening with violence in order to silence her, when she's in a position to actually believe no one will come to her aid... that's probably the safest option. Even then you'd need to actually be prepared to act on those threats. Sounds like you're not.

You can't rape someone without the *possibility* of consequences either. Even if executed perfectly, there's the psychological impact it might have on your own mental well being.

Many men have the fantasy of raping, just as many women have the fantasy of being raped... but it just won't be the same when put into reality, because most of us know it's wrong if it hurts the other person. No matter how "alpha" and no matter how much some men try to tell themselves that women are worthless, they still know that it's another person and that it's wrong. Sure, some rape anyway – outliers, such as psychopaths – but the truth of the matter is, it will mostly be men who "know" (i.e. truly believe), through culture and religion, that women are possessions who rape with the possibility of no consequences what so ever.