Did Trump tell the police to rough suspects up?

Did Trump tell the police to rough suspects up?

Since when was it ok for s politician on either side to say that?

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Fuck off to Sup Forums please...really tired of these threads.

>to say that?

stopped reading right there

He didn't say to rough people up, he said they don't have to treat them so nice. Like you don't need to make sure they watch their head entering the door and going out of their way to make sure criminals are treated decently. There's a huge difference between purposely roughing someone up and telling them to not show any concern about their well being.

He made a grammatical error, so opinion discarded. I win.

If it was really that simple we could dismiss every Trump tweet ever.

He's directly implying that it's ok to slam their heads into the doors and to physically throw them into vehicles. He's saying that it is okay to not follow protocols. To give them rough rides.

And specifically to physically throw them into trucks. Looking at the whole quote on in context is actually really messed up.

You obviously don't speak New York. Watch the clip and listen to the tone. Watch the hand gestures and watch the reaction.

agreed. go over to Sup Forums we need moar porn

>telling police to go after people in a country where the populace is more armed than the police
Shit like this makes cops jobs far more dangerous and difficult. People don't trust cops when shit like this happens, and if people fear cops then people may do some terrible things due to that fear. Shit like this will only increase police mortality rates.

there aren't that many cop deaths a year. it's 50. it's reported and we know this. what we don't know is how many people are killed by cops, it's estimated in the thousands. comey told us, it's bc cops refuse to report their killings.

What? When did he claim that cops refused to report shootings?

What do those percentages even mean? They're obviously not a percentage of all murders.

>out of all the people killed by whites, blacks are 2%
>out of all the people killed by police, blacks are 1%
>out of all people killed by police, whites are 3%
>out of all the people killed by whites, whites are 16%
>out of all the people killed by blacks, whites are 81%
>out of all the people killed by blacks, blacks are 97%

how can you have blacks killing 81% white people and 97% black people?

they're fucking animals what do you expect

I believe it is
>out of all blacks killed; 2% were by whites, 1% by cops, 97% by blacks
>out of all whites killed; 3% were by police, 16% were by whites, 81% were by blacks
although expressing those statistics as percentages is a poor choice
expressing them as per capita rates would provide an easier way to get the reader to have a more accurate comprehension of what those statistics represent

Only if you believe that Trump retweet. Which was proven to be Sup Forums level retarded.






Except it's not true. None of those numbers are remotely accurate.





those statistics are bullshit. they've been debunked conclusively. At this point only complete retards, like your president, believe them



Is it a holiday in Russia? That took forever.



And you're not?













Look at the eyebrows on that thing. It's like what's on Trump's head.

where are they? not at the fbi. did you even look?















before he got fired



Show me a source on that.












they've been trying to get cops to report killings since Clinton but they never did it. they even tied it to funding for the state prison system and they still refused to do it.





>there aren't that many
Point is there will be many if police act like brown shirts. Police maintain order via respect, not fear.

















This is some spammer, possibly a bot, who keeps posting that same image with the last few words of a post.
It's bait, because they're saying they "stopped reading right there" but they always quote the end of the post so there was nothing to read after that anyway.
Ignore it and maybe it will go away.