YLYL green text edition

YLYL green text edition


not greentext but one of my favourite screencaps


My all time favorite greentext.








This is a warning. If the relationship doesn't start off with threesomes and swapping and other depraved shit DON'T INTRODUCE IT.

Jesus Christ, reminds me of that one where another med user had some land whale in and she had a rotting fetus in her, don't have it though

fatties are the wurst.


This ones long but worth it, found it on /x/

Fine my one geen text
>be me
>living in shitvill south america
>about 10 years old
>late evening, dark
>hear goats at the back of shack making weird noises
>cousin and I go to see whats up
>see figure of man running away from goat pen.
>figure drops machete and bottle of oil
>machete looks familiar
>machete belongs to old uncle
>cosine knows whats up
>uncle is fucking his goats
>cousin goes over to uncle's shack to 'return' his oil and machete.
>cousin meets uncle in hammock throws the stuff on the ground and shouts stop fucking the goats.
>aunt overhears and throws a fit.
>uncle does nothing, just bends his head and takes it.
>several years later
>village gets electricity
>watching TV, documentary about Australia.
>sees aborigine for the first time
>mfw my aunt looks just like them
>mfw my aunt is so ugly, my will refuse her and cross a piranha infested river and a poisonous snake infested forest at the back of our village to fuck a goat.

Literally a guy same fagging.






Maximum kek

Holy fucking shit i lost so hard


Yes, glorious detective, clearly only you are wise enough to know that everything on Sup Forums is an artistic falsehood. Us lesser beings would do well to read the notice posted at the top of every page lest we be crushed by your superior knowledge.

Even if he isn't, screencaping your own shit is gay as fuck.

Jesus just to 10 sign captchas


Bump the thread if your lurking

hi newfriend. it takes a little while to actually understand how this site works.

holy shit lost so hard


Where is the part where I'm supposed to laugh?


I was in tears this shit funny af

I got you, fam.

Wtf im not here for heartwarming shit that ill never have


You laugh when you realize your life is the joke: you will never be as happy or have as fulfilled a life as that user.
As will we all.






Wait wat, my mom told me a story back in the day, she was a nurse, they had the same problem, they couldnt figure out why this morbidley obese woman smelled so bad, they eventually bathed her down and found a god dam 3 week old whole sandwhich in one of her folds.

>be me
>be drunk
>enjoy these
>bump thread

How'd I do Sup Forums?

who has the greentext of the guy licking feet

B+ with gif


Anyone have the one about the hooker blowing on buttholes so they couldn't shit in her face?
>pic not related


Aww fuck i know which one your talking about i dont have it tho

Might want to bring it up, m8. Post results.

another one

I remember that one, the intern gave up after that. God tha twas so nasty

They fucked that husky up

Its off topic, but I remember one where this one NEET got into a relationship with a sociopathic Gothic lolita.

No, it isn't that one.



Yeah the hooker bet the guys they couldnt shit on her face for money and she blew air upwards puckering there assholes winning the first night


I have it i think but the file size is too large

I think you meant to respawn to tsomeone else

fuck you

Only read the last sentence, it was enough

Can you can it into parts?

Cut* why did it auto correct it to can?



This one right?

No, I think the NEET I mentioned was still in high school and the lolita had a shed in the woods full of random hardware tools.


Glad we found it. Holy shit that is awesome.

I don't know if you can die from laughter, but I think I came close

Your town just got electricity within last 20 years?

Does anyone have the "user was slapped for this post" greentext?


She was called baby, right?



Fucking kek

Yes, she was! I remember reading it and that's when I figured out there are 3 different styles of "dark" (1: edgy/emo sharpie wrists, 2: people who just legitimately enjoy the Gothic style, and 3: psycho Lolita's.)

Fuck you

lost the hardest

Same here. That had me giggling like an idiot for a solid two minutes in microwave time.


Is there like more to this story or something?

i'm literally crying, it's been many moons since I've keked so hard

haha nice

c'mon man, I came here to lurk and laugh

Is this thread now as dead as the fetus from ?

i got you

no catfishman?????

That's the one

