Kirby has just absorbed you

Kirby has just absorbed you

What power does he get


Being useless

Kirby wants to put a lot of dick in his ass


Crippling Depression

The power to trigger both SJWs and stupid rednecks at the same time.

Being tired all the time and a strong desire to shoot himself


beat me to it.

well, dad did originally, but you know what I mean.

a tiny dick

all women are repulsed by him on sight and never speak to him.


Pic related is taking Trumps new tranny law better than I thought

A gimp leg

The power of existence.


The ability to acquire repeating digits

the gay


Autism. The genuine diagnosed "sorry, you're retarded" variant.

These trips

Being really attractive yet approachable, but like too aproachable to where like one day super hot girls flock to you and feel your hair and let you touch thier butts and stuff and the next day you have land whales trying to gobble your goo

"monster" made from the taxidermied upside-down ass of a deer. popular in the south.

pic related. the "beards" are the deers tails.

Explosive diarrhea.

The ability to disappoint his parents

Being annoying and stupid.

super pedophilia

trap identifier


Good body with crippling depression

White power

he becomes a human chimney

He pays 8% less tax in the province of Ontario