Sup Sup Forums any ways to fuck up/screw with someones house?

sup Sup Forums any ways to fuck up/screw with someones house?
>inb4 its ilegal

Set it on fire

Toilet paper every house in the neighborhood except for theirs

paint balloon

Cum in all their food and piss and shit on all their furniture and belongings

>Break in
>slash your throat
>run around the place squirting blood everywhere till you pass out

Good thinking but too juvenile
Instead of tp use a molotof cocktail

Don't know where you live but here in the UK. outside everyones house on the pavement there's a small metal access hatch either round or square between 5-7 inches across. Under this is about 1-2 foot below this is a tap that controls water to the house. Don't turn it off, just turn it down very low.

Clog pipes by shoving stuff down it like hair.

buy garden gnomes
break into house
place 1 garden gnome around the house every few weeks

Not in the UK but someone randomly did it to my freind and he only figured out when he tried to shower

The key is to not turn it off. Some people don't know it even exists especially students and millenials so they think there must be a leak somewhere or that the power shower is broken

also replace all their family photos with someone elses family

Weed killer on lawn and plants

Put a mattress in their pool it will take a crane to get it out out

Steal one sock from every pair

Mow their lawn, that'll show em.

throw eggs like its the 90's

You're fucking retarded

What if a crazy person lives there...
And they catch you

are you dumb, just blow dry it and pick it up



how is this wrong, you take the wet object and dry it

Newfags takes a crane to get it out is copypasta

thats what im saying, just dry it a bit



I'ts not a copypasta, nor does it have anything to do with this site, just a random fake fact that went around a few years ago as a way to test how fast information can be spread around a country