Why do we need languages other than English now?

Why do we need languages other than English now?


Because English has terrible rules.
I would rather speak Spanish

weil ich gezwungen wurde.

cave drawings

because language is more than a means to an end

Hopefully this savage speach will be replaced by something else in the future or evolve into an advanced language with cases, genders, etc.

>with cases, genders, etc
what a idiot

>OOga-booga, Imma speaking infinitive.

Language is absolutely everything when it comes to the exchange of information, and there are strengths and weaknesses to each language.

If you had a mono linguistic Earth, it would be a catastrophe for intellectual progress.

full retard


The Earth is already monolinguistic


>If you had a mono linguistic Earth, it would be a catastrophe for intellectual progress.
I don't think it matters. Arguments?

>I don't think it matters.
That's why you're here shitposting on an anonymous image board, because your opinions don't matter.

Couldn't agree more. Retard language that a 5 year old babbling could make better.

Eat, eats, eaten, ate

WHYYYYYYY? Idiotic language complicating the most basic bodily function. In my language, it's easy. Just add modifiers to the front of the root word.

Makan, sedang makan, dimakan, telah makan.

Let's not go in the retarded present perfect etc. """''rules"""".

'cause learning languages is cool nigga

I will print your post as my suicide letter.

not cool man

dumb slav
dumb moslem

Read 1984. Language shapes the discussion.


If the situation comes to 1984 they would change your second and whaterver langauge either.

I see some early birds are done and soon to be reckoned with.

The perversion of language is about reducing a specific language to it's barest parts in an attempt to strip people of the ability to argue with context.

If everyone on the earth simply agreed to speak a single language then it would not result in a significant reduction in the ability of individuals to express themselves and their ideas, nor would it result in people being unable to argue or debate specific or abstract topics.

I don't think anyone is arguing for the deletion of any existing languages or words here, simply that it would be advantageous if everyone adopted the same language. There is absolute nothing preventing individuals from speaking their own specific language while also being fluent in "Common" D&D style.

421 Fahrenheit was better anyway.

because the anglosphere is destroying itself

So other inferior people can still feel special.


language evolve by becoming simpler to use you retard

Then where do all these complicated cases/genders/tenses come from?

otherspheres have nothing

can't you read?

Obviously, I can. How would I shitpost here?

Learning a romance language will improve your english at least tenfold.

>evolve by becoming simpler
Divided by zero.


Understanding old literature and creating new.

Yeah I listened to Muse when I was a teenager too

Translate new literature to new language, what's problem? Most blunt reason

old literature*

I suppose I know nothing of Russian, but Portuguese literature is very much untranslateable. Half of it is poetry that relies on word pronunciation and word games that would all be lost in translation. Not to mention all the obscure references to Portuguese history and the like.

Is english hard for non english speakers? I'm always really impressed by everyone's english on this site. It seems like a breeze for most of you.

the Hispanosphere was always destroyed

Gender is retarded, and cases are overrated

Literally easiest lenguage in the world.
I just get confused because im also trying to learn old spanish, german, and latin

what makes it so easy? also what do you think is the hardest aspect of english? reading it? speaking it? or writing it?

Sup Forumsellectuals like to pretend it's babbys first language but I barely ever meet any fluent/native level speakers
typing and googleing and correcting a post is a lot different to speaking

English is a mandatory subject in our schools from age 6-7. You literally cannot graduate from gymnasium if you don't pass English. So I'm biased too, but yeah it's pretty easy.

Its easy to pronounce, and words are overall shorter, more practical to use in a speech.
I suppouse that it can only be hard (in my case) when you want to spell something. It "sounds" different than when you say it.
Also i have problems with being coherent, but thats my autism

Yep, i still have to see a school where they dont teach english. Even in public schools here english is taught every week

english is easy because it usually sticks to it's own norm and is therefor very predictable. There are not really any words I can think of that just function differently than others for no apparent reason, like in German which was a fucking pain in the ass to learn, and I still can't speak fluently without sounding like a fucking turk to this day. Also, the hardest part is obviously speaking it, because you have to form sentences on the fly, but even that is super easy, especially for me, since my main language is so similar

It's still impressive that a lot of non english speakers can post pretty coherently on here about subjects like politics, culture, and ethnicity. There are some non english speakers here who are able to write more coherently than a lot of burgers, like fr.

2bh that's cool. I wish learning languages was more of a priority in burger land.

Yeah German looks like a pain in the ass to learn and speak. I don't believe the whole muh germanic languages are easy for english speakers meme. I hear no similarities between english and german.

Not necessary, you are the capital of the world, you should learn more usefull things, like economy, history, and how capitalism works.

Is isnt that much of a pain, hell, everybody here believes in the
>German Usjfnifiwn meme
There are more difficult languages out there, like finnish, russian, chinese, greek, etc

imagine fluency is a spectrum, one end being not knowing anything and the other being fluent. Which end is likely to post on a primarily english speaking imageboard?
it's a confirmation bias of sorts, only the ones able and confident enough in their english post

t. Sup Forums knower expert

honestly the best thing to know as an american is how to network, start a business, or do a trade. however I feel like a lot of people here just don't learn languages when really knowing a foreign language can be huge in your career. It can bring you a lot of opportunities if you can utilize it.

2bh it's better to just not know about the nitty gritty details of capitalism. you don't even want to know that shit.

The language is structured differently, but many of the words are the same, it's especially apparent if you listen to dutch. Scandi languages are literally english with an accent and without all the french, though.

good point

scandi languages have always interested me, but I feel like I'd be wasting my time learning one since you all can speak english so well. Also how come every other scandi country gives denmark so much flak for its language? Seems unwarranted.

They are pretty similar once you get to know it. Besides, German is probably the most difficult Germanic language to learn.

>Also how come every other scandi country gives denmark so much flak for its language?
Because they swallow letters and their counting system is fucked beyond repair.

its very easy compared to french or german

french is a real motherfucker. it took me like a solid year to have coherent pronunciation. so many of the sounds you make in french are just not ever made in english.

however after learning how to speak french coherently I really do love it. it's really fun to go on a huge rant in french.

>Do network, trade, etc
Yes, i mean by that with studing "economy"
>Can be huge for your career
Ofc, but in contrast, for someone (example a SA, japanese, maybe german or russian) learning english is much more vital and important

Because the more english encroaches on other languages domains, the less new words are created for them and the less modernized they become, and that's bad because only with a widely diverse and varied collection on this planet can we continue to study languages in a living state and in a modern setting. Eventually, when we know all there is to know about human linguistic, we will create a constructed language that will be so esy to learn yet express such wide array of ideas that none of us would believe it. Until then we need as many different languages in as many different language groups to survive as possible. And for that we need imperialist anglos to back the fuck off.


In a way it sucks that we put all our renaissance and artistic points into the literature skill tree, because for it to be fully appreciated you need 10+ years studying a new, rather hard language. This puts a big dampener in our international artistic projection outside /luso/ countries, but we do get hipster points, I guess.

Not like the monalisa where you only have to look at the cunt and her lack of eyebrows.

Growing up with it makes it easy. It's not difficult learning a language when you're young.

Oh and no we need languages besides English. We still want to gossip about others in the metro of a foreign country.

so you don't have to wait for some shitty kike translator to translate your japanese powerpoint porn for 10 (ten) years. ambobo mo naman