
The noble history of the Irish edition

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I'm a normie


>jingle bells in april

Who else here /realmann/?

I don't like the idea of inflicting pain or death on animals unless it furthers the cause of humans, in which case it's absolutely fine.

peta tier delusion. it's hilarious how desperate you are to make a connection between human intelligence and that of any other species just to prove we're not special.

got news for you pal: we are.

no dolphin has ever come close to anything civilised. they are dumb animals just like all the others. thick as pigshit. even petrol sniffing abos are insanely smarter than your precious dolphins.

bloke that

single linkers must be stopped

Those Irishmen who were kidnapped and taken to Iceland were lucky, since at least we know how to fish

construction proceeding VERY fast on Wood Wharf lads

Your uncle IS history heh

Anyone got the video of Thailad murdering his daughter?

>single linking
fuck off

we're in here

by the same logic turning off life support is murder? Do you support that?

>parents just sold house
>bought new one with cash - no mortgage
>sold the old house for £300k
>me and my two sisters getting a £10k windfall each for no reason

ah yes

sad mate


>tfw to intelligent to eat meat

>John Mann
Literally Good Goy: The Politician

In 2014 Mann was responsible for compiling a dossier of historic allegations of child abuse, detailing allegations of 12 former ministers that may have been involved. He said he believes some of them were "definitely child abusers".[13]

More calories = more energy = bigger brain = smarter humans

We aren't the only animals with opposable thumbs, just the only ones with the brains to use them right.
Meat eating is considered a pivotal moment in our evolution.

Have you had cosmetic surgery?


Spot us a fiver mate, getting a freddo

>sold the old house for £300k

lol povvo tier in this economy

>the first daughter of Brigitte Macron was in the same class as Emmanuel Macron


fuck off middle class cunt

fuck off you literal billionaire


Another hilarious and original joke, how do you do it?

>he's not authority right

Just copped a cheeky flat white from Gregg's, enjoying it in the car while it rains while listening to music and /brit/posting

Who here /comfy on the move/ :3 x

peng more like


Stop making news you cunts. The strayan was first.

exterminate christianity
imprison all religious people

animals were eating meat along time before humans came along lad e.g fish eating other fish


>Jackeens were allowed to live
Truly the worst thing ever to happen in human history

the house of the enlightened radical centrist

isn't he gay and this is all a cover up

Aye yer uncle

jolly good lads

carry on then

it seems besides the point, there are viable alternatives to eating meat. Just because something was advantageous for our evolution doesn't mean it's morally right

tell me lads: how does one become stupid enough to both be an aussie AND have your uncle blown up?

>the next president of France is married to a female nonce


>exterminate christianity
>imprison all religious people

the meat industry is incredibly damaging to the environment.

what a weird relationship

No, just read a book on facial aesthetics written by a plastic surgeon. Moving bone wouldn't really improve my face. My main flaws are soft tissue related

Yes, in our evolution. It's ancient fucking history in other words, we're more civilised now. Gay marriage, interracial relationships, and the emancipation of women wouldn't be tolerated in those times, does that mean they're bad? No

Nobody said that humans wee the first to eat meat? Humans first ate meat by scavenging animals that dogs killed.

so turning off a life support machine is murder?

the 'de mousepad

She must have been a corker at the time though.

single linkers are utter fucking cancer

in here boys

she still hasn't replied

did i fuck up?

Single linking is the future

>does that mean they're bad? No

Fuck off turtlemong

support blair but don't get it deleted by spamming it cunt

tony blair is a war criminal


our ancestors have been eating eat for how long? and why should we suddenly stop? it tastes good and we're made to eat it fuck off with your "morally right" there is no such thing in the animal kingdom

Factually correct. We shared a tapeworm.

Looks handsome here, he should burn his turtlenecks desu

yeah in the same way that me strangling you would be turning off your oxygen processing machine (lungs) while you were asleep (and thus unconscious)would be considered murder

>muh dogs
hmm yes makes sense

Update: a thunderstorm has started and I'm still in the comfy car with my flat white and my music :3

Just because a lot of our ancestors arrived here long before records began, that doesn't meant we aren't all immigrants and anyone who opposes immigration is a hypocrite.

ACTUALLY man was made herbivore

>playing 'never have I ever' at predrinks
>normies keep doing sex related ones
>Me, a virgin radical centrist, take a sip anyway

Heh... nothing personnel normies

giz a link to that test :) xxx

wtf i hate iceland now

will never forget this snarky little comment lad

in fact i'll take my fresh grudge against you to my grave


We're better than animals though mong because we can perceive morality. Are you really saying you're no better than a mindless animal? Come on. That means even gorillas are above you

Meat eating is the reason you can even understand abstract concepts like morality. Not to mention, our bodies are explicitly designed with meat-eating in mind.

Just have sex mate

Hello normie

>we've been doing it for how long?
yeah, when there weren't viable alternatives, also why is what people did before you inherently good?
>it tastes nice
the only real argument for eating meat desu
>there is no such thing in the animal kingdom
ah yes, nothing means anything, very good



check this, i have been working on this little ditty for a while

*clears thorat*

/brit/???! more like /shit/! aaaaammmmiiiiriiite???

Who here /sitting in a car drinking a very lovely flat white during a thunderstorm and listening to music/


>virgin radical centrist

no such thing

radical centrists are the most sexually attractive, and active political group

it's the right wing authoritarians that are the virgins, just ask /r9k/ or Sup Forums

meme argument not even true x


All of those things are wrong.

>>muh dogs
What does this sheed post even mean?

horrendous patter

i mean fish developing lungs is also a necessary precondition for me being able to think about morality, what's the relevance?
>our bodies are explicitly designed
haha mate... not even gonna....

>with eating meat in mind
objectively not true


Just banter, mate

>muh sleep
i already said that temporary lapses in consciousness aren't equivalent to it being permanently gone or never having existed, i think you understand that as well, i just cant figure out how to say it

Me :3

theres ways to make it embed but I cant figure out how to do it right read this thread

'k off

>hat does this sheed post even mean?
just meant that we didn't end up eating meat as a result of scraps from dogs

>haha mate... not even gonna....

>far left women
all sluts
>far right women
want to have white babies
>centrist women
career women

can you fix it or are you doomed to look like a mongoloid for the rest of your life?
