
Make qt edition

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If repeating numbers then in 10 years all Balkan countries will reunite to remove Turkey and Salafism.

Mecca will be Yugo


Uh..actually we're converting to Islam here. I don't want anything to do with the degenerate West.



ku jeni shqipe

Salafism or Sufism?

ne shpi





I mean come on. Would you like to take a rotten roastie for a wife that has banged 50 guys before you, is a "strong wymmyn" that wants to make a career and be "successful" and will probably cheat on you or a qt virgin muslima wife that keeps herself pure for marriage looks forward to be a mother to as many children as possible and is loyal and submissive to hur husband and puts the family first before everything?
The choice is clear.

i have already made my choice, akhi.

Laa Ilaaha Ill-Allaah

>is a "strong wymmyn" that wants to make a career and be "successful"
where the fuck do you think you're from you cringy fyromite? balkans arent sweden

fucking memelord

>believing muslimas are innocent and virging

top fucking kek

a qt virgin muslima wife that is likely your cousin and keeps herself pure out of fear of being beaten to death and can't do what she wants in life with as much freedom as anyone living in a western society***

Hello redit

t. dirty greek lesbian

i wanna kill you
im not saying this as a joke, i really want to do it

dis, fello redditor. i'd rather have a waifu that doesn't sleep around because she doesn't want to than one that's forced not to sleep around even if she'd like to

Allah is my witness you shall fail

hola plebbit

>Wewuz turkic Turks believe Bektashism is The Turkic strongest belief(since Alevis call Allah Tanri or Tengri)
>Bektashi World Headquarters is in Tirana
>Head is pic related
>He goes to Turkey(he knows Turkish BTW)
>A lot of wewuzers there waiting to hear his speech
>Not once did he speak Turkish during his trip(only Albanian), and when referring to God he said Zoti and Perëndi, not Tanri
Turks btfod

>So many people obsessing over religion or nationalism

Daily reminder that religious and political ideologies are a meme and should be treated as such

>Wewuz turkic Turks believe Bektashism is The Turkic strongest belief(since Alevis call Allah Tanri or Tengri

I'm not sure what it is like not to have any religious or political ideology. surely you do believe in some things

>the dedelik of Tirana appointed Baba Edmond Brahimaj (Baba Mondi), formerly head of the Turan Tekke
The main tekke is literally called TURAN tekke. I mean how wewuz is that.On top of that the creator of Bektashism was a Turkic person from Khorasan and he merged Turkic religion ideas with Sufi Islam

so in tirana a new islam sect was invented

finally something you could be proud of


A lot of our historical figures were Bektashi. Even Skanderbeg when told to choose a sect, chose Bektashism

praying in ur mother toung is ok in bektashism tho so nothing special really

This is why Bektashism is the best sect of Islam IMO. All Balkan Muslims should be of Bektashi sect, so that their religion doesn't contradict their nationalist ideas.

I do believe in god to some extent, I simply keep it private. At this point in my life, even though I'm still too young (23yo Albanoose) to say "I've made up my mind", I see organized religions as something foul and disrespectful towards the deity you're supposedly venerating, an act of arrogance so to speak: to me, it's like giving said god a flag/banner/symbol and a name *of your liking*, something no mortal should ever do to concepts they have no understanding about. And from what I've learned on history books so far (and not only from those), religion is just a scapegoat to easily forgive yourself for any bad thing you may do, your quick rebuttal to any accusations thrown at you. It's How people would escape any responsibilities in the past.

>"I raped her because a demon possessed her and tempted me! It wasn't my fault, she's a witch!"
>"I massacred those infidels because it was the will of my god! It's how I earn my place in heaven!"
>"I despise anyone who doesn't believe in my same religion because they are a threat to my cultural identity! They should be converted or brainwashed by the clergy!"

In any case, if you called me an atheist you'd still be right, I don't really follow any dogma or path to salvation, I just try to act through morals and common sense without ignoring my inner spiritual needs.

Pic unrelated, I don't hate Makes or Greeks, I just like ancient Illyrian warriors.

all balkan muslims should be killed
yes even bulgarian ones

*tips fedora*


do you like this banner my friends
be honest

what is this cringy shit for???

for a really hip subreddit im making for mlp greek fans

tha kaneis subreddit gia na trollareis to greece?



Needs more Parthenon and Hagia Sofia in the background in my opinion. Maybe a few greek busts here and there too.

pistevo h diarkia tou den tha einai pano apo 10 meres

pure thraco-tatar master race

>enas praktoras tis CIA
>ena comic antegrammeno apo ksenous
>enas levantianos
>enas masonos

kαλη φαση, /r/pangkosmiopioisi ?

I will add Greek busts thank you for reminding me!

giati? an den spaseis kanones, den tros ban

lefkoi kai skouri prepei na eimaste filoi
pio comic les?

That one has a Croatian citizenship

tha faw polla report apo kkedes
kai h foto me ton metaxa paizei na einai too much

leafbey and ikibey going in strong again

kek i've been missing this all the time thanks

>mfw Mexicans are purer Mediterraneans than the hellenized Yugopoors and Albos of Northern Greece
Kek, Northern ''Greeks'' btfo
How can this djuvec eating crypto-bulgars ever recover

>paizei na einai too much

xa kalo. mporouses na peis kai Alvanos gia ton Zerva

I know breh but people love being radical fundamentalist sadly
praise balım sultan


i don't know why this picture is funny but i kek'd

Yet in a way you could say Turkic religions were to tolerant to survive(by letting you speak your language, having you keep your traditions etc.)




>russian topographer goes to mountain village
>points to high point in the mountain and asks what its name is
>villager answers "Ebem li go"
>carthographer writes it down
>there are several points in bulgaria named like this

this fucking Canadian is either trolling the hell out of us or he's an underage normie dumbass

Some kαλαμαkι

he is a literal newfag

now leafbey and ikibey are savaging the Turks together
it's like an autistic superhero team, make it stop

don't EVER tell him who that is

lol yesterday he claimed to have exposed ikibey as a turk

yeah i know but he probably has memory of a goldfish

he's trolling us dude, he's trolling us. yesterday he exposes ikibey as a turk, today he doesn't remember who he is

or all the STDs he caught at Sunny Beach have fucked up his brain

Only enlightened, honorable and righteous teacher Adnan Oktar and his Islamic kittens know the truth.

thank god he hasnt figured how to post in multiple threads so he stays in one until it dies. i'd rather not have him here

I'm not sure about that, I don't know much about christianity but didn't orthodoxs can pray in their own language too?


Oh but he has.


No, only Greek prayers were allowed. It was because of Bulgarian empire strength and capture of Constantinople that they made also Old Church Slavonic a language you could pray to. The latter ones were because of modernization

turkish girls smell like wet dogs

keep that in your mind while watching this video

I sent him here because I noticed he was making threads about macedonia every day on Sup Forums

He was the biggest autist I've seen, repeating the same shit over and over like a one dimensional retard

I linked to balk and told him bulgarians from pol gather here

He wouldn't find Sup Forums otherwise

dude wtf i hate orthodoxs now

me too

nah he stopped posting in the thread i linked lol. only 1 thread at a time

the less plastic brunettes aren't half bad

but OCS was originally standardized for the Christianization of Moravia. Bulgaria was secondary at the time

he also has a multiple personality disorder

i added socrates


>they were not allowed liturgy and prayer in their native language from the start
While others were busy learning Latin, the Pope granted Croats the right to vernacular liturgy in the 12th century
Top kek my fellow Balkanites

yeah but those are very rare. 90% of them are plastic looking bimbos with yuge lips


this one is pretty thick

Only virgins or inexperienced social outcasts would want to fuck a virgin

jesus why is he such a newfag


I want to deposit my jizz(ya) on Sibel Yilmaztürk.


ocs is based on slav dialects around solun
also known as bulgarian


he fucked a mace teacher in bulgaria and made her shout macedonia is bulgaria
don't fuck with leafbey

damn she looks so slavic

He could actually be 12-13 y.o.

>tfw not part of adnan oktars cult

Just like he's slovakian and anglo saxon