/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/

Bullying Chinks edition

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Why does the Chingchong emperor have such long nails?

good thread

hmmm, I wonder who could have possibly drawn this political cartoon

feel like pure shit need hong kong back x

East India Trading Company apparently forced Japan to start trading Internationally. How can you force someone to trade?

just bring her back

some french newspaper in 1898




got stranded like a retard

haha what

I know that feel.
>Qingdao never back again

We're 12 next one is the 13th.

spent 20 minutes waiting for replies in the previous thread

it's alright
stay closer together next time

when you win a war

i shall not repeat that mistake


did the french guy finish making the logo


>losing Berlin, and entire Germany to immigrants in a few years
>still gloating on the past
you never win world wars, let alone win battles to protect your own country's survival. lmao

did some yellow muzz just try to lecture one of us

>constantly bullied by pakis and Arabs
>no balls to confront them
>make post bullying chinks
Not-So-Great Britain anymore lol

bloody perrie hurry up we need this logo

>south east AYYsians

YOU WILL PAY!!!!!!!11


did some cheese eating surrender monkey grow whatever balls he has left from facing immigrants to talk back

I was being sarcastic about how everyone but france and their m8 russia was ugly looking

doesn't work lol

lol ok i love foreigners now

Don't worry Chinabro. Immigration is drowning them out already. It's costing them everything.

Good. Start loving the immigrants to your country too

stop samecunting

Thos coming from a country founded by the arab rapebabies of a native population that didn't even consider that a bad thing makes this a pretty weak indult.
Malaysia is literally the product of what might become our worst case scenario.

coming to your country*

Best thread


stop being a cunt

>Malaysia example of worse case scenario
>with GDP growth of 5.0% in 2015
>total GDP of US$26300+ per PPP
>most popular destination for expat to buy property
>one of popular place to travel around
If this is the worse case scenario, then by all means increase immigration please

Koreans are now special guests to all future threads

>60% Muslim
In 100 years we might approach your level of shitholeness.

>little servant of Japan master race checking in

>comes into /fug/
>tries to brag with its tiny economy
Thats too funny.
I like you ASEAN countries, but you guys in particular surrendered to Mohammads cock way too fast to shittalk us about surrendering to immigrants.

if a country with GDP of $26300+ in PPP is a shithole to you, why not move to Somalia.
I heard their lives are fun, dodging bullets and shit.

>in 1954 Malaysia was 45% Chinese
>today it's 25%
lmao and you are talking about us being endangered by the muzzie immigration. shouldn't throw stones in the glass house etc.

this is tonibler tier

remember you selling us optium? Nigger lemme tell you sumthing, CCP approves and funds this, enjoy your Chyna drugs

>if x is a shithole, why not move to an even worse shithole

>Surrendered to mohhamed cocks
Isn't that what your countrywomen do during 2015 New Year's eve celebrations?

Wish I got to write for the Daily Mail, would be fun as fuck to write all the made up tabloid stories

Jokes on you man. I am a Malaysian native.
Why the fuck do i worry about immigration for.

yeah based gommie cobyn start a revolution yo

>GDP of $26300+ in PPP
Dude, thats less than Poland and any Baltikum state

then check out gatesofvienna.com
their articles are soul wrenching on the refugee crisis for you Britfags

Go back surrendering yourself for immigrants to beat you to pulp froggy


>t.guy who is now whiter than the average britcuck which is now a paki rape baby called mohumud or some shit

That was a topic because here its illegal, while in your country thats normal.

better than lousy African nations.


Actually its lower than Equatorial Guinea. You guys can't even beat african countries.

it's also illegal in our country.
it made news because the "rape victims" enjoy it lmao


you're very welcome to help Argentina

kill yourself ryan

ITT: some bitter brown manlet from Magaysia trying to feel relevant by talking to the pioneers of western civilisation

and some underage yank proxyfagging as China

Get beheaded Britfag

didnt have to say that im doing my best

Trying your best to be a pussy?

malaysia is a northern direland poster with a proxy
which the nonce uses because he has a static IP


anyone else getting into serbian music

Not before, but now I am. This is pretty good.

randomly wandered there while listening to balkan war meme music




And yet their quality of life is among worst, not to mention an IQ of 59. You must be out of mind saying we lose to African countries.


ITT: Bitter Germs and Britbongs trying to escape from their crisis in reality turn to nostalgia to do so instead of trying to fix the crisis
Western civlization has long been on decline. Just look at the arts and what people feel is "high culture" when it's just lowly mass-produced pop culture being passed off as "high culture" among the youth.

>IQ of 59
>still more successful than Malaysia
Makes you really think.

What's a stereotypical french dog? Gonna make some OC. Thinking of a poodle?

>Running out of rebuttals
>blames proxyfagging
Typical whites. No wonder immigration crisis is still ongoing, because instead of facing it to fix it, you run away. Cowards.

hey guys x

yet lesser IQ refugees managed to rule over you Germfags and terrorize you all into submission.

i've only made two prior posts in this thread ryan, stop being so paranoid

>Bitter Germs
ohhh thanks for reminding me bro, ALL HAIL BASED MERKEL



He predicted it

rus and france are fucking desu

>22nd March 2017
>Woke up seeing news 5 dead and 22 injured from some nut driving on pedestrian street
>It is a good day

>2015 New Year's Eve
>Mass Sexual Assault
>Police Chief told victims to be modest around immigrants


>tfw no katyusha gf

whatever you say, Mohammed

Russia is now China's bitch and France is now surrendering herself to immigrants.

I have long oberserved it my friend.
I'm just watching the karma going into full circle after your little adventures caused untold suffering around the world centuries ago.
Enjoy while it lasted, Kraut.

>I have long oberserved it my friend.
>I'm just watching the karma going into full circle after your little adventures caused untold suffering around the world centuries ago.
>Enjoy while it lasted, Kraut.

>Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)19:34:56 No.74066202
>whatever you say, Mohammed
>Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)19:36:28 No.74066257
>Russia is now China's bitch and France is now surrendering herself to immigrants.
>Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)19:37:56 No.74066325
>I have long oberserved it my friend.
>I'm just watching the karma going into full circle after your little adventures caused untold suffering around the world centuries ago.
>Enjoy while it lasted, Kraut.

fucken saved