
rip cara edition

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NEED a tall gf buds

sitting in the garage with car on


>Bill Nye rides in on mechanical dinosaur
>"Hey kids, you wanna hear something cool about dinosaurs?"
>Crowd goes silent in anticipation
>"It's confirmed that dinosaurs had gay sex"
>Gasps and thunderous applause
>"Some dinosaurs had multiple genders, called 'Xinosaurs'"
>Aggressive applause
>"However there were some conservative dinosaurs who tried to oppress them into two genders, male and female"
>Boo's and hisses emit from audience, somebody yells "Xinosaur lives matter!"
>"But seriously now, global warming killed off the dinosaurs, like global warming will kill us if we don't stop conservatives from oppressing those with multiple genders"
>Clapping has opened inter-dimensional portal, real dinosaurs start walking on stage.
>"Ladies and gentlemen, Xinosaurs are real!"
>Audience lines up to apologize and pay reparations to Xinosaurs, while clapping.


this was made first nigga

sitting in the car with the garage on

I reckon I'd make quite a fit bird if I put on all the make-up and that

the MIDDLE class has ceased to exist
the working class have been duped into thinking they are middle class so they feel better

note that the underclass (dole scroungers) is still alive and well

where the fuck are we lads

>tfw i NEED one because I actually am tall


that's a good point

the people have voted with their captchas
fuck off

in the first thread to be made, as always

Athens was a proto-liberal polity amongst its male citizen population.

>especially Aristotle/Plato who both hated democracy.

Literally has no bearing on what Liberalism. Liberalism is not necessarily mass rule (what I assume is democratic) nor is it republican rule.

>it runs on slavery
>muh womens rights!

It's so common to arbitrarily or fallaciously characterize any ideology/politics by how they factor what are perceived as irrelevant or non-citizen populations.

LOVE pints

>the working class have been duped into thinking they are middle class so they feel better
Embourgeoisement tbqh

Mad to realise that the Emperor's New Clothes is a literal children's story and yet adults are walking around saying that men are women in case they look daft.



>he gets sexual gratification from singing to /brit/ and getting no response
>he scours every thread for people talking about him

the middle class is alive and well

Don't give the balding paki sex tourist the satisfaction.

>playin a game
>"France will never inherit England in this personal uni-"

Lad, watch this. Mon see what happens in a minute here. Watching?

I really dont think most people are on board with the transgender thing

what's his endgame?


got lots of /brit/ lifehacks

in several different categories:
being a cheapskate
being woke
academic success
how to make people like you
organising your shit together
monetary success
making gains in the gym

ask me and ill share what i've learnt

what do you think Liberal even means?
ancient democracy was based on the positive notion of active participation while modern liberal democracy is based on negative rights and representation.
there were no real rights of man in Athenian democracy, at best male citizens had the ability to show up for the assembly and voice their concerns/cast their votes.
it didn't really protect the rights of "minority" voices or even citizens who lived too far away to make it for regular daily assemblies.

granted there are similarities as liberal democracy is an obvious continuation of ancient democratic thought, but that doesn't mean the ancients were at all Liberal or cared about the same things we do.

swipe down

alri' mate

>Are you literally 5'8"?

he's proving himself to be the best method actor of all time

Business idea: socialism, but we also deport Rasheeds

put them out of business, completely and utterly liquidate their assets.

>generally enjoy my job
>two hour meeting Monday morning (9:00 - 11:00)
>three hour meeting Monday afternoon (14:00 - 17:00)
>two hour meeting this morning (9:00 - 11:00)
>second two hour meeting this morning (11:00 - 13:00)
>lunch with business partners (13:00 - 14:00)
>one hour meeting this afternoon (14:00 - 15:00)
>second one hour meeting this afternoon went 34 minutes overtime (15:00 - 16:34)


I came THIS close to snapping today.

Three more meetings tomorrow.

someone remind me in 14 minutes to get my pizza out of the oven

What accent does Ivanka have

Goddamn she's hot for a Yank


>implying it's not me trying to be kind to the retarded kid at school who is bullied by everyone else because I see some potential in him
>implying I didn't get plenty of encouraging (you)s for my vocaroo from other threads.


business idea: revived liberal party, with tony blair as the leader

Lads, let's wait 15 mintues and then tell him about the pizza haha

Post the one on being woke fucks sake

ivanka essentially gets a free pass for being a pretty blonde woman

>>>implying I didn't get plenty of encouraging (you)s for my vocaroo from other threads.

eating a (((kit kat)))

>mummy, mummy, why does that little girl have no hair?
>i don't know dear. it's very odd to see a little girl with no hair. maybe it's sick.
>oh dear, it really is sick

I like meetings. But it's because I actually have a valuable input and people respect what I say

what is it about /brit/ that attracts mentally-ill attention seekers with delusions of grandeur?

eating a cat

Just a normal U.S. accent. She doesn't have a "New York" accent.


>Marine Le Pen becomes president of France
>immediately bans Alan and all his family from entering the country

no need
orange book lib dems will recapture the party from farron eventually

eating your mum's cat if you know what i mean

lads i might be a madman and bump that /brit/ that's been up since ten to 5 lmao

>ten to 5

ermm no sweaty, tony blair is a tory warmonger and not a liberal xx

sup faggots

what fucking thread are we in

what's eating pussy like

Is this the real thread?


making a cheeky OC
need images of
-saras face
-rosys face
-aishas face

>implying it won't be Macron and I won't get a comfy job at the Information Systems Division of some ministry when I get tired of thailand, for supporting his movement and being globalization compatible with all the languages I speak and my general open-mondedness and love if other cultures

This one.

she should do ASMR as a part time hobby

who is this toastie roastie

So do I.

But that doesn't help when half the meetings concern areas of the project I have no connection to, and two thirds of the time is spent on pointless tangents, self-important rants, complaints about people not present, small-talk, and banter.

(((Bernie Sanders)))

why is the 'gerian posting without his trademark topless shirt pic threatening someone

Off to do some conspicuous consumption
You lads need anything?

your sister

should I walk 30 mins to go get weed?

*rolls into Holyrood*

Watch out, Sturgeon


business idea: forcibly overthrow the british government and install a radical centrist classical liberal government
(with tony blair as PM)

also send theresa may, corbyn, and whoever the hell leads ukip now to the radical centre gulag

profound post

and very true

like putting your tongue between two raw lamb chops

one gf pls leaf



well la di fucking da

tastes like when you used like those fat batteries as a kid

>for that chino pic i imagined kechon saying "what the hell, user! did you fart?? ew that's so gross!" and chino timidly joining in with "y-yeah, gross!" later on, you feel someone tugging your shirt, it's chino. "sorry about earlier, it was my fault... the truth is... i have a very smelly secret" this would make a good light novel!

is this what constitutes a good post

>put on some youtube newsstream
>they're blaming the British Empire for all of the worlds problems

What the fuck Britain?

Like licking a dogs jowls

nuffink conspicious

is it nice?

like licking sweaty, fishy, gone off raw meat and also slightly metallic

5ft8 is a normal height on a global basis. In the UK it is just slightly short. 5ft7 and below is actually short


What do you think of the 'caroo lad vocaroo.com/i/s0d0IGfVvaGc

t. never licked pussy

5ft8 is a normal height on a global basis. In the UK it is just slightly short. 5ft7 and below is actually short

alri alan, how are ya

business idea

like kissing someone who just drank piss

>5ft8 is a normal height on a global basis. In the UK it is just slightly short. 5ft7 and below is actually short

alri alan

get your pizza