I am so very tired of this country

I am so very tired of this country.

I know how you feel

I wish I lived in Canada

Me too
Day of the Rake when?

Move then

Or just live online

I am tired of Canada too

Wanna trade places?

I'm trying, but I keep applying to jobs and getting rejected.

One I was actually going to get, but couldn't get american security clearance because I'm not a citizen.

C,mon cheer up, it's the current year and all.

Would swap

Why would you want to come here? This place is a fucking shit hole. Move to Switzerland or Poland or Ukraine or something

I still love North America.

My family has been in Canada/America since the 1600s. This is really where my home is.

I'm angry because I feel like it is being taken away and sold off/infested by foreigners bit by bit.

I feel the same but it's even worse here. They're literally demolishing our monuments

One thing I have discovered is it is not the countries or politics that matter in the end. My family was here before Canada or America existed, and will be here after they both stop existing.

But all the people both of these countries have let in will be here as well. And that is something we cannot go back from.

It makes me sad to see.

The world will be peaceful if you defeat Forbes' rankers.

Why do you think Bill Gates helps children in Africa?
It is because they know that they eventually become their good slaves and provide more profits than used.
For that reason it is our wealth to be scraped away.

Come to Minnesota.

>america is a shithole

*tips fedora*

What is minnesota like?

Wouldnt swap.
Still feel compassion for you.

Same tbqh.
Kanada looks pretty depressing for a conservative male

Don't do what this guy said, we have Somali here who don't vaccinate their kids.
We currently have 20 of them with measles, something we hadn't had in 25 years till they came around.


Is there ANYWHERE east coast liberals haven't destroyed?

It has nothing to do with liberalism

What does it have to do with?

Infectious stupidity

gultural margsisms :DDDD

Russian climate, more or less. IE, hot and humid as fuck during the Summer, then it snows just like home during Winter.

My "home" up until now has been a small town on the west coast of british columbia, which was very nice and conservative until the government dumped a bajillion indians and chinese on us.

Someone is being paid a lot of money for this and I want to know who it is.


I'd tell you where to come but I don't really want anyone else following you.

>tfw get to gradually observe white upper middle class areas get infested with shitskins
Fuck. I remember when I was a kid literally never seeing them now they're around more and more. I don't even want to live through the coming decades when this country becomes Brazil north.


>mfw live in a white province

laughing at the rest of you cucks. Quebec and Atlantic Canada should just leave and form their own countries. you "Canadians" are pitiful creatures.

Quebec isn't that white, at least not in the major cities.

Whiter than anything else west of it anyway.

at least it's not f*nland

How did you guess.

Me too.

can i move there?


> Marxism
I won't ever understand this "Marxists hate culture" thing. I'm a Marxist, I want a world with no social classes and a planned economy. Marxists in Russia, Cuba, DDR, Romania and so on gave a lot of effort to developing culture and making it available to everybody. Borders of Socialist countries have always been tight, so tight that it is horribly difficult to get in or get out. Those who want a culturally deficient world without borders or regulations are neoliberals, not Marxists.

>This place is a fucking shit hole
>Move to Poland or Ukraine
Yeah those aren't shithole countries at all!

Squamish area is beautiful, I plan to move there in the future
T. Immigrant who pays taxes and has traveled a lot

>because I'm not a citizen
Go back to your third world homeland then if you are so tired of Canada

I mean a citizen of the US.
