Sup Forums is fucking dead

Sup Forums is fucking dead

Sup Forums has BEEN dead.

where have you been the last 4 years?
>saying Sup Forums only died 4 years ago
> I'm being generous there

Spotted the newfag

Spotted another newfag

i found nudes of my cousin so Sup Forums will never be dead to me.

white boys jacking off together is this normal?

You're on Sup Forums so it'd be weird if it wasn't.

This is Sup Forums atm

>Suicide threads
>Poorfag threads
>Skinny celeb hoes nudes (fappening)
>Hipschan niggers posting their fat hoes here
>You can easily recognize anons in other threads
>No dubs decide thread
>No epic raids anymore
>No good webm threads
>No trolls
>Our last stand Sup Forumsros

now its all about lolis and nudes

Shut up faggot, it's newfags like you that give Sup Forums a shit rep

All of the cool kids went to infinity after gamer gate

Log and cuck will usher in a new golden age.

Just wait

how is Sup Forums going to ever have good rep ?
its all about lolis, porn and andy's warm and creamy log.
not a fun board anymore, /x/ is far better than this neckbeard edgy faggotry.



>wanting the internet hate machine to be liked by mainstream plebs.


after gamergate, cool kids went to infinity

>internet hate machine
That's the point faggot, this is not the internet hate machine it used to be anymore.
It started to be liked by those mainstream normie facebook plebes not long ago.

Infinity is a number, not a location. What are you even talking about?

You stated that you want the internet hate machine to have a "good rep".

This is how I know you're retarded. Wanting this place to become popular is like wishing for a brain tumor.

Deep web brah

Yeah, that's like making the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs, you dip

you have to meditate to learn the truth

If you turn the number 8 sideways it turns into an infinity symbol, which is why the infinity symbol is now a euphemism for this image board

You just didn't understand the point retard, you're talking about rep on a board that posts nsfw all the time. and let me tell you it is a popular site for facebook's legions.

no the cool kids went to actual infinity

I wasn't talking about rep.

Infinity is the concept that numbers go on forever not an actual number

cool story brah

Sup Forums died back in 2009.

>being this stupid

But, Did they fuck????


>>being this stupid
>being this ignorant

>being this being

almost trips ma boi

What is infinity and gamer gate? Explain

google it autistic nigger

If you read this that means that you're already in the afterlife and dead

All it comes up with is Disney nigger faggot

ITT: newfaggots

>hurr durr B is not good
>was back in day
>all B is is trap threads

Die! All of you anhero now!

Acoustic nigger


I think I come across a comment like this every 2 hours, lel

has been for like 10 years homie

oldfags are dead now prolly

or with families

wtf? who the fuck does this kind of shit?

What's the deep web URL to go to now?

Sup Forums is making a resurgence because Sup Forums is now super cancer

someone on a shitload of drugs. he probably doesn't even remember doing it.

pol is the new B, all the stuff B used to do pol did last year but now even pol is dying. Sup Forums is pretty much dead now.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums dude.

Infinity is not a number.

Maybe Sup Forums is dead cause you fag teenagers just wanna bitch and have you bitch validated by AnYbOdY and not remember that this is an image board. :)

>Log and cuck will usher in a new golden age.
>Just wait
a sensible chuckle was had.


go on
