Cock r8

Cock r8

R8 mine

I love your cock, clean and nice size 9/10

about 7 or 8" OP? hot tho, at least 8/10

here's a few of me



>Auto] 1





R8 bros




Thoughts on me dick

Would suck/10






Would suck and fuck/10

Would suck and take all in the ass/10

You can fit all of it? I'm impressed


How many inches is it?



Yeah i can take it all. My dildo is 7.5 and i take it to the base

Uh sorry I'm not the guy who posted previous pics, I was just giving a rate

Ah gotcha thanks though
You got a solid 8. Would love to see the foreskin pulled all the way down though

Dicks, dicks everywhere.


Damn those some 10/10 dicks. Jeasous af, my gf would love that shit
Better than I've got, bit thin bit wonky tho 6/10
Not bad good size pleasing to look at 7.5/10
Eh bit small can't complain too much tho 4/10
Pretty nice 8/10

Wouldn't rate myself too well, tp roll here in aus is probably about 100mm so rip. Still have had a gf over a year now (no sex tho, partially cause of the size) size doesn't matter too much. Feel free to r8 m8




can somebody rate mine? i would really apprecite the rating, thanks :)

R8 me m8



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