This huge-titted monster must be found

This huge-titted monster must be found.

So far, we know that the shot was taken in Spain, maybe catalunya, according to the green poster board on the left. Can anyone tell me where this could be exactly?

Other urls found in this thread:,2.1314076,3a,60y,329.86h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAsJgbEhzwVAFsf7k6iaqKQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

That fish face though.

el bumpo

how have you had time to look at her face?

faith bump

Leave her alone, surely she doesn't realize how those big tits affect everyone who sees her. Poor naive girl...


jeah im sure she never noticed how big those tits are

Hunt this big titty

can't you just let her live?
does Sup Forums have to be a massive fucking creep every time they discover someone physically attractive?

It's not okay to hunt humans.

you must be new here

yours is but one opinion.
Sup Forums does not have one opinion.

all summer you say?

fucking white knights


the license plates says "F" which means those cars are French

reads "E" and the billboard is in spanish

>those cars are French

No, that car is from France.Not necessarily all of them are.

fair point

Also, teh green sign reads 'Ampliació oferta formativa'

>the billboard is in spanish

.... and the asphalt on the street is spanish asphalt.

This is Spain, actually Catalunya as OP said as the green sign is written in catalan

Fuck that girl is ugly.

we need moar!!!!

"Her boobs are bigger than her brain"


If you wanna find the ugly bitch, start by finding the place with the green sign. If the green sign is the name of a place Google it.


What company is this

I know OP's pic girl, her name is [You need a Sup Forums gold account to display this]

C/ prudenci bertrana, nº 50, 08207 - Sabadell, Barcelona

So you're jealous cuz you got small boobs?

fug u nugger

This her?


you do know that pic is derived from a webm, right?


no, send it if you have it
champion of the people
champion of the people



I have found out where the location is. It's in Barcelona near Santa Eulalia metro station.,2.1314076,3a,60y,329.86h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAsJgbEhzwVAFsf7k6iaqKQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Fucking hell user. Well done.

Oh Jesus Christ. I'm half worried and half excited. This is cooperation in it's creepiest form. I love it.

La tengo secuestrada

No its not


Looks like a propa dodgy hood.

rofl. i know it seems creepy but i've been to barcelona before and actually I recognised the railway bridge in the background from my wandering around. also I want to see dem titties

I don't wanna see the tits. Just wanna help out in case something happens.

Sorry b/ros but she's disgusting

Why anyone even entertains lazy stalking anons trying to get other anons to do his dirty work is beyond me.

Well shit if it's near a metro station there's no telling where she's from exactly



Oh I want dem titties too, don't get me wrong. It's just astounding what cooperation can achieve. Hoping it doesn't end here. Gonna be lurking for now.

at least we have an approximate area now. Before we only had an entire state.

Its fun. Also, could I steal your reaction image? I'll give you one of my own to pay for it

This is why men need the red pill. You see some remotely attractive female and lose your shit.

fuck off

2/10 would not fuck

great, now call the company and ask them if this titcow has been seen before... what are you guys expecting to find? you gonna google now for big tit catalan whores near Barcelona?

im perfectly calm. but those are very large breasts that i'd like to see if given a chance. get that red pill shit outta here mate

Okay, what now?

Oh well. If you don't enjoy cooperation threads you could always just lurk moar.

Bumping for interest

champion of the universe

Attractive or not it's fun trying to pinpoint her location tbh

But user, this country is full of monster tits...
whats your problem?

Yes, good. The contract is sealed, here's one more for you as a bonus.

Me the ugly bitch or dog leash slut?

weaponized autism

Nobody is getting married without a prenup user, people are just doing some sleuthing.
Not everything is about gynocentrism.

We need to name her. Just in case thread prunes and we need to search the catalog

Thanks user. You're a real pal. Since you gave me a tip, I'll give you a tip too

I'm headed to Barcelona Sept 6. If I get enough info I'll track her down. No, psycho shit. But you know, I'll ask her out or something.

I need an exact moment the pic was taken, and I'll calculate it by the lenght of the shadows.


Big tits and fish face...i say we name her Ariel

Barcelona Tit Monster



Now i'm buying a ticket for barcellona because i can and if i don't find her, well, it has been fun and wow this was fucking impressive, guys ;)

>eyy gurl, I saw your pictures on the internets. Wanna grab sum drink?

those trees are fucking spanish you retart

B's Milk Machine

Ariel is a fish in the other end though, reverse mermaid makes more sense then.

You can't even see her face properly

Nice, but too common

so what, i'm not excluding all others, i'm just saying i really like this one!


It's not just her ugly face. It's also her fugly body.

>tracked you down for hours through google street maps and though you were hot, wanna d8?

Your comment is reatrded. Also, you're a bit late to the party. We've already established where it is.

I was raised in that area of barcelona

Again, you can't tell much from the side.

She's not my type. I can tell from the side. So I'm gonna refer to her as ugly bitch.


Yeah... something like that

>Damage limitation