I cum on your wife/girlfriend

i cum on your wife/girlfriend

No thanks, sage

Do you really?

No it's hideous. No woman wants that goblin dick near them

my dick is the most beautiful thing in the world

It looks like a thumb

How'd you get your dick sewn back together after it went through a blender?

If you're really tributing do this

That's a pathetic amount of cum


OP you are cancer, and your dick is ugly

i have 3 cancer in total

Fuck off you don't like it leave


You are also cancer

She's fugly lol

Can you just leave


send good and recent pics, not year 1982 old pics

Boohoo somebody doesn't like what I like, lmao you're so fragile. Shut the fuck up you dainty bitch

My dick's bigger than that and I'm a small child

bruh your dick look like super meat boy, BOY IF YOU DONT get ouchea wit that orc dick stanky ass fr

You're the one in my thread talking shit!

get off Sup Forums if youre a child

Your penis is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. Waah somebody is bein mean in my thread. Go and tell your mommy and it'll all be better tomorrow little guy

Oh you're a big man now because you talk shit on here oh I'm so scared lol fuck off you were bullied and high school and now you want to talk crap online


Yeah I was bullied and high school, at least I was high school. You illiterate cave dweller, I could tell you were a mongoloid by your rotten potato dick, but thanks for confirming it. Maybe someday you will be high school to.

So smart!

kinda looks like a chorizo sausage.

If somebody stepped on it

This is what I imagine Trumps dick looks like. But smaller.

Not op but what's a good sized dick

Stfu op, don't project your insecurities on other people

That's relative.

Good comeback op

CUM on her

ITT: no one wants to see op's retard cock so he makes requests of himself in order to feel better

lets cum on my sister

Look at the amount of posters idiot

your dick looks like a hot cheeto puff


Fucking lost

OP is the only one posting pictures, everyone else is making fun of his tumor dick



Put a pencil in it

Holy shit dude you need to trim that shit, I can barely see your pen0r down there

It's not thick enough to withstand that

What's the right amount of pubes I should have?

I would seriously throw myself in front of a train if I had that baby carrot between my legs

Not sure, safest thing to do would be just to get a cheap blowtorch and shave that way. Whatever is left after that should be fine

What if I burn my pee pee

Op have you ever even talked to a girl? Why are you so inept at having a dick

Don't worry, at the slightest hint of danger it'll retreat back into your body like it usually does.


I can't ask questions now? Y'all make fun of me and I'm trying to fix myself but you make fun of that too great

Kill your fucking self. We're not here to teach you how to not be a total sperg failure.


I'll dump her nudes after tribute

Bitch looks like an oblivion character

Suck my cock


You should save your virginity for someone special user, I'd just take advantage of you

Give it a shot

Another solid comeback op

lot of insults but not much good photos

It's a failure of a thread. OP is a sad loser. Just let it die and move on.

66 replies and no tributes.

10/10 thread OP would go to page 10 again

So close to being epic


Should I save the thread?

Not OP here

Yes tribute needed

Yeah, is your dik gud?





She's got quite a body

you have her pussy ?



i choose this girl for my cum

this is your ex ?

I am honored. No, she's my wife actually.


more nude of her please

and selfie of her please


Here you go

too short


i choose this pic

wait 5 minutes

what even is this

Is a muslim friendo is for triggerer him

I don't like it, how do we get it to leave?

Ok np but do this

you fuck her how many time per month ?

she like anal

no neither of us really like anal, i don't know i don't count really, pretty often i suppose.



you meet her online ? tinder ?

