
Mentally-ill Labour MP hopeful edition


Other urls found in this thread:


>I mention I'm 6'3
>thread calls me a virgin obsessed about height
>the whole last thread were people mentioning the height
>no-one bats an eyelid


What happened to are jannie? Not seem him about recently.

want a gf
want to have children
want to get married
want to grow old together
want to see our kids do well
want to die side by side with my wife

>"no, this seat's not taken"


sod off

>the virgin is here


5'8 skinny gay boy twink with a massive cock

she's a fucking tart. I'd vote for her

sounds like no one likes ya pal

don't reply to it

even though it is tempting

do not reply


>the dumbbells are dusty
well i've got an hour might as well aha x

i didnt ask. now fuck off to the back of the bus.

youre such a lost cause i dont even know where to start



You should join a climbing gym lad

yea yea alright now sod off back to 'ddit

I've found a lump.

Babestation noises

they're called testicles m8


cunt warned me yesterday for racism
meanwhile theres new threads earlier all day and a fucker spamming tranny porn every other day

reckon tim would make a good hulk

3rd bollock?

Absolutely howling


now watch me dab
now watch me nae nae

how can you tell from social media:

>a girl suffers from confidence problems
>a girl gets railed by chads a lot

what kind of healthcare system does ireland have

do irish lads go to the UK for better treatment

my brain, lungs, spine and lymph nodes hurt

he's been singing the same two songs at least once a day on camera now for years

>the virgin is talking about women

both are usually the case anyway

Which one are you lads?

genuinely have no idea what most of these 1s and 0s even are

>gibson guitar
>fender stool
>can barely use either of them


it's "don't mess me around sunshine" not "don't mess with me sunshine" you fucking newcunt

any lads from Scotland in here ?

picked a huge booger and now i can breathe through my nose again

me on the top, in the white, pointing at the runtoids

>a girl gets railed by chads a lot

if most of her pics are of her taking group selfies with her female mates

popular girls are always keen to show off to their lass mates how much they have sex

girls with fewer friends don't feel the need to fuck as many people

Anyone under 185cm is a manlet.
I'm 194cm.

It's a shambles

i actually laughed

good job la'

yeah you're right, top kek

literally co-introduced the Tim gimmick to /brit/

you're welcome

Cached government recordings of you masturbating waiting to be sent off

a shitty public healthcare system but I heard its good if you've got cancer and such
if you're any way wealthy you should have private though, waiting lists for anything non life threatening are insane



Where do you guys come up with this stuff?


in the first world

fuck off newtwat

I was born in Mexico

i know a few slags on a decent level and i just observed how they post on facebook and there's definite trends

don't expect a slut to take many pictures with guys on social media. she keeps the guys in her life a secret so she can net in more fucks

i literally see no correlation


mental illness




it's definitely a factor lad


do you know which video lad?

all chicanos are welcome in /brit/, moreso than yanks

good post

never been in a photo with a girl I banged but she'll take one with all my friends.

Got bio oil all over my new les paul lads, what's the best way to clean it without damaging the finish?

Seen 190kg at the deli the other day
he was shoving jambons in the pocksts of his cargo shorts whenever the staff turned around
They caught him and a black security guard ran at him and 190kg grabbed a fistfull of haribo packets before jetting off on his scooter

doing a poo


that's because she regrets it

reminder that 190 admitted to noncing his niece

best irish post in a long time

Think he's the tranny spammer

You fucked it lad

I dunno, sometime around late June I think if you want to go digging

>Womb men

love a nice nonce o' the niece

Nice bait you virgin

saw a female security guard in halfords before, she was literally like 5'3 and about 20 stone, not even messing.

What a fucking joke, literally who is she going to stop, it wasn't even like bouncer fat where they are hard to knock over, one nudge she woulda rolled down the fucking street

Watch some BJJ self defence videos on youtube.

>fighting for equality by getting rid of men's rights
ah yes, wymyn
ah yes Labour


Me on the right


I found a clip of it in this video

Worth the watch


girls with confidence problems take every picture from the same angle they think looks good
so you'll see a lot of pics covering their foreheads or only showing their face from a certain angle etc

good thing halfords isn't much of a target

if you don't have any fighting skill and he does you're going to get smashed

my advice is "square-up" to him like you're going to talk before it kicks off and either kick/grab his balls or shove your palm really hard into his nose and mouth and just pounce on him

>BJJ self defence
Thing is i dont want self defence, i want to send the nigger into coma, , i want to knock him the fuck out with my bare hands

taking the job title literally then

just go mental mate

chances are you aren't trained in anything so don't try and do it in style, listen to some aggressive music to get yourself pumped up then go to the fight and go off your nut, just swing and swing and don't stop until you knock the cunt out

you can do it mate, just get into the mindset

>Sending him into a coma
>Not just breaking his arm

It's a much more powerful lesson for them to learn

redpill: security guards aren't there to stop thieves, they're just there to reduce the insurance premiums of the business

when you go to punch him put a set of house keys in your hand poking out through the gaos between your fingers


>be irish
>get terrible hemorrhoids
>have to wait 3 months to be seen by a doctor

bellys gonna get ya

What's Poley up to these days lads?

Mum just got a new job lads, she's a security guard at Halfords.

tell him your dad can beat his dad up