Let me ask you guys something

Let me ask you guys something

Should someone be perma banned from all boards for posting this?

Does this look like child porn to you?

yes you should be

no but it's fucking weird nonetheless

That isnt child porn you dumb fuck. In what way is this photo pornographic?

I got fucking perma banned for posting this fucking photo. Are the mods on this site really that fucking retarded?

No but mods will still ban you for it because mods are fucking liberal beta cuck nigger faggots that get fucked in the ass by nigger cock jamal every hour.

Yes and yes and you're sick if you don't see it. Get help.

yes they are.

posting pics of children modeling is against the rules, even if this isnt cp it still breaks the rules. so yes

Go and end yourself.

It's a really shady thing to have on your computer at least

It's not child porn you daft piece of shit. I know your parents treated you like shit and you're probably retarded but fucking use common sense.


Clearly a sketchy pic but no, it's not CP, nor child nudity.


IT IS because it is a child posted on Sup Forums you sick fuck. Get help.

Now and why is it sketchy? Not OP, just wondering.

children being posted on Sup Forums is child porn. God you really are retarded.

How and why*

i never said it was, but the only reason he would put that up is to try to get some. Thus, he should get that ban

Yes, and I am surprised you're a theist.

>Does this look like child porn to you?
You should email your district judge and ask him

You only shall post dead kids, user

I fapped

what is CP?
then send some real CP so i can compare to ops pic...
then i would be able to tell if it is so

Yes if you want to see sexy kids just go to Google image search. Here we are more normies than normies themselves.

>post into this thread
>get banned for "replying to pedo shit"
this is neo-Sup Forums.

first pic I got


I've been permabanned for less, many times

Some guy just got banned posting Monroe the pornstar who is like 20

You know you can get perma banned for asking for CP right?

Next time just post a video of a kid being beheaded. That's perfectly acceptable here. The retarded christian mentality where sex is worse than murder and violence prevails in Sup Forums.

nice try, mr fbi

They're usually smiling not crying, honestly

Are you new?

>this is literally what liberals think

there are no bans on Sup Forums retard

The makeup, the posing, scantily clad. Again, not saying this pic is something you should get b& for, but it's not a regular "look at my cute daughter" pic either.

It's all you mods yelling people saying there's something wrong with that picture (or any pic just because it has a kid in it) that are the real sickos.
There's nothing sexual about 90% of the pics of kids ppl post here just to get reactions from you people, but you still see them as sexual. Wtf is wrong with you??

This is true. Only gril that cried was the grifters, and well, we all know what happens in the grifter.

Yeah the mods here faggots I've got Perma banned for posting pictures of Jordyn Jones and this was shit that's readily available on her Instagram. We really need to have some more oversight on moderation abuse around here.

there is no porn in this picture

Are you for serious you fuck the?

americans have sexualized kids

could the MODS post soem CP... i bet their archive ist now big as fuck
damn hipocrits

shes adorable. not worth a ban.

Was it like this when moot was here too? ASking as a newfag

You guys dont know real CP. That's just a photo

Grifter isn't real


you can reban in 10sec... but i wont tell u fag how hahahaha


I puked when I saw it

>You guys dont know real CP
Post real CP then retard


I remember, in the old days, Sup Forums was full of CP

mfw no link on a cp thread

It's because the mods are actually sensible enough to realize that the lonely virgins who fap to loli on this board would probably find that hot and rub one out.
Problem is, that's a real child, not a drawing.

Also look at her pose, looks fishy too me. Yeah you should be banned you freak.

my double dubs speak the truth.