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how do I find weed if I don't know anyone in the city I live in?

Order a pizza and ask the delivery driver.

Actually pretty fucking solid advice / 10.

get it in the mail from someone you do know

All the delivery drivers I've gotten are old Indian guys or fat chicks

Try moving to a US state that isn't living in Puritan times so you can go to a dispensary and buy some like a free American

grow it you fucking pussy

While i'd say that chances that these got weed are lower than with your generic stoner it won't hurt to ask. What are they gonna do about it?

There's a really shady Mexican restaurant nearby, what are the chances if I go in and ask them that I get kidnapped and beaten?

Mexican dirt weed ftl

Stick to the Seth Rogen type stoners. They won't fuck you up for asking stupid white people questions.

Should I just hit the bars on the weekend and look for a guy like that?

I've always had a friend with a connection before, never had to just go out and ask some random guy

that's how you get hooked up with some angel dust, smokeeeeeey

Depends what kind of impression you give off. Not looking like an undercover cop may help, but chances are rather low because from getting into a conversation with someone you don't know to the position where he trusts you enought to break the law for you is a large step. I'd try with pizza deliverers, you may even check out a few stores personally.


I do not live in a state with legalized marijuana unfortunately. I feel like that was obvious

Buy from the silk road or some other similar website

I went on vacation in Texas a few weeks back and was able to snag bud twice in one gas station visit having only ever gone through friends before.
>Be at dinner with GF, we both want to smoke since we are chilling at the beach all week
>Lets just pull into the gas station and see whats up
>White dude with dreads walks into gas station
>Follow him in, nervously confront him in an aisle.
>"Hey man, I couldn't buy a G off you could I"
>Dude says he can't but that he has a pre rolled blunt in his car he will just give me.
>Wut... Buy a blunt wrap on my way out so he knows I mean business.
>He gives me the blunt for nothing
>As we are sitting there a guy walks out with blunt wraps so I roll down my window and ask the same thing
>Sells me an eighth for 40 bones
I had never just asked anybody before but if you do it to non sketchy people and play it smart... shit works out

When I went to San deigo I was outside of 711 looking through some stores trying to find some reading material for my aunt in the hospital and some random homeless guy asked me if I smoked and I said ye and he offered me a gfor 5$ but I only had a 20 and two ones so he just took the two ones and I ended up getting like a 1.4 off a hobo for two dollars, SD homeless roll stocked

If you can speak Spanish and aren't a dick you could ask the cooks with a 99% success rate. Chances are if it's slow they'll take you out back and smoke you up too.

If you're a cringy white gringo they'll take you out back and smoke you up in a whole different sense lol

Ask waiters or bartenders at chill local places. I used to bartend and tbh it was a pretty common question.
most people who smoke have that one dealer that will take all newcomers.

Oh and promise a big tip for info. Especially bartenders, and pay in cash.

1. Look for teenagers hanging near liquor stores, they are often looking for someone to buy for them and will undoubtedly know someone who sells.

2. Go to a dive bar sit down and order a beer. Ask the guy/gal sitting next to you or the bartender.

3. Move to a state dispensaries.

4. Visit a state with dispensaries.

5. Find women on dating sites who like to smoke, they'll often know someone. Note, if you cannot get a date, you should kill yourself instead of buying weed, you'll feel better after.

6. Check for groups that talk about hydroponics.

7. Walk around the food establishments and bars by the nearest college and look for anyone who looks like a hippy.

If none of these techniques work, buy seeds online and grow it in a trashcan.