India confirmed shitter power by 2019

India confirmed shitter power by 2019


>not even 10% in 1986

India will control the toilet industry globally

We stopped ahitting on the ground in the stone age. Really makes you think.

Was there some type of community toilet in the less poor areas or the poo in the street meme true for all but the richest %?

french were shitting in the streets until the late 70's

> Must lose meme-superpower status to become real superpower
It's not fair, bros.

No surprise there. Wouldnt expect anything less from a nation of people who eat snails.

I root for India, once they learn how to poo in loo they will enslave muslim savages and save Europe

It's just a meme, everyone knows they poop in the ganges right before they bathe in it.

>Implying medieval town streets weren't full of poo

damn, doubling in 4 years

let's see it it works

>it took India 4000 years to undo the damage to their culture visited upon them by white "people"

>shitter power
>not pooper power

You had one job.

Maybe in Notoiletway.

C'mon burger, dont be a jerk and stop meme-

Why do you guys obsess over India's defecation?

Its very bizarre and should be called into question. Basic household sanitation is one of the first things the comes with civilization right after growing crops and domestication of animals.

Yeah, in 70 AD, not in 1970.


>Basic household sanitation is one of the first things the comes with civilization right after growing crops and domestication of animals.

it also shows that open defecation is more of a stylistic choice then a necessary choice

by rights open defecation would have cause the society to implode of itself seeing how important europeans made the converse true yet it is a functioning global economy

what we have here is an ideological paradox that just wouldn't go away

of course any culture would deem open defecation non-desirable and unhygienic the globalized world demand and immediate suppression to such practice as a method of oppression against hindu people

it seems wrong yet sensible at the same time because you want to force them to conform but inversely you have to think by what rights do anyone have to shame indians

not that such practices should be congratulated of course but it acts as a instigator of western power, even if it is for something so radically basic

open defecation is not a cultural practice specific to india, it is a symptom of an expanding demographic with little access to infrastructure, over decades of inaccess it becomes commonplace and a part of life where defecation is as easily as dropping ones pants

there is a great personal psychological link to casual defecation to the systematic oppressive defecation of the west
why go into a small room and crap in the same spot where hundreds of people crapped before on the same day when you can find a new pristine area to crap in

so we try to make india like us because we feel threatened by their absurd and perverted freedom


Wrf. I love social science degrees now.

We shouldnt shame them for where they poop. Did you ever think they we were wrong?

what's the point if they will still shit in the street when they feel like it?

I waste my life on Sup Forums in hopes of stumbling upon this kind of posts. Bravo, user.

>access to

What does that even mean?

It sounds like they put up one toilet per block and that's it. That's "access". THat's not a single toilet and sewer system in every house and city.

Isn't their economy booming? I know it'd cost billions, but a proper national sewer system and water treatment shoudl be their #1 priority now.

2 0 1 9


>The great shit war is over
>On a camping trip way out in the woods
>decide to squat to take a shit
>just about to push when I hear a buzz in the distant
>high end Indian hover poopers are coming my way to collect my poop at intense speed
>this is not why I came to the mountains for
>waddle away toward camp
> they are already there
> turn around and start tumbling down cliffside
>realize my pants have been around my ankles this whole time
>the buzz is getting closer
>I look around me and there are only trees...
>but wait their is an impression in the rocks
>its the opening of a cave
>I waddle in
>just in time
>the buzz over me and head toward the next hill
>whooo what a relief
>Now time for buisness
>I prepare myself and feel a glorious solid poop ready to come out
>loud sirens begin to sound as the buzzing returns
>their sensors are to strong! Ever since 2090 it has been the dictate of the global Indian government to seek and collect poops even before they are had. All poop is collected preemptively by automatons with advanced algorithms and sensing equipment.
>I haven't had an independent poop since I was a boy. This is my only chance.
> I go for it.
>I begin to squeeze with all my might when CLANG wooooooooAAAASSHH SSSSsssss-P
>A seal is made around my asshole
>its the arm of the hover pooper.
>it drags me out by my ass and I am left dangling half naked upside down.
>I am slowly rotating as I see a forest spin and the tube of the machine begins to suck
>My poop.
>My hope. My dream. MY INDEPENDENCE! It is sucked from me.
>Cold, Afraid, Violated. I see the tenticle/mechanical beast
> I look into its camera lens as it looks back into me.
>The sucking stops and I am thrown in the mud
>The machine approachs
>An arm extends
>It is holding two rupees
>I tak
> It is holding 2 rupees.
>"Thank you for your patronage."
>I take the rupees as I try to fight back the tears.

>The great shit war is over
>On a camping trip way out in the woods
>decide to squat to take a shit
>just about to push when I hear a buzz in the distant
>high end Indian hover poopers are coming my way to collect my poop at intense speed
>this is not why I came to the mountains for
>waddle away toward camp
> they are already there
> turn around and start tumbling down cliffside
>realize my pants have been around my ankles this whole time
>the buzz is getting closer
>I look around me and there are only trees...
>but wait their is an impression in the rocks
>its the opening of a cave
>I waddle in
>just in time
>the buzz over me and head toward the next hill
>whooo what a relief
>Now time for buisness
>I prepare myself and feel a glorious solid poop ready to come out
>loud sirens begin to sound as the buzzing returns
>their sensors are to strong! Ever since 2090 it has been the dictate of the global Indian government to seek and collect poops even before they are had. All poop is collected preemptively by automatons with advanced algorithms and sensing equipment.
>I haven't had an independent poop since I was a boy. This is my only chance.
> I go for it.
>I begin to squeeze with all my might when CLANG wooooooooAAAASSHH SSSSsssss-P
>A seal is made around my asshole
>its the arm of the hover pooper.
>it drags me out by my ass and I am left dangling half naked upside down.
>I am slowly rotating as I see a forest spin and the tube of the machine begins to suck
>My poop.
>My hope. My dream. MY INDEPENDENCE! It is sucked from me.
>Cold, Afraid, Violated. I see the tenticle/mechanical beast
> I look into its camera lens as it looks back into me.
>The sucking stops and I am thrown in the mud
>The machine approachs
>An arm extends
>It is holding two rupees
>"Thank you for your patronage."
>I take the rupees as I try to fight back the tears.