Be Canadian

>Be Canadian
>Nothing happens
>Be smug about it

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>tfw Canadian but desperately wishes I was born in the land of the free

drink up white boy

oh my :(

why would like to be born in a shittier country

You have to cut the bags open to drink the shit, how do you store it to keep it fresh?

>shittier country
Citation needed



I don't know any Canadians that use the milk bags, but surely they are bought because they are always on the shelf at the store.
Mom used to buy them when I was a kid and I always thought it was strange.
To keep them, they'd be placed in pic related and then cut open.

I dont get it.
Are you saying all Canadians keep a chocolate cow in their homes?

Trudeau, the walking talking live PC principle. Dudes such a fuckin douchebag, little spoiled twat who's daddy was PM years ago and he benefited of it. Tries to be man of the people, oh yeah Trudeau. So man of the people those millions of dollars you were raised in

Muh muzlims!!

# of successful terrorist attacks on canadian soil since 1999: 4

# of people killed in said attacks: less than 10

you know that land of free got atleast as many shitskins as canada if not more

>no seal
>requires purchace of additional container for milk
How did this shit even get started?

I blame the french

Can any french fags confirm or deny the existace of bagged milk where you live?

Its honestly one of the more puzzling things to come out of Canada.
The US transitioned from glass bottles from the milk man to recycled cardstock milk boxes pretty easy.

Because you are appeasing them. Just wait until they start to become the majority in areas and demand sharia law and start killing dogs.

we used to have them all the time when i lived with my parents. they must be cheaper than the cartons i'm guessing.

i always hated having dull scissors when trying to cut the fucking bag open, i don't think i'd buy em just for that reason.

In Alberta we don't have milk in bags. Seems to be an eastern thing

I know right, I know nationalism is pretty much dead now but any Canadian with the least bit of respect for the country doesn't like him in office.


>Thinking that people who have fled sharia law countries want sharia law in their adopted country

Don't forget, THEY are always coming for you.

You don't pour it into the jug from the bag?

What kind of savages do you take us for?

Just wait. Islam is a virus.

>be canadian
>government pays out to terrorist

Won't the bag slide out when you try to pour it?

enjoy your skin cancer hick


Nice hair doe

If they are fleeing sharia law, why are they still wearing hijab?


It's too cold here for the Muzzies to survive long anyway. They only come here to migrate south once they get their citizenship. Wish the same could be said for the damn indians.


1. Did the Canadian government allow one of its citizens to be detained and tortured for 10 years without proper trial in an illegal holding facility operated by an ally? Yes.

2. Does the nature of the crime committed change the standards in which an accused is held or treated according to the law? No.

Omar Khadr was not paid for being a terrorist. Omar Khadr was paid because the government abandoned him in a hole for years.

Accountability swings both ways. If they dicked me around, you bet your ass I'd sue the fuckers for everything I could.

It doesn't somehow
It's fucking native magic I dunno

Here in Argentina we consume the milk in bags too.
It's around 30% cheaper.

Canada is the country with the most expensive milk in the world, Argentina is the second one.

>Omar Khadr
>Convicted of killing US soldier
seems open and shut to me

Why do you wear pants in public?

personal choice.

I never remember it doing that
Even to the last drop

if it was an open and fair trial and not kangaroo court at gitmo, sure.

That's a horrible comparison.

Canadian Black Magic.

Abracadabra, eh.

I'll go ahead and leave another one

didn't he promise to legalize marijuana for you as well?

7.6 - 8 dolar the galon


Need Canadian Sup Forumsros to vote

Tims coffee
McDonalds coffee

Which is better?

Also, would Canada be a better country if Quebec would completely segregate itself from the rest and become it's own nation?

good god


Tims. No.

What the fuck good is that going to do?
Everybody will be nigging it up and stupid as shit and people who sell it are going to be out of a "job"

I was just in Toronto for a wedding this pst weekend of my lifelong friend who moved back there. And yeah everyone said the same thing you just did, any proud Canadian who loves Canadian culture hates this twat bucket

Well for one thing, you can tax it.

I like mcd coffee better cause there is usually a shorter wait at the drive thru.

I like Quebec, I wish the GTA would be leave doe

Tim's is better

Quebec is a bunch of whiny brats but they're Canadian no matter how many fluer de lis they fly

because he seems to have Merkel disorder.

Muslims that want to integrate and seem to love Canada. What exactly is the problem here?

It's only the immigrants who are unwilling to integrate and aren't lawful that are problems

1. Tax revenue.
2. Deny organized crime a source of income.
3. It's just weed, booze is a thousand times more harmful.

had a terrorist attack once. They blew up a few cows and 2 chickens. it was sad man.

Just takes one bad apple, guy
When they start rioting in the street and waving their roach flag and killing people you'll be quick to change your mind.
Don't be so naive, this isn't some big right wing conspiracy

Merkels on her way out, she isnt winning the upcoming election. She's been chancellor for 13 years now and is unpopular. She's finished

I don't think organized crime is really concerned about selling weed...
Weed just makes you stupid as shit, there is not denying that

in the US, milk comes in bags too. They're called udders

>has universal healthcare
>population the size of california
>retards still somehow impressed

Weed is not the money maker in most serious crime syndicates but it's still a pretty big market considering how casually it's smoked today.

Sir are you aware that Islam is a religion of peace.

that's what i said with the french election about macaroni, but he won.

That's no way for a human being to live.

Did Canada send him to Afghanistan?
His father did
Are we going to repay every indoctrinated person who follows the beliefs of their stupid parents?
There are several people who have already left Canada to join ISIS because of silly indoctrination followings.
Are we going to pay out all convicted terrorists now because they have citizenship here before they left?

Timmmys boyyy, and probably not. Fuck qubec tho

and don't forget THEY are coming for YOU.

But see you don't understand in the absolute slightest. An intense nationalist candidate (La Pen) beat out 19 candidates to get to the run off. And in the final election got 1/3 of the overall vote. Nationalism in Western Europe made that much of a splash in the modern day. Do you understand what I'm getting at? Usually dipshit lefty lovin fucks always think it works like the USA elections. But not even remotely close

what are you trying to say?

You didnt read my post very well.

He could have been pulled from gitmo and held in Canada to stand proper trial at any time. The government allowed him to be illegally detained without trial for ten years.

Nobody is denying that he did some shady shit, that wasnt the issue.

Shouldn't the Canadian government then be liable for the death of the soldier?

>did some shady shit
>killed soldier of ally
>ally we entirely rely on for self-defense


again, I'm not denying that.

So the US was just going to let go of one of their prisoners taken in an offshore firefight against their own men, think about the political ramifications that would happen if they allowed that. You have to understand there is more than just one side involved in this situation.
The most pathetic thing was the Canadian government paying him out without even attempting a trial on the case.
They can pretend to say it would cost more in legal fees than the payout they gave him, but the fact of the matter is they never even tried to bring the justice system into it.

I don't know. Seems like if you follow the same retarded logic as Trudeau, the family of the one murdered should receive some compensation.

BC does not have bagged milk, well Vancouver doesn't anyways

The lamest part about this was Trudeau's defense suggesting it would take "$40 Million" or more for the government to defend the suit.

Uh, if that's really the case, isn't it a sign that the legal system is fucking broken?

that's cause asians dont buy bagged milk

vancouver just imports the chem-milk from china, its fine

Canadian dairy is expensive because it's better for you, the government does not allow all the hormones to be added

If Khadr was held in a legal institution then I could see that being the case, but he was held in an illegal detention facility without trial by an ally. The canadian government didnt do enough to get him to stand trial.

The technical ramifications are clear and in a court of law this case was, is and will be a loser for the government no matter how much one tries to spin it.

It fuckin sucks that they have to pay the sonofabitch but an independent judicial process dictates that the government do everything in it's power to have him freed.

They didnt, and now they have to pay.

It's coming in about a year

Legally speaking? No

Most American milk is held to the same standard unless otherwise labeled.

Well, then I have been lied to

If anything you should be mad at Chretien, Martin and Harper for not allowing him to come back for that long, they added more kindling for the case.

How much you pay for a stick of butter?

Friendly French Fag here, yes i can confirm that most houses have bagged milk "montreal"

It's really not. Sharia law is not one size fits all. Even if they refer to sharia law, it really does come down to the culture of the country they are coming from.

I was in Europe for some time and saw all their own limitations on importation of fruit and vegetables, and suddenly realized how stupid and fraudulent all such regulations are beyond bare bones sanitary. They are about protecting domestic industry under rationalization of protecting health.

But morally, yes.