Today marks my 10th anniversary coming in Sup Forums, specifically Sup Forums

Today marks my 10th anniversary coming in Sup Forums, specifically Sup Forums


what changed in you?

Do you miss m00t? And when bawksy was a new thing? Because I do.

why do you think we care ?


Bing bang? Bing bang LSD?

nice bait

>10 years

Why is OP still a faggot then

Altho, I've been lurking since 2004 so I really can't talk shit.

Remember when Sup Forums was good?

Do you still enjoy it? I've been here since 2011 btw. I feel like this place was way funnier back then.

r u gay xd


boxxy can eat my dick and a sack of dicks for dessert.
that jew sold us to the SJW when gaymergate. At least chink moot stays stfu and doesn't get ultrafaggot mods

Why are you such a newfriend?

funnier? nah. Sup Forums is new only for newcomers. 2011 was lotsa fun because lulzsec and the hacker known as anonymous though

How the heck do u guys remember the date when you first came here? Was it so life changing that you wrote it on your calendar

lurk moar or an hero fagits
because unlike us, you're a newborn.

I mean, you will start knowing the date when you start knowing for sure that
>the ride never ends is not a meme
>why I'm still here
>just for suffer
>what I'm doing with my life
Then when you get your shit together things get pretty good, with the hardened skin you get here.

Do you have more of these pictures?

checked, my god

is this bait or is it a newfag?

haha le upboat my friend xDD

edit: thanks for the gold guys this is amazing

>can you make OC for me consisting on describing pictures on plain text

Neither, I know what both of those are I'm asking if those are the only you have like that.

Ignore my bad grammar I'm baked

So you're trapped in this hell like the rest of us?

11 years. Fag.

>pretend to be here for 10 years
>behave like a total newfag

Fuck off


Me too actually
I first went to Sup Forums 10 years ago

Never was much of a Sup Forumstard though
Until now

Not quite. I've been here since the early 2000s. Back when boxxy and juicebawks ruled. When foul bachelor frog was the dank meme.

You'll never leave

k i'm baked too, where from? continent

I have been here since 2010.
Feels good to oficially be graduated from newfag to a midfag now.

Can you explain why people would even keep track of the year they came to Sup Forums?

I've been here for many years, but I have no fucking clue what year I started.

Why would it be this important? You're either an oldfag or a newfag.

you just can't stop sucking dicks, don't you?

>i'm gona tell them i'm backed so they won't notice i'm retarded durr
>duplicate file exists
you mean days
no, this is my proud home. I mean the libanese goatfucking porn website, not specifically the shit that Sup Forums is
u mad?
muh negger

refer to
so you went backwards

why? you developed a taste for pizza of milk derivatives?

Same here OP. I don't come to Sup Forums very often though.

Mudkips was the hot thing back then


Mudkips was still in use back in 2010.

I have no memory, I can't even tell you what memes were popular, although I think I was at the tail end of the height of desu.

I could go back to some really old laptops and check dates from saved images, but fuck that, I can't even imagine caring.

>why? you developed a taste for pizza of milk derivatives?

When I first went to Sup Forums I went to Sup Forums. Even in 2007 it was infamous
All I saw were gore and CP threads
Being a young naive man, I was all like "gross".

But you don't spend 15 years on the internet without becoming desensitized.

IMO we've gone through a Sup Forums renaissance. 5 years ago it was super edgy because that was the reputation.
Now we're better

Summer fag

When did FUCK YEAH SEAKING stop?

knowing!=caring, my friendo

Fuck Yeah bro
I am somewhere close to that, 2006/2007

Zoe was first, zoe is still high queen of my heart.

There hasnt been cp on Sup Forums in years now. It stopped being regular like 8 years ago. now people post teens and everyone goes screaming for mods. ( I mean they did back then too but that was for CP this is for facebook teens)

Tru dat.

I don't know, and I don't care. But I'm not drunk. I should be in that cage over ---->

I think around 2011-12

Do you miss Him?


5 years ago it was all
>if x is y, how come z? checkmate atehists/christfags/etc.
now everything is posts of leaked titties from butthurted faggots which gfs had the bbc

It's still better now
I make a thread about real shit
It lasts for more than an hour

That's all it takes to be good
Lots of titties on the front page
Can't really complain about that


hey gusy
listen carefully





the bitch sold us.


This is my oldest saved image in my b folder
September 30, 2008

Those 2 girls are not the same. Even their fucking chins are night and day different.

Here is a meme picture from 08 shows a most popular ones

>reddit spacing

What would you do if you could turn back time?

I know that feel too well

Some familiar, some not. I'd guess I was after 08, but not by much.

absolutely nothing,
changing past times is for betacucks

similar oldfag who hasn't been to Sup Forums for at least 7 years

why the fuck is there a captcha and what the fuck has happened?
I mean yeah the joke about Sup Forums never being good is true but it's definitely changed a LOT since the raiding days and m00t's drunk posting

Yeah this doesn't reek of paranoia and fanaticism or anything

>hundreds of proxies


do you even remember the bitch?

What's it like being 28 or older?

You are 28 or older, aren't you?

Would You ?

Where were you on 9/11?

you de-autisted now or what? never posted? you expect me to believe it?
turning 30, yes.
I don't know dude, every day I die when i sleep. Every day I'm born when I wake.
>every day when I wake, I hope to get sleep again and forgetting about living

I didn't say that image applied, I just said it was the oldest I had saved.

Every day you ask and everyday I say "yeah, I'd turn my cum cannon on that bitches tits.

You want moar?

I don't even see the code anymore

If I were 70 and she was my gf, probably
I'm from spain, idgaf. Where were you on 3/11?
don't lie to me bitch, if you saved there was a reason. If you didn't deleted it, there had to be a reason.

Its been a few hours since I cume.

Everything you got.

You caught me.... all 2371 pictures are very personal to me.

that is a statement, not a question

48 years old......still lurking

I'm from USA, idgaf. Carry on you fuck.

age means shit
why the fuck the size difference


that's my nigger

brazilian faggot

old pictures are smaller newfag

Nice legs would rub dick on.

I moved to a bunch of other imageboards then gave it all up completely not so long ago

sadly now I'm in a place where I'm bored and lonely as fuck when I used not to be, and some of my friends IRL still link me shit from Sup Forums so while I used to lurk when sent things now as of today I'm actually posting again.

Don't take a soul crushing 9-5 in a town you've never been to with people who don't like to hang out. It sucks.


>a soul crushing 9-5
pls elaborate

is spurdo a mainstream meme?
I come from finnish imageboards where its kind of a mock joke about finnish children who are called jonnes and finnish culture in general

do you expect me to know about the plebeian taste?
as a patrician, I fukcingn love spurdo sparde :DDDDD

She likes that

love to cum on them?