What the fuck is wrong with Asians?

What the fuck is wrong with Asians?






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they wouldn't be "asian" if you were like you

they would be you but yellow

that larva is an extremely good source of nutrition you dumb fat piece of shit

>implying Europeans don't eat shit like this

Where do you think burgers come from, lardass? Animal cruelty is not unique to any one culture or race.

really make you think

Some people here eat horse meat. I heard Americans find this disgusting.

nooooooooooooooooooo PEPE

it is disgusting to brazilian too and i think in all of south america


Don't you guys eat those giant guinea pig things? Capybaras?

wtf is chorizo then?


not common

Didn't need to see any of that. Well, Vietnam is okay.

Of all these I'd eat the cobra. At least they kill it before they eat it.

Where are the koreans and their poop medicine?

I'd imagine cobra would taste like rattlesnake

Horse meat is amazing

Not gonna lie, looks tasty.

Never had any snake, but I'm told reptiles just taste like chicken.


eating larvae is something i’d encourage people to do more. It’s cheap, healthy and nutritious.

2 years ago beekeepers discovered that eating drone larvae or making a juice out of it is in fact very healthy. It decreases infertility and reinforces memory/thinking capacity.




Of course an American makes this thread

No, I don't, that shit is gross as fuck

savage subhumans, we need to eliminate them

Asians have low emotional intelligence, hence why they don't care about animals or refugees.

Yellows have always had a stunted moral sense. The only thing that softens people from seeing them for what they are is anime.

If you're saying this and you're not a vegan then you need to off yourself immediately.

literally nothing wrong with this

Nothing wrong with Philippines

That's because americans have a lot of love for horses. Why do you think the cowboy culture is about ?
In Europe it's tamer. They're more seen as tools usually and we had tonnes of them after the mechanization of agriculture being expensive and unprofitable so...