Why are cargo shorts looked down upon by women? (also satchels and fanny packs)

Why are cargo shorts looked down upon by women? (also satchels and fanny packs)

It's a way of life

Cargo shorts are looked down on by everyone. With a name like "fanny pack" are you seriously asking? And you don't carry a satchel (aka purse) unless you're Indiana jones or a hipster faggot.

Because they're stupid. I wear cargoes - gives me a place to carry my magazine pouch and wallet.

Spotted the woman.

Ok but why on the cargo shorts? I love those things because they are so convenient but everyone always puts me down for it...

Only thing worse than wearing cargo shorts is putting stuff in the pockets, especially heavy objects.

And why does a satchel have to be labeled as such a womanly thing? its convenient...

Put them on and look in a mirror, that's why.

Because fashion. Women always ask us pocket privileged men to hold their stuff WHY!?!?!? BECAUSE THEY CHOSE FASHION OVER PRACTICALITY NOW THEY HAVE NO WHERE FOR THEIR PRECIOUS PHONE OH BOOHOO .

Well sure it is, why do you think all women carry purses?

because its associate with 40 yo men with a wife and kids who have given up on enjoying life and dedicate themselves to gardening and diy

thank you, i agree completely... great for storing shit conveniently

If women don't like them, they probably shouldn't wear them.

>>Implying the opinions of cumdumpsters means anything and that you should base things in your life from it.

>The only thing worse than wearing a backpack is having stuff in it

>The only thing worse than wearing a raincoat is having it resist water.

>The only thing worse than wearing glasses is using them to see.

>The only thing worse than having a refrigerator is having food in it

The only thing worse than owning clothes is wearing them.

>The only thing worse than getting in the shower is washing in the shower.

Its like there is some sort of stigma against convenient things... im probably gonna have to get in an argument about this with my wife arnt i...?

Nice list, you still look like a douche in your cargo shorts with weighed down pockets.

im very glad (most of) you get what i mean, i thought i was crazy or something...

I understand your dilemma now. Your spindly ass chicken legs can't handle carrying anything over the weight of a 10 pc box of chicken mcnuggets and 20oz Mountain Dew - I can see why having extra pockets would hurt your feelings.

The way she goes buddy. Fuckin way she goes.

nigger, no one said looking good was easy

If you guys insist on carrying around a small arsenal along with your mouth fedoras,nunchucks,condoms(like you'll use em) knives and fidget spinners then one of these is acceptable.

how does he look bad? i cant cram all my crap my pockets sometimes, like especially on hikes or whatever, it is just nice to be able to drop stuff in pockets

And you had to leave everything at home because you're overencumbered. Meanwhile my +3 virginity books and my baggie of +7 speech skill are tucked away from the world in the gentle folds of fabric that breath like the trees and provide all the carrying capacity of a small Asian girls hello Kitty backpack

Sure man, I'm not the one walking around getting laughed at and looking like a total faggot.

Even more loser than loser shorts kys faggot retarded piece of virgin manlet shit

I'm laughing at your faggotry right now.

but you gotta take it off to rummage through it... i gotta keep walking and dig... no time to stop

but why? why does it look bad? looks better than your 1000 dollar hand bag that doesnt fit your fucking phone

Says the guy that wears cargo shorts...

Better than a fashion police faggot like yourself.

but but i wear a fanny pack sometimes.

>$1000 handbag

Settle down kid...

On the left you'll see a hard-working American And on the right you'll see someone who doesn't understand how clothes work. early specimens such as this would wear sandals and shorts while hiking through the snow tipped mountains and could often be seen using their dining table as a restroom. Such behaviors were incomprehensible to other more intelligent specimens but they came to the conclusion than OP was just a faggot

how much did yours cost then? how many do you have? i am sorry for being off, idk the cost of them

Trying to help you guys out but you're all too homophobic and angry to listen, do you want girls to talk to you? Girls appreciate a guy that has at least a rudimentary understanding of style.

whose who?

Well next time a girl tells you she just wants to be friends you'll know why.

well thank you for your time... i just wish it was sociably acceptable

I really don't give a shit what women think of how I look. Not one fucking iota of worry is spent on it.
For the most part, women and metrosexual hipster faggot men are useless - I don't pander to useless people.

>a rudimentary understanding of style

well beyond my powers of comprehension

For fuck sakes go buy a fucking backpack.
See---Those are acceptable, all the storage you need and chicks won't think you're an idiot that can't dress himself.

I don't make the rules, I'm just giving you inside info.

im actually curious, tell me how much your collective of hand bags has cost you, and i have backpackes, i just like my cargo shorts...

>I don't make the rules

who does? they have a serious beatdown coming their way.

I love cargos they just don't manufacture them for womens anymore. Guess it was just a trend in the early 2000's or something. I like wearing them as a kid cause I could keep most of what I needed in my pockets

Yes they do. LA Police Gear, 5.11, Tru Spec - all make women's cargoes.

thank you all for your time, this is OP the fag signing out

L...Left --->

Because I'd opressive her with my male privilege of having pockets.
