Is weed psychedelic to you?

Is weed psychedelic to you?

Only after doing lsd a shit ton of times

weed isn't psychedelic. that shit is laced, son.

Psychedelic - relating to or denoting drugs that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness.

I don't hallucinate on weed, so no.

you haven't taken enough then.

you're smoked laced weed, idiot.

enough to vomit.
LSD and shrooms produce better results with little to no adverse effects.

itt: op finds out he's schizophrenic



what the fuck is this thread even

well i'll have you know i've injected TWO WHOLE WEED!

Take weed till u vom is what we do at parties now


Are you actually retarded? Weed can produce visuals in edible form if you take 1000mg+ thc

no, you're the fucking idiot. CEV's are hallucinations. Therefore..? Jesus.
>you're smoked laced weed, idiot
>you're smoked laced weed
>you're smoked


Ohhhh boy. I forgot you can only SMOKE weed!

You're a fucking retard, too.

no you fucking idiot


how the fuck do you take weed? Pills used for medicine are derived from THC not fucking nugs of weed.

>this faggot doesn't know about gelatin caps edibles that you take like normal pills

When I smok, I like time slows down my brain melts and fills in the spaces between the universe

It's definitely a gateway to awesome

Also, OG kush from California
27%thc *sticky*

And melted death star golden shatter mean sleep?

it used to be

first times (specially the first one) used to be very psychedelic but not anymore

mind numbing idiot

I TOOK a large bite of my brownie. I TOOK a large inhalation of pot smoke. I TOOK a long drag off of my vape pen.

I don't smoke much but one time I did trip out a little. Same stuff I has smoked before but a little more and I was laying in bed next to my friend and we fucked and I thought she was this other girl I wanted to bang like she had the face the hair and the body of this other girl and even felt and sounded like her and lasted the whole time we fucked and make 30 minutes after

So is that a yes then to it being psychedelic?

I draw the line at hallucinations for psychedelics. Like tobacco in large quantities, it's slightly psychedelic.

But so are a lot of things, like taking humdingers to the head.

What would a humdinger to the head be?

Greening out happens to some people. Only to me when I drink too much booze in combination

For the most part when I started smoking way back it made things more vibrant. I noticed after doing LSD that weed has become slightly more 'psychedelic' but really only when I close my eyes do I get some slight acid-like visuals.

A bat to the head.
Falling on pavement.
Slamming into the side of a door.
All of the above are "humdingers to the head".
Lack of oxygen... anything that seriously unbalances your eletrochemical system through brute trauma. Just saying a lot of things could be "psychedelic".

Do you know what the word Psychedelic means? It means Mind-Connecting, as coined by Humphrey Osmond. It is called this because when you look at the brain scans of someone on a psychedelic drug you can see parts of the brain communicating where they usually would not. That is what classifies a psychedelic, scientifically at least. THC and CBD affect sense perception mainly but any state of intoxication produces minute 'psychedelic effects'. Though also a large part of classifying a psychedelic is through experience and not science alone, so I don't like to be all "blah blah weed isn't psychedelic check the science you brainlet" because for some a psychedelic experience is attained without the use if any outside substance at all. It is in the modern day, mainly with Shulgin's Phenethylamines, that the line becomes blurred on ground of subjectivity. So in a scientific sense alone weed is not psychedelic at all, but depending on a person's brain chemistry and a multitude of other factors they can begin filling in gaps to assume-perceive the same feeling a psychedelic would give, only it would not be so in fact. So both and neither at the same time.

Tl;dr - Not scientifically but psychedelic psychopharmacology is illegal so we may never know as long as the government keeps fighting plants and potions.

Is that fucking Quetzalcoatl?
Quetzalcoatl, what are you doing in the Vatican, you silly snek?

he has been a trusted adviser of mystics and holymen for ages !

define, "psychedelic".

look at

Psychedelic or not having sex with somebody who isn't the person you're having sex with is fun so it's at least causes you to hallucinate

i wish

when i smoke i feel stupid, less intelligent, a bit more creative, and every action seems to take years, either because my blood preasure is really low or because of how high i am that time feels diferent.

that's a trip for me, lately i havent experienced laughter when i smoke.

>having sex with somebody who isn't the person you're having sex with

nigger wut?

I've never actually hallucinated while high. But I've interpreted real stimulus as different stimulus. So if I hear a car I might hear a voice or other sound in it, even though it's really just the car sound.

Like I said I was fucking my friend high and she started looking and and sounding like this other girl I knew

Sorry i missinterpreted during salvia trip

weedsnooooot pshychaadelik its greeen

I never smoked weed before. I dod acid and then mushrooms and dmt before ever smoking weed. So i need some really good grade A weed to even slightly feel it man. If i get good weed i actually go into near acid experience if i close my eyes