Im a boy but i feel a lot of envy when i see pics of girls being fucked, i wish i could be in their place...

Im a boy but i feel a lot of envy when i see pics of girls being fucked, i wish i could be in their place, could this be caused by hormonal disadjustments? what should i do?




It's perfectly natural and normal.
Born that way.
Stop being bigots.


This is happening because Jews put hormones & chemicals in the water. You need to move to a cabin deep in the forest and only drink natural spring water and eat meat from animals you've hunted yourself. Only by doing this can you remove the poz.

nice bait.
A bit too obvious tho

Get a real man to plow your boypucci like the slut you need to be.


Just don't cut off your dick

I think i need a man that fuck me like i was a girl

i literally went for my gun to shoot this thing...

that is just someone castrating themselves not performing srs. IF you seriously think they could perform the complicated surgery you are illiterate.

I dont really feel a need of cut my dick, while i could be fucked like a girl that would be enough for me


I feel the same way :)

>can't read

Perhaps pegging would be your thing.

Not sure... i feel more likely to have sex with a boy

I feel you op, I'm a male, but have always wished I was a female.
I'm not gay
I'm not bi
I just think that girls feel more pleasure than guys do...

It's just a hot girl with created penis

I don't understand how people could consider them shemales? It's basically a girl with a created penis who obviously thinks that she is a male.

this user speaks the truth. theyre trying to pussify all the public to slow breeding down because the illuminati have realized its the only way to save humanity from destroying itself from resource depletion

You might simply be gay.

Do you want to have your current body while you get fucked?

Anyone want to make her come?

take hormones and get an operation if you want to get fucked like a girl. Only problem is very few guys will want to fuck you. Its a lot harder to find a guy willing to fuck a tranny.


Thats a guy faggot

Except like half of Sup Forums

The amount of trap porn is incredible

It's a girl you do realize that don't you LOL

>hard for trannies to find guys to fuck them

No, not really. Not if you're even remotely attractive.

I know what your talking about OP. I wished I was a girl pretty much all my life. I am not gay but if I was a girl I almost certainly would love having a dick shoved up my pussy.

Life is pretty much easy mode if your a girl. Pretty much can have sex whenever you want, easy to get married, fuck some guy on a daily, get pregnant and its ok and your really not expected to provide anything financially because you are "taking care of the kids."