Has anybody pissed their pants in public?

Has anybody pissed their pants in public?
Or better yet,
Has anybody shit their pants in public?

I once pissed my pants in second grade because I was too autistic to go to the bathroom.

Sharted a couple weeks ago drinking with friends.
No one noticed but I excused myself inside, wiped my ass, and hid my dirty boxers under some trash in the kitchen trashcan. Told them next week just not about the boxers, was pretty funny.

I shat my pants at school when I was like 10. I thought it was just gonna be a fart. It wasn't.

Everyone over 30. It's practically a rite of passage.

Here's hoping you blossom into an unashamed adult soon.

When I was in like Kindergarten or 1st grade I pissed my pants waiting in line in the hallway. The teacher was sitting there talking to someone and I had my hand raised for a solid 3 - 5 minutes and after that time I couldn't hold it anymore.

She was a bitch.

> be me 7 years old
> get up get ready for school
> eat my breaky and leave the house
> start my journey to the bus stop
> half way there
> feel a fart coming
> oh yeah lets that bitch rip
> *feels wet near ass*
> run home as fast as i fucking can
> change undies quickest ive ever in my life
> run back out door
> run all the way to bus stop like a fucking cheetah
> almost miss bus by a few seconds

I've never told anyone about this

i have shit my pants in 6th grade. it wasnt on purpose it was a wet fart. i died

>Be road trip up to visit friends for concert
>Two guys (Including me) and Two girls.
>Go see concert, have great time, get shitfaced, then even more shitfaced at motel we are renting.
>Everyones shitfaced at motel but we get tired so pair off boy girl each to a bed because we arent faggots
>All night have terrible drunken dreams
>Dream I am walking on a dock over a lake, suddenly water starts rising, dock starts sinking
>I try to stay above water but quickly realize I am sinking
>Suddenly wake up and realize Ive pissed the fucking bed and all over the girls clothes
>Drunk emergency mode kicks in
?Grab three beers from headboard and shake and spray them all over piss area and girl
>She wakes up immediately
>What the fuck happened??
>Explain beer bottles fell from headboard, oh well
>We remove sheets and grab spare blankets from laundry bin
>Go back to sleep
>Never tell anyone

This... I have no idea why the fuck I never got up to go the bathroom. Till this day I wonder why It was too difficult to just get up, I was playing a video game on a computer and I think I didn't want to lose the computer, some fuckin game with prime numbers

youre a fuckin genius

I would've told the girl she had pissed herself.

Nah we were good friends and kinda freely from time to time so I didnt want to embarrass her like that.

i shit myself while i was driving a car full of friends home from a spicy chinese restaurant. luckily i was wearing underwear that day, so i pulled over at a bar and went into the bathroom, stuffed my underwear behind the toilet, wiped my ass and walked out. no-one knew until months later when we were talking about the last time we shat ourselves and i told them.

Quick thinking. Good on ya.


You piss your pants every day?

who hasnt???


Me too, in first grade. I remember being embarrassed to pee somewhere other than my house, so of course, I decide to piss my pants. Smooth.

No doubt.

>Shared in line at Sam's Club. Wearing khaki shorts and it ran down my leg. Not my proudest moment, but I laugh about it now


>be in Navy
>new to the ship, so they send me to go "cranking"
>basically doing bitch work on the ship until I get sent to do my real job
>cleaning the officer's head
>have an upset stomach, go to fart
>literally just shit myself, don't even know how, just mushy shit running into my coveralls
>have to walk the whole way back to my berthing (sleeping area) because I have no change of clothes
>it's on the other side of the ship
>everyone in berthing is like "what the fuck is that disgusting smell?
>have to bag up my clothes
>throw them overboard

I'm so paranoid about shitting myself now. Out of the Navy now, but I take a change of clothes with me to work just in case. Never did it again, but still, it worries me.

Holy hell. I'm crying laughing over that video. Ha ha ha ha ha

Hey, can you watch your language?

There are children present. Thanks.

>be me 8yo
>i'm pissing on the toilet
>halfway done some 12 year old asshole enters and shakes me
>looks like i pissed myself
>stayed there for 1 hour waiting until the class is done so i could leave without being seen
>a teacher enters.
>fucking faggot drags me back to class
>i even had spare pants i could have used in the gym

and the bullying didn't stopped until i finally lost my shit when i was 11 or so.

did you kill them

Sorry sir


No problemo, buddy. Thanks for understanding. :)

They never found the bodies

fucking ace bro. you are the hero we deserve

> on walk with sister
> neighbor has several cacti in front yard
> no real spikes, just glochids
> she walks into them
> tries to run back home
> shits her pants
> story of the ages

that was my intent but i was only 11 so i could only manage to destroy the nose of another kid before i was stopped.

Any boys in here need diapers?


On what does it Depend?

no but I sucked my own dick in my dream once


Pretty sure I shit my pants in kindergarten

>be 17
>have extremely tiny benis
>not unheard of to get piss on myself sometimes
> first day at new job
> uniform is tucked polo shirt and khakis
>need to piss like hell
>blast off in bathroom
> don't notice anything until after and realize my pants are soaked
> fucking anxiety attack
>after 10 minuets of trying to wipe dry I hurry back to station
>slide my way to water cooler making sure no one sees the front of my pants, probably look like a moron
>pretend to spill water all over myself
>no one says anything of it for the rest of the day

Who's a little pee pee pants?

Oh dear
Even on his nice sneakers.
This kid needs assistance

the only time ive pissed myself in public was in kindergarten.

i was such a quiet little kid that i raised my hand during reading time to tell the teacher i had to go to the bathroom, but she was looking down at her desk grading papers or something.

so much time passed without her looking up and seeing, that i couldnt hold it any longer and pissed myself.

pretty funny when i look back on it

Are you gay?

Got baby wipes?

Whatever you want pee pee pants

I had one of the worst experiences of my life when I was 14.

>Be me
>Period of slight pooping phobia between 13-14 (did not want to go toilet)
>Shit did not want to stay in either
>Be out in the neighborhood one day
>Haven't pooped in like 5 days
>Sorry bro, we're going out.jpg
>I freeze in place, squeeze buttcheeks to avoid the shitstorm.
>Home is like 300m away
>Start walking back
>The shit comes rushing out again
>Freeze and squeeze buttcheeks
>Take a few steps
>Freeze and squeeze buttcheeks yet again
It took me around 1 hour and a half to do walk these 300m to my home toilet. I was humiliated, some people were staring even though I was trying to hide it checking my phone or whatever. That incident helped me get through my 'phobia' so it worked out ok.

What if they had seen?

Seen what?

She would know it wasnt her when she took her panties off

If you had poo pooed your pants?

I hadn't. I would've mentioned it if my pants were a mess.

This happened to me as well in Spanish class and it may play a role as to why I can't stand Mexicans

I see. Tell me did you slightly enjoy the feeling of squeezing it in and out?


It's just an honest question. Many boys do

What the fuck

My friend Fat Sal has

Same, i couldn't unzip my panths

Indian shimmy anyone?

The 'stop' wasn't me. As for your question, nothing was squeezed in. It was preventing shit from going out. Phobia. But I guess other user was right, stop being a boring faggot.

No it's fascinating. Would it have helped if I had come to your attention to help you go potty?

This is why I said stop.

Stop being a faggot.

You know you need it.

>at restaurant with gf and her family
>train home, 30 min
>ohsshit i gotta go
>get off go to mickeyD
>shit myself as Im asking for toilet code
>leave brown undies in trashbin.

Had many near accidents since then, Especially after eating out.

Again that wasn't me but I fully second his post.

Who needs to stinky butt? :)

close to:

> Night, after beeing at the disco
> On my way home on the bicycle
> Have to shit really hard (diarrea)
> Let out, what I believed to be a fart
> Wasn't
> Shit, drove behind a bush and let out the beast
> Had to whipe with my T-shirt

Was taking water retention pills, caffeine pills and a fat burner the end of last year and went out drinking too, so tons of diuretics. Managed to piss myself waiting for the bus home so ended up walking instead.

Yeah.......................in kindergarten

The old walk-a-shame

I almost shit myself walking back from the gym a few weeks back.
>Arrive at gym
>hop on a nice fat exercise bike and start riding hard
>feel something rumbling around in my rectum but decide it's just gas and ignores it
>hits the 15 minute mark, and feel some pressure in my colon.
>Thinking that it must be that gas from earlier, clench butthole and get back to enthusiastically riding that nice big exercise bike
>20 minute mark and ealise something is wrong. The pressure keeps building, harder to resist.
>calmly get off bike and clean off with spray bottle and rag.
>leave and begin walking home
>takes shortcut through empty parking lot
>"i'm alone now, let's release that gas"
>inclench butthole and feel a small spurt of liquid shit fill my undies instead
>panics and hurry home, trying not to irritate my bowels any further.
>clenching butthole like never before but some manages to get through
>makes it home and to toilet just in the nick of time
>explodes liquid shit into toilet
>boot computer and play alien isolation like thing happened

Pissed myself at a friend's house party once. Had about 9 cans of cider, and smoked some AMT..Ended up consciously pissing myself in their kitchen while monging out on a chair. Come the morning I made sure to get out as fast as I could..To spare the embarrassment. Their Snapchat consisted of cleaning up my piss!

Sorry for the errors. I'm on mobile and my typing isn't immediately registered by my phone, it lags by like 4 seconds and looks nothing like what I tried typing.

It's almost like my phones ram and processor are being completely used up so the word processing is borked

eah l had dhiarea on the train and couldn't find a toilet it sprayed all over my jeans they went a brown dark colour and stunk it was dripping down my leg, people wer epulling out their phones and taking photos of me blatantly, l had to wait for my stop standing up because l didn't want to sit in it. Walked home like that with people looking at taking photos.

yeah i was in line to get my residency which takes about two hours to wait it

when i got half way i let out a explosive diarrhea in my pant and just fucked it up for everyone