Wife's cousin was in town this week to visit...

Wife's cousin was in town this week to visit. Wife works nights cousin wants to watch a movie so she lays in my bed next to me. I tell my wife she said it's ok since she playing the movie in the loft will wake the kids. I fall asleep mid movie, when I wake up middle of the night she's still there sleeping I go back to sleep. Apparently my hands were all over her because I wake up and my pants were off dick pressed up against her Ass and one hand under her tank top. She kept pushing back but I acted asleep. This week she has been texting and she sends me this pic and a message that says see you soon last night while my wife was at work again. Not sure what to do

Fuck her, obviously.

This. /thread

One more pic

Text her back saying to you want to see more!

Do you want to fuck her, OP?

What's stopping you?

Ask yourself this, there's your answer.

Shes good looking and thicc, take her for a ride

Sounds like a green light

Yeah I need to make a move

It's a setup dude. She and your wife are doing this to see if you will take the bait. Don't do it!

Shes good looking and thicc, take her for a ride

They wouldnt let her send nudes if it were b8

Only thing is you need to know she's not going to use this against you.

This is one of those cases where you do not want to shit where you eat.


fuck her dude... also moar

Cant believe u didnt fuck her u pussy

Ask for moar pics for Sup Forums

says the virgin LOL

Text her this :b says timestamp or gtfo

I know can't be a setup.

Thats why i wouldve fucked her you stupid cunt ive never had pussy before so i might as well take it when i had the chance. Wake up you fuckin newfag

I guess that's why they call this place random XDD

don't text her about fucking, just do it.
so you can deny it later, if necessary

>640x480 & 355x266
You weren't sent shit. OP is just as much of a fag as normal.

Bro, those tits are tired. Is it really worth cheating on the woman you married?

My wife is a hag who looks twice her age

Stop watching fake porn. Her tits are naturally glorious, I want to suck them for hours.

OP I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, it seems impossible to avoid cheating. The cousin is hot as fuck.

That happened to me once with the wife's daughter. We were moving her to a new place and all fell asleep in the bed, dead tired and drunk. In my sleep I felt up my wife's boobs and pussy and pulled down her panties and stuck my cock in her and fucked and came, and it turned out it was her daughter. She didn't even tell me it happened until a few days later and then I felt so horrible for doing that but she said it was ok.

don't be a cheating cunt

Only way to avoid actual cheating is if he faps to the idea repeatedly to calm the blood down. The ideological cheating is already done it seems.

Do it but leave no possible evidence or anything to link it to you. Wrap it so she can't claim rape or get knocked up, leave no text messages or calls, wash sheets afterwards and shower before wife comes home, also make sure her cousin leaves no hickeys or marks on you. You need to be able to flip this into a he said she said situation if the cousin rats you out....if she rat you out, claim the cousin is mental.

He already got a naked pic and that incriminates him. Divorce, fuck, remarry, only solution.

The cousin looks like a trashy whore.
Why are you with her then? Divorce and be single and then you can fuck this meth addict lot lizard looking bitch guilt free

truth...didnt think about that....OP you're fucked either way.

>Do it but leave no possible evidence or anything to link it to you

Gentlemen, once again we have a prime example of the wild virgin in it's natural habitat: the internet

projecting much?

I raped a girl who passed out in my bed at a party

>They wouldnt let her send nudes if it were b8
You don't understand just how far women will go to trap a man. A nude is nothing compared to the amount of money they can get from a divorce.

only if he's got money or a nice job.......

This man has a point. Especially considering the waifu was ''OK'' with you watching a movie IN BED with the cousin.

It stinks of a setup and that sexy hoe is perfect bait.

Anyone else ever raped someone, I once held down my fiancé and cam on her face. She tried to push me off and tell me to stop but I can on her anyways because she's a whore. Another time we were having sex and I shoved my cock in her virgin ass on purpose to make her cry.

Do nothing, then when opportunity arises fuck her while "sleeping"

>only if he's got money or a nice job.......
The courts will sap him for shit he doesn't even have and have him set up for years on end cashing out

This. Really OP stop thinking with your dick and start doing the math. Wife is okay with your sister being in bed with you on the pretense that the "kids will wake up". I'm sorry but unless the kids are light sleepers and she is blasting the movie that's some serious bs. Then SOMEHOW while you're asleep you're magically touching this women. You somehow wake up before your wife gets home and find yourself touching her. She then starts texting you nudes with no other previous flirtation of hints of lust before this groping situation.

Come on OP wake up and smell the fucking coffee.

call the cousin out via text and say some shit like "wtf i dont wanna see you naked. I'm married to your cousin, fuck off." Your wife is setting you up OP.

Even better throw the cousin under the bus and expose her to the wife. If the wife set it up you passed the test but on the off chance she wasn't setting you up you've just won major brownie points with the wife and made family reunions just that smaller.

how old is her cousin and how old is your wife?

If she set it up, then you could feel free to do whatever you want with any woman

I can tell you're a very nice person who wasn't molested as a child.


>Come on OP wake up
In OP's defense, that cousin bitch made my little P wake up. It's hard for him, pun intended. I hope he faps it out to clear his head and heeds our advise.

Don't do it. Might be some exceptions to this but if you don't want your wife to find out.... just don't do it. Someone said it already. Don't shit where you eat / sleep. Not worth it.

If she set it up. For me that would be enough to Leave her ass. But then again don't know ops history either. Could be a dirt bag that is being tested for a reason. Not saying op is. Just saying.