"There is no such thing as French culture."

"There is no such thing as French culture."
-The next President of France

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He is sexier than Canadians fuccboi president.

There isn't. It's just smoking cigarettes and whining.

Is France going to join us and become the second postnationalist state?

like white on rice

I don't trust this fucker. I'm 90% sure he is a plant to further bust up the EU by pretending to be pro-EU and then royally fuck everything to shit in france.
No sane person could seriously pretend the EU right now is in a good state or "fine" and I say that as someone hugely in favur of the european project.
Le Pen is a empty headed snakes oil merchant, but this guy.. he is devious and not in a way I think will be good for us or france.

busted EU will be good for us and france though. gotta burn down part of the forest to make something grow.

You're a idiot, the EU is our only chance to not become or stay the slaves of greater global powers. It can enable us to solve our common european problems and preserve the peace in this volatile continent.
The EU falling apart would be a catastrophy because we are not going to get anything like it back. people who think "we're just gonna make a new one with more nation state oreitnation" are delusional twats with no idea of economy and politics. If the EU fails, we are all fucked.

Bullshit Le Pen has it

we are already slaves of greater powers

what do I care if I'm the slave of america or the EU, both are alien to me and I'm just another cockroach to them. what do I get from being part of another global power? I don't see the swiss cry about it.

>what do I care if I'm the slave of america or the EU
I rather be controlled by a entity that has my interest at least marginally at heart because I'm part of it rather than of some faraway power across the ocean, thanks.

>has my interest at least marginally at heart
well call me when the happens

If you allow your enemies to immigrate, you win

Right now its the EU pumping money into building refugee camps and enhancing regional cooperation in african countries to keep those hordes from going here, meanwhile the U.S. bombs the middle east more to shit to create regional instability that floods us with the leftovers.
I know who I want to be in charge.

This. The US doesn't even give a fuck about its own citizens let alone the citizens of our vassal states.

so essentially they're wasting taxpayer money to build sandcastles just waiting to get knocked over by american sharts, I'm paying for getting cucked, brilliant strategy there.

>we should just lie on the ground and do nothing
Pathetic, I bet you're some welfare leech.

t. Mohammed

>no such thing as french culture

he's right

this frankly make me want to kill him

There was a time when shit like this would cause whites to riot and lynch a few apes...

Look at the natives just taking it, moving on and doing nothing. No wonder these people are going over there. They can be as belligerent as they want and the natives are just pussies who take it and don't do anything.

He's right tho, it doesn't exist anymore

He's a jew

If you understand French, this man in 2 minutes sums Macron


Basically Macron tells everything to please people because he is just a media products.

One day he says France does not have culture, the other he will tell the opposite etc.

Please America, annex us.

So he learned from Merkel

He is literally French Trudeau.

I can guarantee you right now he is going to be a fucking shitty president. He's going to accomplish nothing

He is the son of Clinton and Soros and the brother of Trudeau.

What the fuck happened here? Other than the obvious.

Did he jut hit her because he found out he wasn't entitled to white women or did she day something?

The black wants her phone number, she says no and then slap

I just finished reading about macron, he supports open borders and thinks the French have no culture
Can honestly not understand how the French voted this guy in, stagnant economy, regular terrorist attacks, high unemployment, lets have more of the same!

What are Black French like?

Self-defense militias in the stars?

We didn't vote for him, we voted against the other candidates (the fascist, the communist and the thief, I caricature) and the best choice to beat Le Pen in the 2nd round because he is in the center. It was a strategic vote.

What the fuck do you expect a woman to do? We can't physically challenge you.

people always choose the perceived safety of the mediocre

>Wanting to beat Le Pen
But why?

Either US tier or total bros. It's really that binary.

Everything was set up for the conservative Fillon to go all the way but scandals broke out where he gave fictional high paying jobs to his wife. Current socialist president is at record unpopularity so socialists were out. This guy sees an opportunity and leaves the socialists to make a super centrist party of status quo and seeing the regular parties crumble, the french estiblishment get 100% behind him and start shilling for him like you've never seen before. Extraordinarily so.

Meanwhile, you have Le Pen who did a pretty uneventful and bad campaign where she slowly dropped in popularity. And you had a far far left candidate who sucked the rest of the socialist votes while holding big rallies, promising the moon and being the all around best orator in the race. Normies were scared of both.

So the normies voted Macron by default since the conservative guy is a crook and they've been convinced that LePen and Mélenchon are crazy wierdos.

I wanted Melenchon to win, a genuine French German-hater would have been too funny.

I'm hoping he and marine get a good score for legislatives

This guy was directly chosen by the oligarchy to maintain the system because the French didn't want the socialists anymore and the conservative party was very fragile.

Le Pen + Mélenchon who are anti system made 40%, if you had the other small anti system candidates like Dupont Aignan, Asselineau... it's almost 50%. It has never been so high. In 2012, it was 30-35% and was already an optimum.

>Macrumpfkins think the Macaroni manlet has a chance

she can win if macron starts beating up gays and muslims in front of cameras, anything short of that though..

Micron is gay so won't happen... He's also a jew so he will bait for muslim vote and then tell to get their lazy ass up and start working indtead of praying, the shekels don't grow on trees

>look at natives doing nothing against several niggers


Tell me something that is not obvious...
Bordel de merde.

He's gay, and his wife is literally eddie from Iron Maiden

Looks like it. The man even wants some sort of alliance with algeria for extra mobility for the youth of both countries. Algeria being a shithole, this will only more filth for us. He's banker hardcore globalist. And people are going to vote for him. One step closer to the end.

>The man even wants some sort of alliance with algeria for extra mobility for the youth of both countries
Imagine Bouteflika dies, literally a zerg rush

Is french culture really as snobby, sophisticated and elitist as they make it out to be?

north americans tend to be pretty egalitarian, IE people are the same regardless of wealth or anything and everyone of every strata enjoys the same things. in france i imagine its everyone else emulating snobby and smart rich people.


Macron is Based as fuck tho

French culture outside luxury and gastronomy is basically US nigger culture

>US nigger culture
lmfao so parisians are listening to trap music and are eating buckets of fried chicken and drinking lean and 40oz now? wew lad

Voyons le bon côté des choses, si ça avait été Fillon on aurait continué avec la même politique qui nous fait aller lentement mais surement dans le mur et LR existerait encore, alors qu'avec lui qui représente le renouveau de la sainte alliance, la droite traditionnelle va imploser et on va avoir quelqu'un qui est complètement aux antipodes de Le Pen et qui rassemble aussi bien LR que le PS. S'il fait une politique minable, les gens vont définitivement en avoir marre de ces partis.

They do. But replace KFC with either BK/Mcdonalds/Kebab

damn thats lit. im coming to paris and rolling up a blunt w/ my real noirs.

Ou alors le PS et les LR vont se la jouer partis dissidents mais pas extrêmes contre un macron trop de gauche/droite selon le camp et les français les relégitimeront car ils sont facilepent manipulable

>not Quick

Nobody likes Quick, even sandniggers hates it despite it if being halal

Ldr Fillon>All

Why do all Americans think le pen will win. I mean its not like she can't but chances are Macaroni will

cause we're a bunch of stupid fucking idiots

>alliance with algeria for extra mobility for the youth of both countries
>French youth unemployment rate 24%
if that is true its honestly the funniest thing I've heard for a while, he will cripple the careers of an entire generation of French people just to make his buddies a little richer
and the french voted for him

Wishful thinking. Also if by "most" you mean "Sup Forums", any americans on that board are either 15 or 40, and not to be trusted. The rest of us can read a graph. We know she doesn't stand any more of a chance than Black Hitler up north.

>mfw dumb hicks with no achievement to their name but where they happened to be born getting BTFO

you know what im tired of you snow niggers giving me shit. GOD BLESS america.

EU is my Christ too. Second Big Bang will happen if the mighty EU falls because of racist nationalists

It's not exactly impossible, but... I'd say most people don't really want to live in a Europe without the EU. Brits are retarded and not really European so they don't count, but I for one can't really imagine living on a continent with a dozen different microcurrencies, borders, customs fees when shopping on the internet, travel and visa hassle, random shitty import regulations and inspections, no universal environmental protection act, utter helplessness when going abroad because you have no rights outside of your own country...
Tbh I'd rather adopt-a-muslim and be done with it. It's just shitty that I have to choose between the two.

Says someone who's never known life without it.

Macron is an investment banker with contacts among those who control the world, why should he give a damn about French workers? His goal is maximum profit, not maximum welfare. People like Macron are those who are replacing traditional small shops with shopping malls and outsourcing industry to Southeast Asia.

According to my neural functions, god would not bless a nation based around religious freedom.

Why are all millionaires EU-shills and multiculti-believers?

because if you live off investments instead of a wage you want the common folk working for as little pay as possible to increase the money you 'earn'
the immigrants will never enter into the areas they live in so there is no downside for them

France became so degenerated by the US that they are trying to hire someone who worked at the Rothschild investment bank.
Miss those days back when Frenchies despised financiers and bureaucrats and actually had a backbone.

"I love my wife's son" - Emmanuel Macaron

Theres'a real disdain for the people from the elites.

>France became so degenerated by the US
>by the US
drop the proxy Ivan

> EU
They view it as a perfect free market.

> multiculti
They assume (correctly) that importing desperate proletariat from abroad will make the native proletariat compete with them, which lowers wages and worsens working conditions. Immigrants aren't "stealing our jobs", Macron and friends are creating worse conditions for all of us using them as a catalyst.

lel Macron is alpha af. he is rich, young and handsome. he is ambitious and smart. he is exactly what France needs right now.
but of course a r*ssian wants them to elect le pen. it says a lot.
smart and educated french people choose Macron

get out of my country soros

He said French people were illiterates.

average russian is a piece of dirt, a slave. its (i don't even want to say his) life doesn't matter. go drink some bath lotion and then get back to work on a potato field.
this is not 'your' country. you have even fewer rights than most foreigners here

so what? most people were illiterate in the past.

Le Pen's party is financed by the Kremlin directly, Macron is financed by the creators of the economic crisis. There is no good option for France.

classic nikita
do you still keep chickens in your flat?

>meanwhile the U.S. bombs the middle east more to shit to create regional instability that floods us with the leftovers.
Libya was mostly Francr and Britain you retard.

>If you understand French
I understand bonjour and a few other phrases.

Allies don't annex allies. Could you please translate? Merci.

Le Pen never said that

> the EU is our only chance to not become or stay the slaves of greater global powers
Germany, Britain and France used to be global powers themselves without a union that tells them the maximum bending angle of cucumbers.

>muh bendy bananas
it was a regulation about classification of fruit, it didn't stop anybody from selling them, when will this meme die?

>Not a Culture.
It was cringey as fuck when the Swedes said that, but the fucking French?

Germany has never been a global power.

The full quote is him saying France has many cultures in it. But he lists Algerian among them so it's still cucky.

if you allow millions of muzzies to ruin your country, they win

Literally shittyTrudeau desu

Isn't weedman economically left?