I want to fuck with the upstair neighbours

i want to fuck with the upstair neighbours.
Throwing shit at their door is getting boring.
Pls give me new ideas to piss them off, anythings goes.
If trips you'll get picture of results.

mix together ammonia and bleach and put it by an air vent in your apartment-- the overpowering scent of both should mix together and waft through the vents, eventually finding itself in their rooms

smells bad man

Cancel your internet
Move out
Live in a drainage pipe
that'll show'em

mustard gas.

a better, less lethal idea would be:

every 30 minutes or so just bang something against your ceiling once really loud and just keep doing it every 30 minutes or narrow it down to 10 or 5 to make it more annoying.

another good idea is to blast a single loud continuous bass vibration on your speakers (if you have good ones) or affix some kind of object to your ceiling that just constantly vibrates.

Duct tape an airhorn to their doorknob and wait for them to open the door


write "I




>mustard gas.

only thing on that list i havent don't yet, not quite sure if i'm ready to kill them yet

Missed it.
Just... go live in a drainage pipe like a drainage frog, OP, if this user
didn't get you to burn your lungs out with chlorine gas.

...to clarify, don't burn your lungs out with chlorine gas. Not advisable.

Take a shit in mailbox

fuck off with your hentai already. Fuckign weeaboos.


When I bought my house it had been unoccupied for a couple years so the daycare down the street had become accustomed to parking around the house. We decided to be good neighbors and put nice little notes on their cars letting them know that we had purchased the house and needed the space for our cars and visitors. They completely blew us off and parked there anyways. I couldn’t think of anything I could do that wouldn’t get me in legal trouble. I finally settled on buying a huge tub of BBQ Sause from Costco and pouring it over all of their door handles so that they could not get into the car without getting sticky. I also got peanut butter and pushed it up into their car door handles so they didn’t see it until they grabbed the handle. It took 3 days and they never parked in front of my house again.
TLDR: put BBQ sauce and peanut butter on their door handles.

That's close to my current strategy. covering anything they leave outside in milk-products, ruined a few good shos the last time they placed them outside. Luckily it is going down in the public, so police wont give a shit.

kek'd nice one user

would honey work good for this too?


roll for this fag

Welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend.


take your trash can and fill it with as much flammable materials as possible, pour whatever accelerant you have available on top for good measure, light that shit, ring the doorbell 10 times, and run nigger

They're living upstairs, lighting fire is not a viable option.

Shit in a brown bag, seal and place it infront of their door, burn it.

Smear your feces on everything you can around and on their door

super glue into keyhole

fill up your apartment with water so it floods theirs

Frozen piss disk under their door, they will go crazy trying to understand who the fuck peed on their floor

Shit in front of the door