Ciggeretes: kills you, legal

Ciggeretes: kills you, legal

Cigars: kills you, legal

Alcohol: kills you, legal

Tylenol, advil, other over counter drugs: kills you, legal

Caffine and coffee beans: legal

Cannabis: Dosnt kill you, heals all stress, heals all depression, makes you chill and happy, heals all pain, makes you have a good time, dosnt kill you, FEDERALLY ILLEGAL and potential arrest in most states.


>Still whining over pot being illegal.

Get a fuckin life.....

Don't you think it's a little odd marijuana is illegal, when it does absolutely no bad for you?

That's like making chocolate illegal.

Keep hitting that bowl stonnie

Why do you care if it's illegal or not? Smoke it anyway because who gives a fuck.

Inb4 land of the free where you get into a high speed chase with tanks for having a joint on you.

Gerrymandering, after effects of reefer madness propaganda, pot being associated with poor minority communities etc
It'll be legal soon enough. We just need to get fucktard Sessions out of the AG spot here in america

I'm not hitting anything and never smoked in my life. I'm an edible guy.

OP: a huge FAGGOT

> absolutely not bad for you

Why? You both have a point. potentially millions in tax profits and reduced crime. Why not make it legal?

Your daddy Trump is the one who appointed him. Good luck with that

Enlighten me, what bad does it do? I'd like to know. Please

Everything. Kills you.

You're purposely leaving out any pros of anything above marijuana. Manipulating data to make your claim.

I honestly think it's pharmaceutical companies... Because they know it's a magic drug for all pain and will put them out of business.

Hell, there may be even a cancer cure out there. But do you really think they will reveal it or give a fuck to study it more? No. They make tons of $$$ off it

I didn't vote for Trump for this reason and many others. I voted for the only pro-legalization candidate on the ballot.

What are some pros of Cigars and ciggeretes

I have no problem with legalizing marijuana, but my god, why won't stoners shut the fuck up about the goddamn thing?

Seriously, that and seeing 4:20's everywhere gets really annoying

Turns you into a brain-dead retard who complains about federal regulation on Sup Forums of all places.

cigarettes: controlled substance.
cigars: controlled substance.
alcohol: controlled substance.
tylenol: controlled substance.
caffeine and coffee beans: controlled substance.
cannabis: grown and sold illegally. not yet a controlled substance.

Its addictive, and not in the physical sense, but in the mental one, i know people who cant even smile without being high, they find absolutely no joy in life if they are not high, they cant have fun when not high, they cant hang around people when not high, they are just walking husks when not high

than again with everything if its in moderation its obviously not going to have such a big impact, but my point is that it has the power to ruin people

This is the most retarded post I've seen in a while. Nice bait, man.

Agree , also chooses to leave out all the cons relating to cannabis abuse . Manipulating data is pathetic , be objective or fuck off

Just like fags wouldn't shut up about LGBT mairrage when it was illegal. There's no point for it to be done in the first place.

Make a shit storm, get it noticed. Like the fags of the LGBT did.

I guess they don't realize how stupid they are because their memories of having a brain were removed half a year after starting to smoke

So why are you on Sup Forums? No worse than any other reason to be on here.

Uhh... People can make alcohol by themselves at home too. Ever heard of pruno?

They just buy it at stores because it's better than homemade.

Also a gateway drug that often leads to more dangerous, harder and addictive drugs

I'm here for my highly illegal and damning loli porn. You don't see me crying about having it made mainstream so I can consume it easily and without shame.

That's because they are depressed in the first place. The marijuana makes them happy and laugh.

Give any depressed person marijuana and they'll turn into a positive individual.

Hence why it's used for depression.

So does any other legal drug. Even things like alcoholics or smokers. Go talk to a pack a day smoker who can't get cigarettes for a few days and see how friendly they are.

I understand the point you're trying to make, I'm all for legalization as well but you are either delusional or trolling if you think it's some sort of magical cure all. Typically it sets all sorts of negative emotions into overdrive for me, I get super depressed and anxious every time I smoke. And there are tons of different types of depression, no one treatment is gonna cure it all.

Obviously it helps quote a lot of people with various conditions, nobody is gonna deny that but it's not like some kind of alchemical elixer of the gods.

Go suck a BBC

I didn't see it that way, but you're right

>bitch about a law no one cares about
>continue bitching
>still no one cares, getting annoyed
>law passed so they shut up

So what exactly is negative about marijuana? The only negative thing is if you start before age 16,it messes with your brain chemistry. That's only before 16.same with alcohol.

Actually the exact opposite, ive head this argument from people with depression that do weed all the fucking time, they look happy when high, after that they fall even deeper in their depression
my friend tried to kill herself 7 times now, she does weed for some time, shes getting worse and worse

life kills you

Kek. You'd make a good agent at the DEA. you should apply there you fat, sad sack of slob.

not true
some people get even more anxious and depressed with pot, even if its indica

>what is cannabis psychosis

Because you can easily consume it for free on the internet. I'm sure if pot smokers could safely click a button and have it delivered to their door for free they wouldn't complain either.

If Loli started costing you $20 a go you might change your tune.

Well we are not arguing if cigeretts should be legal but if weed should be right?
I dont think cigeretts should be legal for exactly same reason

before 16? more like 20 or 22

That's pretty much how it works now days.

As you put in cannabis, "ciggeretes" helps deal with stress, makes you chill and happy. Cigarettes are terrible for you, but being automatically biased doesn't help you sway anyone. Marijuana related injuries and deaths are rising. Dui means driving under the influence, but people just associate a dui with alcohol. Marijuana falls under that category as well as other stimulants or depressants.

Cops: kills you, legally

Indica is the one that makes you relaxed. Sativa is the one that makes you laugh at the smallest shit

makes you chill out so much you're an unmotivated bum with a habit. nice work developing a crutch, degenerate.

Life is the #1 cause of death.

Nope... Study proved it was 16

reduce crime, in the same way making murder legal would reduce crime too. fucking stoner. Obviously, anything you stop enforcing reduces crime.

Many people smoke weed and have a stable salaried job dumbfuck. Quit buying into the propaganda

Smoking marijuana damages lung growth, like alcohol it impairs judgement, impacted reaction time.

i know, thats why i said even with indica

not everyone reacts always in a positive way, i used to smoke and my reactions were so mixed, coupled with it fucking up my memory and concentration, that i just quit smoking all together
been for over half a year without it and i feel like my head is clearer

It allows the government to lock up scum and hippies legally, I never understood why people don't get this.

Try 25. Your brain is still developing until around 24-25. THC is the factor here. Its a mild form of acid that causes hallucinogenic effects, and alters your brain chemistry. However, these effects are so minor, you'd have to smoke over 5 ounces every day from the time you are 6, until your 25th birthday for this effect to cause any significant damage.

but 16 year olds don't know shit about moderation, and even if they dont get permanent damage they'll still abuse it and ruin their studies, i've seen it

No dumbass. Smoking anything damages the lungs. Weather it's weed, tobacco, or roaches.

Its healthier than tobacco than smoking and dosnt give you a black lung.

Also who said you have to smoke it?

so do heroin users and working alcoholics, those people have fucking problems too, but still manage to function.

Bullshit, cannabis is smoked you dumb fuck.
Further more cannabis makes you docile and pasive.
Dont you understand that the "war on drugs" is the same as prohabition.
It is a method to get ppl on that shit.
\When you smoke weed you do nothing, you dont stand up for anything.
So when your nation is getting fucked, you will be couchlock and will just let it happen.
This is not the first time substances are used to fuck a nation.
Russians did not had the whole vodka alcoholic meme until the bolsevik.

I can't stand weed. It's the worst high in my personal experiences. I can't think straight, form coherent sentences, or even stand the company of other people without feeling an incredibly heightened sense of self consciousness.

I understand other people feel great on the high but, the complete and utter shutdown of my usually quick wit and mental capacity fucking destroys any sense of enjoyment for me. I don't find feeling mentally handicapped a good use of my time. I'd much rather get high on molly or speed and feel hyper stimulated than that sink-hole.

And, I get it, some people don't react that way for whatever reason. But, in my time spent seeing friends and family stoned--to this day--I only know two people who can actually function as if they were sober while stoned. Everyone else I know beyond those two are visibly altered to the point of embarrassment or non-functionality. I honestly hate being around stoners; I hate seeing my friends or family stoned because they act so impulsively and typically destructively.

Weed does heighten emotional response--it will make you laugh at the slightest thing--but, I fucking know from experience it is not 'Chill', it will not turn the most angry person into a relaxed one. Most of the shitty traits people hide sober come out on weed just like booze.

You asked for a con, that is one of smoking marijuana.

It's true that making marijuana illegal is dumb as fuck if you compare the effects to those of drinking alcool... but saying that marijuana had no negative effects is utter bullshit repeated by hippies. It actually can make you addicted like someone would be to porn, make you lazy as fuck and make you depend on it for dopamine rushes which is far from good.

I don't believe smoking Mary Jane has no effect on your lungs. I'm sure it does you inhaling something your body doesn't work on, like putting molasses in your gas tank. If it was legal you get a lot of people saying legalize all drugs which is in my opinion a bad idea.

or in the same way taking money from criminal gangs does

because being a functioning manager in McDonalds and spending half your wage on weed is how a successful lives

ITS the jews op. the fuceknin jews.

Marijuana does harm you. For one it kills brain cells.
>source: op

When cannabis is legal good persons start to grow and sell
Now bad drug cartell whoresons make money with it because they don't care if it's illegal

So what.... 16 years olds don't know anything about alcohol moderation or tobacco moderation and it's still legal

I think all drugs should be legal. Let people fuck themselves on whatever they want. There are already shit things legal. Let it all go free and be regulated. Could cut crime down from cartels shipping it through the border. Cut down on dealers and everyone would be getting real stuff not things cut with baby formula and chemicals.

Your point is that since there is substance abuse, let's make it worse by legalizing another one?
Yeah sure taxes and higher quality and so on, but I don't want to see how many from those generations would grow up

I feel the same with alcohol. I fucking hate buzzed or drunk people with a passion. However, people who are high are very much more tolerable and at least thier aware of thier surroundings and don't become aggressive like people drunk

You don't know how cancer and carcinogens work, do you?

Cannabis kills you too.

Do you 6th grade Sci fair project on it. That'd be really special.


So does alcohol

Typically the thing making smoking marijuana safer than smoking tobacco is that even heavy potheads don't usually smoke 20 joints a day. If they did i don't imagine they'd be a whole lot better off in the lung damage department.

(Not the guy you were responding to btw, just giving my 2 cents)

why havent we legalized marriage with teenagers?
>literally old enough and healthy enough to birth children
>can be supported by a financially stable adult rather than some young punk
>qt gfs
>women mature faster than men
tell me op why?

Cannabis is only legal so that the niggers can get locked up. keep it illegal tbh

haha yeah user i have known people go through whole eighths in a day i really doubt that


I don't like getting drunk, but I'd rather do that than feeling that over-consciousness about everything.

Plus I can act moderately normal with alcohol, with weed it's impossible to say anything coherent unless you stress the fuck out to form a sentence

Only niggers do marijuana

Tobacco usually contains a whole range of additives that are more dangerous to your health than cannabis, which is basically pure plant matter.

cigarettes and cigars take 17 minutes from your life with each smoke

beer takes 9 minutes with each 6 pack

pills take 3 seconds with each dose

caffine takes 3 years with each large cup of coffee

weed does nothing

so if you smoke and drink and take pills and coffee fast enough you can go back in time

op is a fag until he can prove you can travel time with weed

and wiggers

Marijuana is a natural herb which can be eaten to have none of the damaging smoke effects

Ciggeretes is mostly "man made" in that, a lot of chemicals are added that fucks up your body more. Eaten, smoked, whatever, you'll still die from the contents of a cigarette

And hold your eyelids open so you don't look like a zippehead

bigpharma needs money

That's actually 1 of the actual reasons. White niggas use weed more than blacks, yet blacks are locked up way higher for it.

I'm all for leeching money out of addicted degenerates with no self-control. But the truth is dumbass socialists would rather spend money helping degenerates kick their habit instead of spending it on the productive part of the population. The health and socialist spending to support you stinky hippies would far exceed any tax collected. Drug dealers don't help you fucks, you're nothing to them but dollar bills and that's why they do it.

You are absolutely right! We should make all those things illegal so degenerates like you have no real argument

no, if someone threatens to kill you with an unloaded gun someone else can fear for you life and shoot the gun carrier. Cops have been given use of force to deal with situations that are potentially dangerous for themselves and others safety.

aside from someone like who dev schizophrenia from smoking cos shit family genetics

That'd be fair in my books. It's all or nothing.

Pretty big negative factor right there

Marijuana is quite often associated with schizophrenia. You'd know that if you weren't a brain dead, pot smoking hippy.

Not sure why you'd be okay with cigarettes but not marijuana though. At least marijuana gets you high. Cigarettes just kill.

Junky scum fuck

Marijuana is terrible . One time I smokeda bit with some friends... we laughed, giggled and ate all the cookies!

It was terrible

even coffee? come on, that's a bit harsh
coffee is life

Wouldn't doubt that the pharmaceutical companies are behind it being illegal. Would make sense given that marijuana (Specifically CBD) can be more effective than chemo (Which in a lot of cases just prolongs suffering)

Then why are there so many kinds of marijuana? Nothing about it is natural other than it grows out of the ground, like a tobacco plant. Pot is fucked with in so many ways to get different highs or just to fuck with you. I think pot should be legalized but regulated. Cigarettes are shit, but stop the crusade just because you want to get high. Admit that first, then start the bullshit.