Is it uncommen to fap to hentai ?

is it uncommen to fap to hentai ?

is it looked down upon even ?

until recently I thought everybody was a pervert and people would just hide it.
apparently that's not the case and even kinky girls get hate from normy guys

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literally no one faps to hentai you sick fuck

that's a real question man, come on !
do you fap to hentai?

Google it.

>is it uncommen to fap to hentai ?
>is it looked down upon even ?
who the hell cares


I know a 8/10 girl that faps to hentai

>Is it uncommon?
>is it looked down upon?

cause normies be tripping hard shoety foe reelz yo dey have der bae shit on her feet an meow like a walrus while dey wear a bear soot an molest a duck but yu wanna fuck dat 18 chick and everyone thinks yu ain't right

This basically

>is it uncommen to fap to hentai ?
There was this pornhub statistic showing how one state of the usa had hentai as the top search query proving that somewhere there's a large portion wacking it to hentai.
>is it looked down upon even ?
Yes, it is. Hell, even regular anime is looked down upon by normies.



I do not get why hentai is looked down upon
Porn: whore who sell themselves on camera and can possibly get infected/infect people with HIV
Hentai: artist drawing sexual acts on anime girls and funding their hobby without degraiding themselves or causing a risk of HIV to spread

who gives a shit what others get off? Who runs around shaming people's fap? get off and be proud

this, also this

You actually expect normies to use their brain for reasoning?


Yeah they just want to feel better about themselves for jacking off to generic blond lesbian #636326252527181

There's your answer OP

why would, its dumb to fap to 2d cartoons, how can that even be hot

have you ever seen what those 3d pigs look like without makeup? At least hentai is art, porn isn't.

does 3d pigs refer to all women or just pornstars
