Please help me Sup Forums

Please help me Sup Forums

My girlfriend wants to have sex more than me. I didn't think that was possible. Apparently I'm dating a nymphomaniac or something. She even masturbates more than me.

She moved in with me just over a month ago. We used to try fuck everyday, but sometimes we couldn't because she was still living wit her parents. But since we moved in together we've been fucking like rabbits. Everyday day without exception, sometimes twice a day.

But now she is saying that it isn't enough. She wants more sex. We fucked three times last night. This morning, she was fucking me before I even woke up. I woke up wit her riding me. I have no idea how long she was doing it before it woke me up, but I came as soon as a realized what was happening. We fucked again immediately. Every time she came I used my fingers to make a come hither motion on her g-spot so that she would squirt. I fell asleep almost immediately after that.

I just woke up 30 minutes ago because I had to pee and I walked in on her in the bathroom masturbating. I laughed at her and she got mad at me. She said that if I hadn't have passed out on her she wouldn't have to resort to masturbation to find satisfaction. Shit got real, quickly. We had our first fight

I fucked her again and mad certain she came twice and then she fell asleep.
I'm on my PC in the living room, thinking about it. I don't have it any me to fuck 4 times a day. I just don't. Not 7 days a week. That would be 28 hours a week of fucking. That's like a second job. Just thinking about it is exhausting.

What do?
Pic related is her. She's the tomboy bitch.

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Kek look at the trash you're fucking you faggot.

I bet she never got laid until she was 20+ and now she is a horny slut trying to make up for it.

Man up, dog.
Dont let this shit go.
Man up and fuck that bitch. Cause if you dont, someone else will.

just enjoy you fucking manlet, you'd better please her before she cuck you


you laughed at her because she masturbates? how old are you? 14?

Take breaks. Use toys, give her hj, go down on her... And talk to her about it too.

Or share the load. Maybe you're in my area?

i'm calling bullshit

honestly shes got a sex addiction problem dude and if i were you id enjoy it til you cant anymore then leave her ass. you can try to get her lingerie and have her explore some of your kinkier fetishes and then you'll stay interested awhile longer, but I used to be with a girl like this and I got tired of fucking her. She wasnt even a particularly good lay.

Buy her this

Lol how did you know that?
She said that i'm her first
>says the virgin who posts anime picture
I'm 24
Hmmm, Good idea
I could buy her that hitachi magic thing


Where do you come from ?

when chicks lose their virginity some of them go through a slutty phase, sounds like you're experiencing it

i had a stage where i fucked my gf like 4 times a day sometimes more until like a year in she asked to slow down a little. we still fucked every day or so but it was more reasonable.

just tell her how you feel or start trying out new stuff. fuck her ass. maybe if you fuck her ass too hard shell chill with asking for sex

liar liar pants on fire

I am sooo envious. My girlfriend do not want sex anymore. My life is crap.

faggaty goo, OP is a lying jew

post more of your gf, she's cute

She's so damn beautiful

>My girlfriend do not want sex anymore.
>My life is crap.

how are those things related


Start being amorous towards her and do nice things and ask for sex, when rejected say ok and pull out your porn and start beating your dick furiously in her presence.

Fuck off faggot, this is a no gays zone

is her name Steph?
>looks like a nymph I used to know

Try having sex with men.

Marry her

post nudes

>Why watches at 0 $?

After a couple days of this she will get honeymoon syndrome and hurt like fuck. Then she will have to slow down. Also I suspect that she's abusing a stimulant

>Use toys

Thats for beta males and lesbians who cant please a woman with their own dick

But seriously, check you stash.

Story of my life.

I do this all the time. iPad in bed. No joke. She gets so mad.

Moar of her OP?

Spotted the virgin

Yes, but this will never replace the warm feeling of a dick entering in a sweet and humid vagina.

Lets see her tits man. I bet she has a great body.

I see I see. You both are lesbian traps who live off of parents and government money. Here's a tip. If you're little feminine body can't handle her whore attitude/mentality maybe you should kill yourself. Seriously. Let's take a step back. Youre poor pathetic Mc Donalds job won't buy her all the sex toys she craves. Simple fix. Sell her to guys on craigslist or let her go

And a deep fucking mouth to eat your great huge bloody dick.

I'll buy.

But don't kill yourself.

No. The traps need to kill themselves

I'll give you a hand. We can do shift work.

good for you faggot, keep fucking her or she will find another dick anytime soon ... also more pics of her

I will gladly take her off your hands, you are clearly not up to it.

Just show me a real picture of her.

Keep making her mad.
She will either give you sex or leave.

this is copypasta figots

>What do?
Send her to me. I have a thing for short-haired grills in t-shirts, especially w/ no bra underneath ... shit I'm diamonds just thinking about it. Yes, send her to me ... I'll send her back exhausted and needing a break from sexy times. Then we'll repeat anytime you need "some time off". It's a win-win.

Hey I know a dyke you could hook up with. Short hair and all!

I remember being in this situation, ended up breaking with her, now I miss having sex 4 times a day

That's normal, you are still very young. Also, how long have you been dating? The first couple of months when you start to live together is always fucking pretty much 24/7. It will decrease by the end of this year to the basic level of two or three times a week. Enjoy while it lasts.

Another note: Buy some toys for her