Italy will be fucked soon if Macron wins

Italy will be fucked soon if Macron wins.
A french high official predicted that if Macron wins, Italy could exit the euro zone

Rip in peace Italy

tfw no marine le pen gf

Italians don't even care. All they can think about is pasta, custom bikes and hairspray.

explain why Italy would euroxit

Why would you date 48 years old politican? Not judging, but that's a weird fetish, if you're not yourself that age group.

will french nationalists with italian roots allow it?

What a racist faggot, you forgot to add mafia in our thoughts.

>Why would you date 48 years old politican
HUGE chances to be next president


Could be long to explain all but briefly

>The Italian banking crisis
>€ 360 billion of doubtful debts. (non-performing loan)
>The Italy-Germany conflict
>Matteo Renzi should blame the EU

Implying you can get rid of us so easily, c'mon man, we're here to stay, and we'll pay someday...maybe.

Don't pay. We have wasted millions of euroshekels on railway stations in the middle of nowhere that will never return a profit, so we're not ever going to pay the investment back. Northerners are happy coming to get wasted in summer anyway, I don't think they seriously expect us to balance the sheet.

This has nothing to do with France, stop talking about things you do not understand

How will macron make Italy leave the euro.
eggs plain

>be shitaly
>be poor as fuck
That's what happens when your country is run by lazy and filthy Arabs

t. Khan'd

>if Macron wins, Italy could exit the euro zone

>tfw italians don't understand realpolitik

why? I cant follow you

Wishful thinking isn't realpolitik, Pierre

>A french high official predicted that if Macron wins, Italy could exit the euro zone
Yes and if Le Pen wins the euro zone will cease to exist anyway.
So there is no difference after all.

wtf i hate macaroni now

Your french high official was drunk

she's trailing like 20 point behind Macron. It's not like the US election and Brexit where actual polls (so not CNN or Huffington Post) said Hillary and Remain had less than a 5 point lead over Trump and Brexit

She has a chance but I certainly wouldn't call it huge

>A french high official predicted that if Macron wins, Italy could exit the euro zone

do not reply to me anymore

t. my uncle works in Frankfurt


Aaaaaw yessssssa nigger I did not even give a fuck about French politics but I'm now rooting for this macrolon dude

This European Union a shit VIVA IL DUCE VIVA IL RE

>Matteo Renzi should blame the EU
Who cares about what that clown does anyway?

>A french high official predicted that if Macron wins, Italy could exit the euro zone

he really was high when he made that statement


1. he's not the PM anymore
2. he never was anti EU

>A french high official predicted that if Macron wins, Italy could exit the euro zone
Y tho