
hairy edition


Good morning.

thread over, good game

Thread is dead, I am going to post some comics.






















please tell me tom doesn't kill himself.


No, I'm thinking he lives into old age and dies sad and alone.



you're doing this as you go?


Kind of. I write it out in bits and pieces whenever it comes to me.




Okay, that's all.

All I've got drawn out and photographed, that is. I have a few panels drawn out and another 15 written though.

can tom remember his first love?

Tom is married to his high school sweetheart. There are things between the two of them that'll come up in the story later.

I see. Sounds like she cheated at some point, Tom found out and decided to forgive her.

Dont like hairy


I can't tell you what happens, that would be spoiling.





how will I ever find out?


When I get motivated to work on this some more.











you furfags disgust me






discord gg/ KXAShy


how will I ever find you again ;_;

I come around late at night usually.


Use namesync



degenerate thread








What's up?


Loading up a miniscule amount of weed in my bowl, you?


It's better than drowning in alcohol.

>opens furfag thread
>complains on furfag thread
>leaves furfag thread
It's people like you, user, that keep the world going round.

Left side of my lower back is bothering me and I tried hornet again the past few days. There is no one except horny 50+ year old guys who dont take "No" for an answer.

That's the usual problem with gay dating apps.

Both are awful.

Yeah, dont know why I bother.

I'm going to smoke a tenth of a gram. It isn't enough to make me feel anxious, dissociated or out of touch. It is, however, enough to make me feel relaxed and more satisfied with life's other pleasures.

It's one of the reasons I don't bother coming out to anyone.


I thought you've been with several people?

Come out in other people, not to them.
Weed is degenerate and a poison to society.


I meant that very generally, I don't come out to any family members or friends or any strangers. Certain people have obviously been exceptions.

You're one of those extreme anti-drug kids, aren't ya